by Mac McLaughlin | Dec 1, 2018 | Weekly Forecasts
Should we dare to take a look through the keyhole, and see what is really there? Oh yeah, the stars are telling us, and showing us constantly, but we mulishly, and stubbornly continue to drink the poison and complain about what ails us. Several years ago I wrote about 2019 – 2020 when Saturn and Pluto would visit Capricorn. Well that time is upon us now, and as we can see, and as we well know, we are saddled and burdened with multiple layers of complex problems and concerns. Capricorn rules all government agencies, and the structures and laws that we live by. Pluto behaves like Lord Shiva the creator and destroyer. When Pluto is involved we witness the breakdown and decay of society across the planet. Interestingly Saturn, lord of Capricorn will visit this sign for the next two years.
Saturn and Pluto meet up in 2020. Saturn’s contribution is that of structuring, cleansing, and harmonizing life. Just so we don’t complicate this too much, Saturn helps us to see what is truly wrong, while Pluto represents breakdown, decay and renewal. I don’t think that I need to drag us over the coals. We know what is wrong, and we just need the willpower and determination to make it right. The image of that dear mother that lost her son to gun violence said it all. “ I don’t want your prayers and well wishes, I want gun control” No more guns! When will we ever learn? We are a destructive people. We take and take, and kill whatever we want, to get what we want, and to hell with the consequences. Although it may seem like a far out concept at this point, and certainly utopian, but imagine life on this planet without guns and weapons of any sort. If we don’t sort things out, mother nature will. What are we leaving behind for the generations to come? What will our great, great grandchildren’s heritage be like? We need to think long and hard about what we are doing to the environment, and then collectively do something about it. We need to become humane beings and we need to extend our love and caring to all the inhabitants of the Earth. All of our lesser brethren (animals) deserve to be left alone and treated with love and kindness. Oh, I can hear the moans and groans already. Preposterous you say, ridiculous and unattainable, flowery, spacey, impossible. As my beloved Guru, Param Sant Kirpal Singh Ji Maharaj would say, the word impossible can be found in the dictionary of fools. Hurry up people, it’s later than you think.
MARCH 21 – April 19
Enjoy the holidays, rest up, relax and make ready for a very dynamic start to 2019. Lord Mars spends 45 days in Aries starting January 2. Make a plan, choose a direction, and hurl yourself out the door and get at it. All engines are firing, and a great opportunity awaits you. Don’t waste it.
April 20 – May 21
Man and woman cannot live by bread alone. Manna from heaven will help. Your solar ninth house is stacked up with planets indicating a spiritual renewal, make-over or birthing of some sort. More trinkets, properties or dollars will not help. Open your hands, and open your heart, and give of yourself generously.
May 22 – June 20
The universe is sending clear signals regarding the correct pathway ahead. In typical Gemini fashion you can think and rethink, and think again about what you must do. But in reality, you already know what you must do in order to get yourself together, and get things right. Mercy and grace come into play now.
June 21 – July 22
Pay attention to what takes place on December 21 and 22. We have the winter solstice and a full moon taking place as the Moon heads into Cancer. It tells of a time of revelation, maybe revolution, and certainly some form of evolution for your sign. A time of great growth, and hard work is on board.
July 23 – August 22
Mars and Jupiter the two fiery brothers of the Sun cast triangles your way throughout January 2019. This is certainly auspicious and should be capitalized upon. Romance, finance, travel and spirituality come into play. It’s not all roses, there’s some work to be done as well. Health and restructuring of your lifestyle needs some attention.
August 23 – September 22
You can be too busy, so busy that you start moving backwards. Remember the saying, ‘the hurrier I go, the behinder I get’. Take some time to ensure that you are being nurtured on a deep level, otherwise your attainments won’t mean much. Work hard hard, play hard, pray hard, is best.
September 23 – October 22
Six planets in the cardinal signs usher you into the New Year. Spend December weighing up what you would like to accomplish in 2019. Libra possesses the super computer brain designed to handle mass amounts of information. Creative energy in the fields of academia, the arts and other fields of interest are at your beck and call.
October 23 – November 21
December is a special month for Scorpio as Venus makes her way through your sign, while lord Mars casts a trine. Besides being the traditional planet of love and creativity, Venus also represents ethics and morality. It’s your time to shine. Study, work, dedication, devotion and persistence will pay big dividends in the future. Make it work.
