The spring equinox takes place on March 20, at 4:44 A.M. PDT. This is probably the most important astronomical and astrological date of year. The position and condition of the planets on this day are believed to carry their significance over the next twelve months. Many ancient cultures paid close attention to this phenomena.
Mercury opposes Saturn and is reflective of our collective fears regarding the economy and the overall state of affairs. Sure enough, locally here in Vancouver we have already walked the plank with no way back to the safety of the ship. Homelessness and the winter Olympics are just a couple of topics we can go on about at length, never mind the all out gang war taking place in the streets. Everything is serious and all things are scrutinized. In a nut shell we have big work to do.
The world economy has seen its worst shake up in half a century. Mercury sits close to Uranus at the time of the equinox and is a harbinger of good news and innovations. That’s the key to the times folks. Life is taking its twists and turns and we must adapt and make do with what is offered. We may discover that there are myriad ways for us to create new experiences and livelihoods in accordance with the times. We cannot move backwards; we can only move towards the future. As a symbol of the times, a dear old friend stopped by for a chat the other day and we carried on about some of the ideas we had in order to accommodate the present day reality. I knew from this conversation that his family and mine would never do without, not while we’re alive. We will survive and we will no doubt streamline and sustain, as will the rest our culture and society. It truly is an exciting time and it will not let up for many generations to come. I wish that I could be around for the exciting changes destined to occur over the next 50 years. Please remember that we are not human beings having spiritual experiences, but spiritual beings having human experiences.
The stars are telling of a time in which great changes are coming to the planet as we continue our growth and evolution onwards to higher, lighter environments with more love and light than we can imagine. Relax, reflect, review and renew is the mantra of the times.
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Happy Birthday. The Sun enters Aries on March 20. The Sun is exalted as it moves through Aries. The life giving properties of the Sun are evident as the dance of nature begins once again. The birds and the bees are doing their thing and so will we. Venus brings her blessings to the table in the form of love, abundance, beauty and happiness. It is time for renewal in all aspects of your life.
A busy time spent with friends and family fills the days. The time is right for any form of healing and spiritual work. Visit a friend in need or donate some energy where you can helping those less fortunate. No doubt your wheels are spinning as you anticipate the coming spring and all that you wish to accomplish. Strong urges come up inspiring you to harmonize everything.
Career opportunities manifest around the spring equinox. A surprise offer or news of changes in the work place comes up. Spiritual energy increases and you may be restless and hungry to learn. March 21 and 22 are your best days. Be proactive and make some moves.
March 19 could have its sensitive moments. A poor choice of words could upset the apple cart. Others may appear to be touchy. Fortunately the storm clouds move off quickly. Work opportunities manifest and a career change could be in the making. Travel, adventure and excitement are indicated. Your passion for far off exotic places is stirred up now, and you won’t need much of an excuse to weigh anchor and set sail for who knows where. Your longing for the higher light and love of the divine may manifest strongly now.
The Sun moves through your solar ninth house starting on March 20 bringing up opportunities for travel. Subjects like law, philosophy, politics and spirituality become more of interest as we move into the spring season. March 21 and 22 are important days regarding relationship considerations. Follow your intuition as it is rather strong and clear now. Openhearted one-on-one communication works best now.
The 24 and 25 of March could be testy days in which you may lose your composure and really tell someone off for their callous and reckless ways. “Enough is enough,” you say. It is important to stay fluid and amenable to changes as Saturn continues his lessons of astringency and streamlining of all aspects of life. As Saturn backtracks through Virgo until mid May it offers the opportunity, and probably the necessity to rethink your overall career plans and objectives.
As the Sun commences his 30 day sojourn through your opposite sign Aries on March 20 it signals a time of rest and restoration for your sign. Physically and spiritually you may need a break, but the times are intense and you may find it difficult to let up. It may be wise to take time anyway as our problems never really go away. Sometimes we have to be selfish in order to be selfless. What I mean is that if you don’t take care of yourself, there won’t be much more to give to others.
Interesting news arrives on March 21 and 22 regarding possible business or work ventures. The spring equinox on March 20 lights up your solar sixth house relating to health and work. The urge to organize, heal and cleanse comes on strong now. Real estate activity takes shape, be it buying, selling or restoring. You will be busy as you throw yourself into the fray.
The cosmic star menu calls for sweet and sour tasty delights for dear Sagittarius to dine on in the days to come. The sweet part is the Sun’s journey through friendly Aries starting March 20, inspiring you with the renewed life force that is so prevalent in the spring time. The sour part could come up on March 24 as you work through a few thorny problems. Your ability to see the overall scenario will come in handy now. Curb the instinct to let loose with one of your fiery arrows.
The Moon happens to be passing through Capricorn on March 20 as the spring equinox takes place. Plus it’s a Friday which lines you up for a good start to the weekend. Take some time to rest and reflect and head out the door on Monday March 23 knowing that you are ready to do battle with the best of them. The whole week has an edge to it, and yes, it is spring time and everyone is feisty and ready to go. You mantra is “bring it on!”
March 21 and 22 are your best days as the Moon visits Aquarius. You are in your lunar high which just puts a shine on everything. You run into people and impromptu situations come up that are memorable and fun. Mercury and Uranus conjunct on March 21 and is another indicator of unique communications taking place. It sounds like your kind of time.
The Mercury – Uranus conjunction in your sign on March 21 could bring a surprise or two. Calls, letters and visits come up. Unique times are had. Everything from the bizarre to the ridiculous could be the case, which I’m sure your average Pisces would enjoy, what with your zany sense of humour. You might need that sense of humour to get through March 23 and 24 as they have a bit more edge to them and there may be some tensions that arise.