August 2014

August starts off with a bang as the fiery brothers Mars and Jupiter square off. This planetary influence is in effect for the first 10 days of the month and we won’t be in the mood to take any guff so things could get rough. Mars is known to have a feisty temper whilst Jupiter has a tendency to overstate the facts and blow things out of proportion. The antidote to this potent planetary mix is to try not to overreact when others display insensitivity or carelessness. As an example, if you’re on the highway and a testosterone junkie nearly blows you off the road, let him go by knowing you passed the test of not letting your ego put you in danger. The poor fellow will most likely meet his destiny one day anyway. We don’t have to wish him any bad luck as he is creating is own karma and, as we know, all karma must be paid in full.

The full Moon on August 10 carries quite a bit of intensity with it as well. Saturn squares off with the lights (Sun and Moon) while Mercury is in square with Saturn. It means we will be pondering or worrying about some type of development concerning negotiations, contracts and travel. For two days before and after the full Moon date, we will feel its effects. Uranus is in a harmonious pattern with the full Moon and it is an indication of possible good news, breakthroughs and accord.

Venus and Jupiter meet up in the third week of August. Known as the lesser and greater beneficent planets, when they join up, we receive the gifts of their benevolence, generosity and love. The Sun enters Virgo on August 22 bringing the instinct to prepare for the fall season which is just around the corner. It’s time to get the kids ready for school and hopefully the teachers and the government will have resolved their differences so we can get on with the program. The Virgo new Moon on August 25 represents a new start and with Mars and Saturn conjunct on that day, it tells us we will have a firm resolve to get things right, with all wheels greased and ready to roll. We will be feeling the instinct to get on with our plans for the fall season and we won’t be in the mood for blocks or foot dragging.

Aries The full Moon on August 10 lands in your fifth and 11th solar houses indicating romance, entertainment, enjoyment and children as feature topics. Venus casts good energy into your sign bringing good times and happy memories to be cherished in the future. Create and innovate is the mantra of the month. You can reinvent yourself now.

Taurus We’ve all heard of the dog days of summer. August might feel like the dog days in which people are cranky, touchy and testy. Generally, Taurus is tolerant and slow to anger and you might have to use those gifts throughout the month. Let your hair down and don’t let others get you down.


Health and home are the two topics that will be on your mind. You have fine artistic gifts and an eye for beauty. Your creative energy is strong in the first half of the month. Life takes a more serious turn towards month’s end as you figure out what to do and how to go.


It’s a gathering time. Your instincts will prompt you to put things together, such as your home life and career objectives. A lot has been dredged up recently and it’s time to bury the past and move into the future. Your creativity is strong now as is the potential for love to manifest.


It’s your time to shine. There’s a big build-up of planetary energy affecting your sign now and life might not be a cakewalk. There may even be some strong resistance to your plans especially around the full Moon on August 18. There’s a lot of cosmic support, however, and you should move steadily towards your goals.


There’s a Virgo new Moon just after sunrise on August 25. Lord Mercury is rising as well. This is your kick-off date in which you flip the switch and move into high gear. It is definitely your time to get serious and apply yourself toward whatever it is you would like to accomplish.


Libra is the sign of relationships. Now is the time to form new friendships and visit with old friends and family members. Nothing remains settled as Uranus and Pluto continue to stir the pot bringing changes and challenges as you strive for harmony and balance. Helping those that need help is on the to-do list.


You will have to wend your way carefully as there are all kinds of pitfalls, snags and snares as you move through the month. Limitation and frustration build up and test your patience and humility. Kindness, caring, hard work and persistence bring success. A career boost may manifest.


Career and travel are the features of the month. An interest in spirituality captures your attention. Some limitations could hold you back, however, such as health matters and possible legalities. Old karma rears its head and must be dealt with honourably and honestly in order to clear the pathway towards the future.


Hidden matters, secrets and issues related to inheritances and joint monies come up now. We have no control over poverty or riches, good health or illness or life or death. Our concern is to do our best and leave the rest to the Lord. A rebirth is in the stars and quite the transformation is taking place.


The full Moon on August 10 brings a cornucopia of information. No one likes the taste of castor oil, but it does provide a healing effect. The things you learn this month represent the castor oil – bitter, but healing you in many ways. A break with the past takes place and a new pathway emerges.

Pisces It’s time to get yourself together in all kinds of ways – health-wise first, for without good health not much matters. Relationship interests come up towards the end of the month and into September. Clear out the old and make ready for the new. That’s the mantra of the times for your sign.