November 22 – December 21
If I were a Sagittarius, I would stride into the big guys office in January, and present my visionary view of why he should have me on board. You might be right on target. If you get heaved out the door, get up and go again. You see the big picture, and your vibes are right.
December 22 – January 19
After WW 2, Capricorn Aristotle Onassis observed the rusting and useless ships sitting in a bay. He told the broker, “I’ll take them all, give me six months to make a payment”. He became a billionaire. Muster your moxie, and make your move. 2019-2020 and 2021 are the most important years of your life.
January 20 – February 19
In my mind, it has always been about the Aquarians.They are gifted in so many ways it’s nearly daunting to keep up with them. Okay enough ego stuff. Get to work. I don’t profess to know how you do what you do, but I know you can do it. Health is number one.
February 20 – March 20
Fiery Mars visits throughout December getting you all fired up. He joins up with Neptune mid month, and you may feel stuck in some way. It is important to watch what you put into your body. Go easy on substances and medications. Outside of that, you may feel emboldened and ready for some important changes.
by Mac McLaughlin | Nov 1, 2018 | Weekly Forecasts
A reckoning time is upon us. Yes it’s time to take stock of our situation, and with some determination truly strive to make some changes, personally and collectively. We have three planets in their own signs, along with a slow moving mid month retrograde Mercury in square with Neptune. Let’s break it down a bit. Firstly Retrograde Venus stations and goes direct motion mid month in its own sign Libra. Planets that are moving slowly become very powerful. Venus represents love, affection, ethics and morality. Libra is the sign of relationships and all partnerships, balance, justice and fairness. This combination gives a heralding call to set things right. If you have been pining for that special someone, now is the time to make your move. Bend to one knee, present your token of everlasting love and fidelity, and hope for the right response. Of course we think of love and marriage, but what I’m talking about is to make all things right. How can you better yourself? What will bring peace and happiness your way. Aside from the roses and lollipops, it might be time to call your lawyer and make that appointment to snip the ties that bind. Is it painful? Yes, but as we know sometimes we have to bite the bullet, and make the moves that help to heal the wounds and bring some form of harmony and balance back into our lives. In essence it’s time to take a long hard look in the mirror, and see what it answers back to you. Jupiter is in its own sign Sagittarius bringing a longing for freedom, openness and honesty. Jupiter relates to our higher consciousness, and governs over the medical, educational and legal systems that help run our society. Politics and all groups that have an interest in benefitting humanity come under his heading. This Jupiter in Sagittarius will be on board for one year and it provides ample opportunities to get it all right or at least on track. Saturn is in Capricorn, and somewhat like Jupiter, he is inclined to the running of business and all administrations. It truly is a time to roll up our collective sleeves and go to work, and before you go to work, do some some work on yourself, such as praying or meditating, and striving for a cleaner and more wholesome lifestyle. With Retrograde Mercury in square with Neptune it would be wise to go slow till you know. Things can be confusing and muddled with this planetary aspect going on. Think about it, think of the consequences, and think some more before you do anything.
MARCH 21 – April 19
You’re the leader of the pack, and the footsteps that you create now will be the pathway that others will follow in the future. It probably doesn’t make much sense right now, but in a year or so, it will make total sense. Read the introduction as the planets are affecting Aries strongly.
April 20 – May 21
You need to be your best friend these days. Taurus rarely relies on others in their decision making. You can lower your head and charge at the train coming up the track, but it’s not going to get out of your way. Step off, and reconsider everything. November is not your best time of the year.
May 22 – June 20
We can recall the truth, and rarely remember a lie. It certainly is a time to strive for clarity, especially in all communications. Read the fine print, and sign nothing until you have a complete understanding of its ramifications. Dreams and psychic impressions are strong now, pay attention to them. Creativity is at a peak.
June 21 – July 22
The planets are casting strong glances into your sign. You are a highly sensitive character and a tad attached to those that you love, possibly too much so. It might be time to loosen the ties that bind, and set yourself free. Clear out the clutter. Say goodbye to what was, and isn’t any longer.
July 23 – August 22
There’s a little conference going on in the heavens as the Sun, Mercury and Jupiter join up towards the end of the month. It’s likely that a revelation or two may come your way. You might be in the mood to re-organize or re-structure certain aspects of your life. Health is number one.
August 23 – September 22
You might be right most of the time, but it doesn’t give you the right to elbow your way through the crowd. The full Moon on November 22, is hot and it won’t take much to set off an emotional storm. This energy carries through to the end of the month. Think twice, and respond with kindness.
