by Mac McLaughlin | Feb 28, 2013 | Weekly Forecasts
The spring equinox takes place on March 20. The position of the planets at the equinox is believed to hold the keys as to how the whole year will go; many ancient cultures held this belief. I compared the planetary positions in the equinox chart to Canada and Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s birth charts and it tells quite the tale. Strap on your seat belts and make ready for a wild ride through time. Pluto holds a prominent position throughout the year indicating a time of transformation and regeneration. It is time for a makeover and a rebirthing of our values and our country’s principles. There may be a great rift and division among the people and strife, conflict and resistance will be evident. This is how we go and this is how we grow; we voice our opinions and we put up the vote and abide by the will of the people.
Mars and Uranus are conjunct at the time of the equinox and in square with our Moon. It is another indicator we will experience some choppy waters, unrest and all kinds of movement and protestations. No sense hiding under your bed, but it does make sense to throw in your two cents and contribute to helping solve the concerns on-board at this time. We will get nowhere by avoidance and we must help sort out the concerns of the day. Saturn is in very good aspect to the Sun and Moon this year and it is a very good harbinger that we are on the right track. We will sort through what must be done in order to find the balance.
Jupiter is waiting in the wings and in the midst of our labour he comes along and rewards us in a most plentiful way, as he transits over our Sun, Moon and Uranus in July and August this year and in the first four months of 2014. He is King of the Gods, bringing abundance, wealth, success and happiness. We are heading into a most exciting time. Rejoice and contribute however you can.
I wouldn’t want to be in Stephen Harper’s shoes, as the stars are indicating that a battle is brewing; 2013 could prove to be the most challenging and controversial time for his administration. Some loss is indicated and he will have to fight to keep his ship intact. He seems plenty capable and although we may not like his astringency measures, they may be necessary in order to trim the fat and cut back on waste and expenditures.
The mystics teach us that we have 25% free will and 75% karmic indebtedness. The karma flows in its own way at the appropriate times in our lives. It’s time to use that allotment of 25% free will. 2013 is the year that it all changes. Seek the truth, as it will set you free.
You may be feeling a little tired and it may be time to let up and relax for a while. The March planets offer up a time in which you can be flexible and possibly take a bit of time off. Then again you can resist and persist at your own risk. Enjoy the days.
It’s your time to fly high and kiss the sky as Jupiter continues his visit until the end of June. Make good use of this energy. Join up with a group or society that reflects your values and interests. New friends come into the picture. Travel looms big and big things happen while travelling.
It’s time to prepare for the future. The March planets indicate possible travel and dealing with education and publishing. Keep your foot on the gas and use that big pincer to hold on to your convictions and beliefs. Life gets notched up in the summer time. Opportunity knocks and doors fly open that were previously shut tight.
Your long-held beliefs might be evaporating. No worries. They will be replaced by astonishing, new revelations. Some Leo types are deeply mystical and if you are one of them, you have reached a time in which a deep understanding and awareness prevails.
You will have to be extra vigilant throughout the month of March, as the likelihood of misunderstandings and confusion is strong. You may need to take your time and set a pace you can live with. Read the fine print before signing on the dotted line. Measure twice, cut once, sounds about right. Avoid sloppy thinking and taking too many shortcuts. Work smart.
Make ready for a very exciting springtime. Romance and adventure may be the case. Activities heat up towards the end of the month as the Libra full Moon on March 27 illuminates your inner psyche. Be aware with all that you do, as there is a danger of mishaps or accidents taking place.
You may be working harder than ever, but the results may be slow coming in. You may find the power types are not receptive to your plans presently. Keep perfecting and polishing your skills, eliminating what you know is not worthy or useful. Health is the first consideration and all else stems from there.
Home and family are the main features now. Land and real estate may figure in somehow. You may be ambiguous and possibly conflicted as to what to do or how to go regarding your present circumstances. You may have more direction towards the end of the month and things may go in your favour.
Keep an eye out for potential accidents and mishaps around the home. There’s nothing to fear, except the stars are indicating potential concerns in that area. Projects regarding land and real estate could come up. Those born at the end of December and early January are in the midst of a great transformative process throughout 2013.
Some of you are going to reach your peak professionally this year or the next. Others of you may leave a long-time profession or experience a fall from grace. It may not be the case; much depends on how you got to the top in the first place. Honourable actions are applauded while misdeeds come to light.
