Transit Reading
In-depth look at your life for the next 12 months
- In this reading Mac will interpret the upcoming planetary influences that will be occurring over the next year and how they affect your chart. Both western and eastern astrological methods are used.
It is a powerful reading that will arm you with important and useful information for the coming year. This is a treasure trove of deeply personal information that will help you to understand the ebb and flow of life in accordance with your horoscope.
The reading is recorded by Mac in MP3 format and emailed to you, so you can listen to it at your convenience. Alternatively, the reading can be conducted in person at Mac’s home in Vancouver.
Birth Horoscope Reading
In-depth look at your birth chart
- Discover your true inner strengths, abilities and proclivities in this intimate and revealing interpretation of your birth horoscope. This reading helps you to learn at a deeper level who you are and what you are all about. Health, career and love indicators are discussed. Mac also weaves his version of what life looks like according to our karma in this life. His compassion, wisdom and caring comes through.
- Mac says, “Knowing your chart is not enough. We also need to understand the deeper meaning of our spiritual lives beyond karma and the stars.” You will treasure your reading throughout your life.
- The reading is recorded by Mac in MP3 format and emailed to you, so you can listen to it at your convenience. Alternatively, the reading can be conducted in person at Mac’s home in Vancouver.
Compatibility Reading
In-depth look at your relationship with your partner
- In this reading Mac compares your horoscope with that of your mate, child, boss or friend. The reading reveals the strengths and weaknesses that are shown between the two charts.
- It is a great tool to understand the dynamics of a relationship, why we are attracted to some people and repulsed by others. It will allow you to build a much stronger relationship by knowing how you can best work together.
- The reading is recorded by Mac in MP3 format and emailed to you, so you can listen to it at your convenience. Alternatively, the reading can be conducted in person at Mac’s home in Vancouver.
Transit & Birth Horoscope Reading
In-depth look at your birth chart and the coming 12 months
- This is the best reading for first timers. In one session you get both the Birth Horoscope Reading and the Transit Reading. You get the whole picture – what you’re all about and what’s coming in the next year.
- You’ll understand your strengths and weaknesses and how to use them to your advantage over the next year. These readings are empowering and inspiring and are a must have for anyone wishing to better understand themselves and the world around them.
- The reading is recorded by Mac in MP3 format and emailed to you, so you can listen to it at your convenience. Alternatively, the reading can be conducted in person at Mac’s home in Vancouver.
Transit Report
100 page report on your life for the next 12 months
- This powerful report written by Mac provides a day-to-day forecast of the effects of every significant astrological event in your chart for the next 365 days. This is like your weekly or daily horoscope, but is much more specific since it is created for your actual birth time and date rather than your sign as a whole.
- Use this report to better plan your life and to understand how the heavens are affecting you each day.
- The report is emailed to you in pdf format.
Compatibility Report
A look into your relationship with your partner
- This report analyzes the relationship between two people by comparing their sun signs and moon signs, and interprets the major aspects between the two charts.
- It uncovers the most significant issues of the relationship and provides a foundation for better understanding, allowing you to build a stronger relationship.
- The report is emailed to you in pdf format.
Indra Report
It's all about you
- This report describes your basic motivations, perceptions, and character from a number of different perspectives giving a highly accurate view of your life.
- Your contradictory urges and drives as well as your chief focuses are described. You will understand yourself better by studying this material. This report provides guidelines for personal improvement and self discovery. Your life can improve quickly and dramatically if you apply the suggestions given here.
- The report is emailed to you in pdf format.