September 23 – October 22
A special grace descends as your ruling planet Venus stands still in her own sign Libra. Weigh up and sort through just what you have to do in order to bring the scales to balance. Sometimes grace and mercy are not comfortable, as what comes is what is needed, but not desired.
October 23 – November 21
The Scorpio new moon on November 7, heralds a new start, or a new direction. Scorpio is the sign of death and resurrection, out with the old, and in with the new. The best advice is to eliminate what doesn’t work, and move towards whatever will bring peace and contentment. Let go, and let God.
November 22 – December 21
Lord Jupiter returns home for a one year visit. A busy and opportune time is indicated. Just before you jump on your stallion and head off to who knows where, make sure that you have your act together, and that you have your facts right, papers in order etc. Aim carefully, think and rethink your plan.
December 22 – January 19
Those were the days my friend, I thought they would never end. We know the tune. These are the golden days for you. Embrace everything, hug a tree, squeeze the kids a bit tighter, and enjoy all that life has to offer. Mainly give thanks for all that you have experienced. Pray, meditate, and give your love.
January 20 – February 19
A career shift could be in the works. Plus you might be feeling antsy, or anxious. Venus and Jupiter are casting fine energy into your sign helping you along the way. Your overall fate was decided before your body was formed. Your task is to perfect this incarnation by living to your highest standards.
February 20 – March 20
Mercury squares Neptune mid month and you may feel that you have lost your way. The best way is to stick to the truth, and keep your aspirations moderate and realistic. Mars enters Pisces mid month and will help to embolden you all kinds of ways. Career opportunities manifest throughout the next twelve months.
by Mac McLaughlin | Oct 1, 2018 | Weekly Forecasts
What are we after? What are we here for? What’s it all about? According to the true mystics, we come from bliss, and in one form or another we continually seek bliss from the womb to the tomb. Certainly the new born babe is blissed out suckling at its mothers breast. We’re blissed out when we’re in love. We’re right over the moon with it all. The new job, new house, new car, new shoes etc, can send us on that joyous ride of bliss and happiness. But of course we know that all these forms of bliss never last long, and often times we’re flung off our high horse and land with a heavy thud face first into the muck. Once again we arise, brush off the dirt and go for round two, three or four, only to find the same sad ending of old age, infirmity, degradation, impoverishment and other forms of humiliation. Ultimately we get up out of here when we leave the mortal coil, with a long, lengthly trail of accumulated karma’s that we add to the enormous stockpile that we have amassed throughout countless lifetimes, with no apparent way out of this very confusing spider’s web of fate, spun by our own actions ad infinity. What to do, you might ask? First let’s get down to what is really wrong. Mainly we’re seeking bliss in all the wrong places, and placing too much importance on transient baubles that we consider to be valuable. Don’t get me wrong. It’s okay to seek a good life, and all of us would love to live as comfortably as possible. Not a bad a thing. What is truly wrong is that we will go to no ends to accumulate materialistic treasures, but continually ignore our spiritual needs. As my beloved Sat Guru, Param Sant Kirpal Singh Ji Maharaj would say, “we feed the horse, but starve the rider”. When the fourteenth century Saint Kabir stepped onto the Earth he realized that no one was happy, the kings, queens and on down the line were unhappy. The key and secret to it all, is that we are not nurturing our spirit, and no amount of money, fame, name or power will help to alleviate the hollowness and emptiness that is the result of all our efforts to attain happiness. Me, I’m just a lowly parrot, parroting the words of my great guru. He gave us a way out, and a resolution to it all. It was to find a competent Guru, meditate daily, live non violently, and give love and respect to all of God’s creatures.
MARCH 21 – April 19
When the Sun moves through Aries you’re in your solar high of the year. When the Sun moves through Libra it’s your solar low time, and you may be lacking energy. Accommodate this by taking it easy, taking a vacation, and basically taking care of yourself. Energy picks up at the end of the month.
April 20 – May 21
It’s time to get your ducks in a row. It’s also time to find a new row, and possibly a new way of life. Things are changing, and you cannot stop it, but you can dance with it, and make creative changes. The full moon on October 24, will illuminate which way to go.
May 22 – June 20
The New Moon on October 8, lights up your solar fifth house representing new enterprises, children, romance and entertainment. Two other areas of importance are health and finances which you should not ignore. Your instincts will be high regarding just what to do. Take the days as the come, and do one thing at a time.
June 21 – July 22
Home, family, land, and real estate are strong topics this month. A probable move is in store. You may be strongly moved by a new romantic energy that is manifesting now. A special child is born, and the child may be a symbolic new ideal, or a series of innovative ideas that are very exciting.
July 23 – August 22
Although we’re moving into the cooler fall season, you may find that all kinds of things are heating up in your life. The relationship area could become an arena in which jousts and bouts take place. Romantic energies are hot, and so are its complications. Creative energy is strong, real estate opportunities manifest, health needs attention.
August 23 – September 22
Two areas of your solar chart are strongly activated. The first one is your money house. You can expect that resources will increase throughout October. Values deepen and you become even more determined to make things work. Watch for overworking. The other area is that of creativity, music and the arts. Maybe you will be creative about making money.
September 23 – October 22
It’s your time to shine. The Libra new moon on October 8, signals a new start. Recent news should give some hints regarding the direction to go in. Money area is well lit up by Venus and Jupiter bringing opportunities for self betterment all kinds of ways. Strive for harmony now.
October 23 – November 21
You’ve won the astro lottery with lovely Venus and abundant Jupiter visiting your sign. The main key is to truly utilize this special energy by moving towards whatever brings you contentment and happiness. Love, and creative energies are manifesting now. Don’t waste this valuable time on frivolous activity. Make hay while the sun shines.
November 22 – December 21
If you put your ear to the rail, you’ll hear the train coming. We used to do that when we were kids, and it was always exciting when the train showed up. Soon your train will be arriving in the form of Lord Jupiter spending a year in Sagittarius starting next month. Start planning, scheming and dreaming.
December 22 – January 19
It’s a special time in your life, well sort of. Most people start squirming when Saturn pays a visit, as generally he’s not much fun. But for Cappy, Saturn is like daddy coming home. He brings what you need, not what you want. He provides and protects, and cares for you in a deep way.
January 20 – February 19
It’s time to head out for destinations unknown, or known and fantasized about. Travel is indicated, so is everything to do with education and spiritual liberation. Your career house is rocking as well. Maybe the travel will be career related. Whatever the case, get a move on, and seek your destiny.
February 20 – March 20
Life’s meanings deepen, and wisdom garnered through these times will last for the rest of your days. Venus and Jupiter are casting good energy into your sign and will help guide you in the right direction. Have faith, and know that the lord’s strong and long arm is guiding you along the way. Creative energy is at a peak.
by Mac McLaughlin | Sep 1, 2018 | Weekly Forecasts
It’s Virgo time. What a wonderful sign. Ruled by Ceres, goddess of the harvest. Planetary ruler Mercury. Virgo is the sign mostly related to health, hygiene, order, organics, systemization, regulation, moderation, humility, cleanliness, wholesomeness and every other thing that has to do with making our world work in a proper and good way. I always think of Virgo to be somewhat like Leo, minus the ego. Whereas Leo loves and needs the attention and aggrandizement to feed their voracious sense of self, Virgo abhors it vehemently. It’s kind of like, been there, done that, and not really interested in drawing a whole lot of attention to themselves. They have been given the gift of discernment and discrimination. The saying, ‘Virgo cannot see the forest through the trees’ really does fit them well. Thank God that they have the gift of analytical observation. Although they are often put down for it, it is a most wonderful gift, special wrapped in humility, patience, and compassion. Virgo needs to be needed, and are at their best when they are being useful and helpful. Often they fear rejection, and will undersell themselves, even when it is obvious that they are excellent in what they do. Many years ago I gave a talk on Karma and metaphysics. Deep into the discussion a Virgo commented that I had spelled the word Karma wrong on the blackboard. Yes I had written Carma. Well, we fell apart laughing about it, but to her, the word was not spelled right. Never mind that we were in the deep end of the pool about life, death and reincarnation. In the Virgo mind the word wasn’t right and had to be corrected, end of story. Painstaking, hardworking and always ready to serve and help is the Virgo way. Yes they are perfectionists to the T. Of course, if they get it wrong, and get things too convoluted things can go bad, as they did for (Virgo) Andrew Cunanan. He went into a murderous rage when he perceived that he was rejected by designer Versace, so the story goes. Being overly analytical can turn out to be quite the spider’s web to get stuck on. Virgo, like Leo can manifest tremendous dreams and visions of creative beauty. The mad King Ludwig (Virgo) although very odd and eccentric, designed the castles in Bavaria that to this day bring a sense of awe and wonderment. Oh, by the way, Virgo is not a wimp, by any means. The undefeated world heavy weight boxer Rocky Marciano was a Virgo. Hard punching, in perfect condition, and relentless, yep, a Virgo.
MARCH 21 – April 19
Money that you didn’t know was coming your way, could come your way. You may be keenly aware of what you must do in order to bring your health up to par. In essence, it’s time to put it all together, body, mind and soul. What comes, may be something that your value more than money.
April 20 – May 21
Children and relationships are key figures now. Maybe it’s about your relationship with your children. Whatever it is, you have an excellent time in which you can heal a lot of wounds that have been festering for a long time. Love and romance loom large on the horizon. Let your love light shine. Give and forgive.
May 22 – June 20
You’re on the move, and that might be literally. Home, family and real estate are big features now. It’s also time to take a deeper look at any health issues that need your attention. It’s a time of new beginnings and endings. Say goodbye to what was, and greet the future with open arms.
June 21 – July 22
A special time has arrived in which you can get a good glimpse into how you affect other people. Actually it’s a perfect time in which you can make great strides, and garner large amounts of love and respect. If you insist on being right, and give no concession, you could be in for a fight.
July 23 – August 22
Your solar house of personal values is lit up strongly this month. Everything related to family , home, land and real estate takes on a special shine. Basically, it’s time to get back to the basics, of love and practical living, giving and forgiving. Health, and attaining a healthy lifestyle will be of interest now.
August 23 – September 22
The Virgo New Moon on September 9, heralds a new start in your life. The stars are harmoniously aligned, sweetly so. You can just slide by and enjoy it all, or do something special with the energy and go for the gusto. You can party now and pay later, or pay now, and party later.
September 23 – October 22
The Libra Full Moon on September 24 occurs one day after the fall Equinox. However we look at it, things look good for you. Lord Venus is in your money house with generous Jupiter close by. The planets are in strong positions urging you to get a move on, and work hard towards your goals.
October 23 – November 21
The two benefic planets Venus and Jupiter are in your sign. The urge will be to relax and enjoy the days, which certainly isn’t a bad thing at all. It might pay dividends though to increase your effort towards whatever goals that you have in mind. Don’t waste this precious time on frivolous activity.
November 22 – December 21
All social activities get a boost especially towards late September and into October. It’s a good time to join up with similar minded people. Groups and societies and large gatherings are featured. Creative energies are high and romantic energies get a boost. Career potential looks good throughout the month. Your empathy for those less fortunate is strong.
December 22 – January 19
As Elvis would say,”there’s a whole lot of shaking going on”. Mars, Saturn and Pluto are visiting Capricorn. Any one of them would be plenty to handle, but with all three, you can bet that there’s a lot of changes happening. You may look forward to the process and truly embrace it as well.
January 20 – February 19
Mars enters Aquarius September 11, and promptly squares off with Uranus. It’s a bit of a hairy astro combination and the remedy is to go slow, measure twice, cut once, and don’t forget to duck. Better still avoid confrontation, and as Chuck Norris had said, “the best defence is to not offend”. Otherwise high energy is indicated throughout September and October.
February 20 – March 20
September is a time of nurturing and nourishing and basically taking good care of yourself. You are well known for caring for everybody else, and now it’s time to minister to your own Needs. Music and the arts are featured, and your dreams can be rich in meaningful symbolism.
by Mac McLaughlin | Aug 1, 2018 | Weekly Forecasts
The story of Alexander the Great and his encounter with his Astrologers is probably the most fascinating and impactful thought provoking tale ever told. The great conqueror queried his astrologers as to when he would die. The chief astrologer told him that when the sun turns to gold, and the earth turns to iron would be the time of his passing. Alexander was thrilled because he knew that it would be ages before any such like conditions could manifest. After conquering most of the known world at that time, he was heading home. As he rode through the desert westward towards Persia, he suffered a severe attack of malaria. He became weakened. Although he tried to ride further it was of no use. His chief minister took off his coat of iron mail chain and laid it on the sand for Alexander to lie upon. He also held his shield over Alexander to shade him from the scorching sun. At this point Alexander looked up and was reminded of the Astrologers prediction. The shield was decorated with stripes of gold, and Alexander found himself lying on a bed of iron and the sun overhead had turned to gold. He lamented that he was such a fool for rejoicing with what the astrologers had told him. His physicians told him that he was lying at deaths door. Alexander first offered half his kingdom, and finally offered everything that he had if someone could prolong his life so that he could have one more glimpse of his mother. Apparently he cried like a baby when he realized that it was all over. As told in the book, Tales of the Mystic East, a wandering saint happened by and spoke to Alexander’s chief minister. He said, “what a pity that your master has thrown his life away for nothing”.
Emperors before whom strong armed kings did meekly bow their heads in countless numbers; who possessed great elephants with golden trappings, proud and painted with brilliant colours; millions of horses swifter than the wind, which bounded o’er the world; What mattered is how mighty were these Emperors? All at the last went hence with nothing, bare of foot. (Guru Gobind Singh)
Likened to Alexander’s plight, we waste the days and our precious breath chasing after name and fame, women and gold, only to realize too late in the game, that we leave out of here unhappy and distraught with no inner direction or guidance as to what to do. In essence, it is imperative that we search and pray for a true Sant Guru that can bring us across the bottomless oceans and terrifying seas to the home of our origin, high above the earthly realm and stars, universes, cosmos, etc. Don’t be fooled. We are the aliens, and we are the immigrants, and we truly need a competent guide to get us home after millions of years of exile.
MARCH 21 – April 19
The month starts off with a bang, hopefully not literally. It will pay dividends to use caution though as Mars and Uranus square off throughout August and September. On the positive side you may discover new pathways to old problems, along with a fresh start and heightened awareness.
April 20 – May 21
Read Aries as the message will fit with your sign as well. Everything is in the throes of change. Of course when Taurus hears the word ‘change’ all the alarm bells go off. How about you meet your new love, and move across the country to be with him/her? Everything and anything is a possibility now.
May 22 – June 20
Circle August 5, as a special day, so make plans to accommodate that. Venus casts positive energy throughout the month, and your creative and artistic ability gets a boost. Lord Mercury also casts a good vibe all month allowing you to dig deep into your projects.
June 21 – July 22
August will be a month of sifting and sorting through your value system as to what is real and what is of most importance. Health, relationships and finance are the key issues or concerns.The universe is asking that you eliminate whatever is unworthy or unhealthy in your life.
July 23 – August 22
A solar eclipse takes place on August 11, indicating a time in which special circumstances can develop or manifest now. There is much to be considered and much to be decided this month. Take your time, and move slowly as there is an element of sudden events taking place.
August 23 – September 22
We’re forever spinning the web of destiny by our thoughts and actions. Now the past looms into the present for correction and payment. You have an excellent opportunity to gets yourself on track, and in a good groove. Thoughts are things, and they have wings. Kindness, consideration, and caring is what is needed.
September 23 – October 22
Your ruler Venus visits Libra, and she squares off with Saturn in the first half of the month. Venus is about values, ethics and fairness, love and equality. It’s time to sort it all out, and get real with what will make you happy, and bring peace of mind.
October 23 – November 21
Career and home sectors are strongly activated this month, so you can expect lots of action regarding those topics. Jupiter sits in the middle of your sign, and brings the highest and most lofty energy your way. Don’t waste this precious time on frivolous things. Party later, work hard now.
November 22 – December 21
My Guru taught us to let the wild flower grow in the dark, and when ready shows its beauty to the world. This is your time to do your internal work, as you move towards perfection, peace and happiness. It may not be easy, but Sagittarius is never a wilting flower.
December 22 – January 19
Nobody likes to drink the Castor’s oil, but we’re all relieved when the illness passes by. Now it’s time for you to take the medicine that brings the cure, along with a healthy, wholesome lifestyle carved out of wisdom and experience. Move towards nature, and natural living.
January 20 – February 19
Read Cappy as it pertains to you as well. Somethings are amiss, and some elements of your life may be disturbed. The universe is offering up a time in which you can reset your compass, and get on the right track. It’s been gnawing at you for a long time now.
February 20 – March 20
The full moon on August 26, will illuminate the pathway ahead for you. Lord Jupiter casts his protective and uplifting energy your way as well. Pay attention to your dreams, and do not ignore your intuition, as it is very strong now. In the midst of your ministering and compassion for everyone else, please remember to care for yourself.
by Mac McLaughlin | Jul 1, 2018 | Weekly Forecasts
We have a busy month on board with all kinds of planetary antics going on.The solar eclipse on July 12, is right opposite to Pluto. Hmmm, sounds a bit scary. Eclipses in ancient times struck fear into the populace, and with Pluto representing all things hidden, along with death and destruction, we can see why our collective feathers could compress a bit with the likes of these two energies mixing it up. Just before you head for the bomb shelter, you might want to take another approach and dig a little deeper into what these energies are portraying. Not only are the planets moving through the signs of the western zodiac, they are connecting or aligning with some of the fixed star groups called moon mansions, asterisms, or nakshatras. The nakshatras are ruled by particular Deities, and it is truly phenomenal as to what unfolds in our lives when these nakshatra energies are activated. The July 12 solar eclipse lands in the nakshatra called Punarvasu. The word Punarvasu indicates some type of renewal, and interestingly one of Pluto’s endeavours is transformation and regeneration. Somewhat like an old building being torn down and a brand new structure takes it’s place. Could we make the case that we are in the midst of a transformation and restructuring on all levels of society and throughout the world? I think we can. Out with the old, and in with the new is practically our daily mantra. We are changing at a very rapid rate. The solar eclipse along with Pluto’s involvement is helping to peal away the layers of filth, corruption and all the other nefarious hidden activities that continue to undermine our society and safety of our planet. Punarvasu’s influence brings things right, and into the light.
Now the lunar eclipse on July 27, is dynamic, dramatic and a tad dangerous. Just before we dive into this remember that solar eclipse influences can last for at least a year or more, while lunar eclipse energies can carry on for several months. Plus we have collective and personal karma that comes into play. The collective energy happens to all of the people in a society such as when a flood or fire takes place, in which mostly everyone is affected. The personal karma gets activated when the eclipses and transiting planets align with the planets in your personal horoscope. Now back to the lunar eclipse. The Moon rules our emotions and feelings, while Mars has to do with anger and aggression. Mars is aligned with this eclipse, and he’s moving slow, enhancing his power. The south node of the moon is also aligned exactly with Mars and is ruled by Mars, all this while Mercury the messenger stands still as he begins to retrograde. It’s a cosmic cocktail that can spell out some type of disruption with communications and all forms of transportation. Slow down and try to not react to the inconsiderate ones that often invite disaster into their lives. The Moon’s nakshatra is Shravana and the first part of this nakshatra is ruled by Mars, but is known as a more passive rather than aggressive nakshatra. The exercise within all this planetary drama is within learning patience and compassion, consideration and thoughtful acts of kindness and helpfulness.
MARCH 21 – April 19
Career and family are the big features this month. Actually your earning potential is strong, and your ability to impress others with your work ethics and honesty will be noted. There could be some sparks flying in the first ten days of July, and you will have to be quick on your feet to handle what comes your way. The end of the month is dramatic for all signs as Mars kicks up lots of dust, and you may not mind. Action and drama fills the days.
April 20 – May 21
It’s practically a new playing field as Uranus stirs the pot and lots of changes and challenges come up. Taurus doesn’t really like a whole lot of changes, unless of course they have planned them out. You will have to be reasonable, flexible and adaptive if you want to get through it all unscathed. If you dig your hooves in too deep, and lower your horns in defiance you could find yourself looking for a new job or relationship etc. You may be on the move and may move across the country or out of it for that matter.
May 22 – June 20
Float like a butterfly, and try not to sting like a bee, is the best mantra to inculcate throughout the month. Sharp words and crossed swords are the things to consider especially in the first ten days of the month, and at the end of the month. Whatever the case, you may make out well, especially if you work things through in a kind and considerate manner. Be reasonable and make your presentations feasible. Lots of high drama and excitement fill the days.
June 21 – July 22
The solar eclipse takes place on July 12, and if you are born within a couple of days near this date it is probable that some type of dynamic change is in the wind. Change does not have to mean negative. Much depends on what you’re doing and if you are happy with your lifestyle. Work and responsibilities are foremost on your mind, and lucky Jupiter has your back. Work hard, play hard, pray hard, and make it all work. This is not the time for passivity at all. Your destiny is in the stars, and it’s coming your way.
July 23 – August 22
The lunar eclipse on July 27 will light up your sky in some way, especially if you are born in the first ten days of Leo. Revelations come in waves, and you may be on the move. It’s probably not the best time to be sky diving or rock climbing or any other real dangerous activity as Mars is on board promoting and tempting you to take chances, and you may be successful or not. Fight or flight energies come up, challenges, changes and high energy scenarios are indicated. Fill your pockets if you must. The best bet is to go slow till you know.
August 23 – September 22
While the rest of the world is going a bit squirrelly, you may be having a good time wondering what the fuss is all about. Oh, it doesn’t mean that you are trouble free, but the stars are situated in such a way that you can easily work through anything. Venus spends the last 20 days of July in Virgo bringing a sense of beautification on board. How about a new wardrobe, new car, new job, or renovating the home. It might be time to renovate aspects of personal relationships as well. Whatever the case, you may be in quite the creative mood. Art, music and social activities fill up the calendar.
September 23 – October 22
Money, work and family are the dominant features for Libra this month. Lord Venus is travelling through your solar 12th house and is an indicator of working on personal health issues, and other behind the scene topics. There should be a fair amount of communication with friends, groups and societies. Time with the family, kids and grandkids is indicated. Maybe you will hear from someone from the distant past. The past in general may be on your mind, and you might want to do some research regarding family history etc. Energy picks up towards the end of the month, as all kinds of activities take place. It’s a time of reflection and renewal.
October 23 – November 21
Jupiter moves slowly through in the middle of Scorpio all month bringing his abundant blessings your way. Good timing, mixed with good will, generates feelings of contentment. Then again, you may have itchy feet and travel could manifest easily now. Scorpio is a water sign and with Jupiter strongly in the picture you may have to watch for weight gain or just plain overdoing all sorts of things. You might want to keep a lid on your consumption. Another feature of Jupiter’s influence is that of spiritual awareness. You might be hungry, or deeply curious as to how spirituality really works. Seek and you shall find. Others find you attractive, magnetic and trustworthy, so it is time to apply for that special position. You can party and play, or work hard and truly get somewhere. My advice is to find the middle ground in all things.
November 22 – December 21
Your solar ninth house of travel is strongly activated throughout July. Of course most Sagittarians would travel at the drop of a hat. Along with the urge to explore the far horizon you might feel inclined to do some research, write a journal, or book, or complete a thesis. Publishing, proselytizing, preaching, and seeking spiritual awareness are other features this month as well. With lord Jupiter in your solar twelfth house it is another indicator of things being stirred up on a deep level. You may be tired or burned out with the status quo and regular rut that most of us get into. Yes, sort of champing at the bit, and longing for some excitement and challenge.
December 22 – January 19
Your ruling planet Saturn is retrograding in the early degrees of Capricorn. It’s a strong indicator of having to redo and possibly renew many aspects of your life. With Pluto visiting Capricorn as well, it is inevitable that some type of dynamic and possibly dramatic life changes are taking place. You have some choices to make. Saturn is asking you to look at what is not working, and to do something about it. If you don’t take action Pluto will get it done for you. So its probably best to be pro-active and positive and make changes where you must make them. Be it with health issues, diet, relationships, career choices, whatever the case. The action is about cleansing and clearing up all aspect of your life.
January 20 – February 19
The lunar eclipse on July 27 is a doozy. The eclipse takes place at 4 degrees of Aquarius, which relates to people born around January 24. If you are born near that date or have any planets at 4 aquarius it is probable that important events will manifest in your life. Mars and Ketu which is a Mars like influence is aligned with the eclipse intensifying things greatly. Is there anything to be worried about? No not worried about, but it would be wise to stay to the side of caution. Forewarned is forearmed. Fires, accidents and incidents could manifest. So you handle it by being vigilant, and cool in all situations. It could also manifest as a firestorm of emotions, which Aquarius is never comfortable with. Cliff diving, stock car racing and other adrenaline events probably should be postponed. Then again, if you dig all that stuff, then fill your pockets and take your chances. Mainly stay safe and play safe is the best bet.
February 20 – March 20
The Sun harmonizes with your Sun until July 22, which helps to make life run a bit smoother. Venus will be in your opposite sign Virgo for the last 20 days of July helping you to sort through your values, and emotions. It’s a good time to consider matters of the heart, relationships and such. Your co-rulers Jupiter and Neptune are casting good energy indicating that your intuition and wisdom is intact. You may very well have some type of prophetic vision or clear dream that sets you on the right course. Follow your intuition as it is stronger than usual now. Your health houses are activated and it would be wise not to space out on issues that you have been avoiding. Bite the bullet and the planets will assist you along the way.