March is your month and it should prove to be an exciting time. Love, romance, creativity and all kinds of activity keep you on the move. There may be some doubt and confusion, as misunderstandings are likely. Travel could be delayed and it is important to keep your documents together.
by Mac McLaughlin | Feb 4, 2013 | Weekly Forecasts
February is supposed to be the coldest month of the winter season, but my bet is it’s going to be hot. The Aquarius new Moon on February 9 carries the seedlings of what will spring forth from Pandora’s box over the next lunation cycle. Saturn plays a strong part in what takes place throughout the month, as he is the traditional lord of Aquarius. He rises in the east at new Moon time, with a strong status, sort of like visiting dignitaries from other lands. The main objective with Saturn is within our efforts to bring order, harmony, fairness, justice, health and wholesomeness to the land and people. The spirit of Aquarius manifests through acts of humanitarian love. Imagine the day when we finally figure out we are one people on one planet and that each one of us is most precious and deserving of love and forgiveness. Sorry, got a little carried away for a moment.
Groups and gatherings, marches and protestations are in the works and oh boy; there will be some fireworks! Saturn is moving through Scorpio, which is a sign very connected to the environment and its health. Start counting the heads involved in any serious movement that has to do with the protection of the environment and my bet is that dear old Scorpio will come to the top of the list. At the time of the new Moon, Venus squares off with Saturn prompting us to do some soul searching in order to find what will bring contentment and peace of mind. Mercury, Mars and Jupiter make a strong connection and the combination is going to cause or allow people to vent, argue, contest and protest, with the dirt ending up on the front pages of our local papers. It’s not as bad as it seems. Actually, we may be in the mood to move forward and digest the hard-earned and hard-learned lessons we have been dining on over the last several years.
The full Moon on February 25 brings life’s activities to a peak. Jupiter forms a square with the full Moon while Mercury and Mars are conjunct. This is quite the planetary mix and we can expect some very stormy weather, inside and outside of the house. “Slow down” is the mantra I would choose in order to accommodate the intense energy on-board at this time. Mercury and Mars stay in close proximity to one another throughout February and early March. What it all means is that we’re going to be on about the important issues of the day. Choose your favourite hobby horse, be it the environment, the government, the police, well, you name it – oh, and of course, the politicians and their machinations near and far. The battle to save the environment is on. Not that I want to drone on about the negative, but this full Moon and the last several days of February indicate some type of unstable weather phenomena, such as big winds and probable calamities on the high seas or in the mountains. According to the Vedic Chart, at the time of the new Moon on February 9, our collective mindset will be in a cautionary mode and our collective jaw may be set and determined to truly strive to adhere to the most stringent measures possible to safeguard the land and seas. There might be a move on in higher places to winnow the Neanderthals and get up to speed with taking care of business.
You’re on the verge of some important discoveries that will come your way throughout the spring. In the meantime, you can expand your social contacts by joining with groups and societies that have similar interests. This is a good time to mix and mingle.
Work and relationships are the main focus throughout February. Heart-to-heart talks may help in clearing any resentments or grudges. Conditions change for the better towards the end of the month. The key ingredient is communication.
Travel plans materialize. Opportunities to write, publish and study emerge. Expect a demanding month. Pace yourself and watch you don’t get embroiled in a conflict. The energy is intense and highly charged. Diplomacy, patience and kind words are needed to get you through successfully.
Your interests take a turn towards the deeper and more mysterious subjects like reincarnation and other eastern beliefs. Travel could be in the works. Academia, publishing and matters of the higher mind come into play. A transformative process is in the works.
There may be some tough hurdles to overcome regarding personal or joint monies. Land and real estate may figure in as well. This is your solar low of the year and a time in which you should take it easy.
You might need another body in order to handle all that is on your platter throughout February. The key is to set a pace and try to stay within it. Fights, accidents and misunderstandings could manifest. Kindness and patience will get you through safely.
A busy time unfolds as you focus on organizing yourself. Health considerations are at the forefront. You may weigh up the pros and cons regarding family politics. It’s time for some soul searching in order to find the balance.
Matters regarding the home and family come up. Saturn is having an important influence over Scorpio now. He asks you to live with less and let go of the things that are no longer useful. Economize, cut away and trim back where you can.
Ducking controversy is out of the question. It’s too late for that. Now is the time to make a stand for what you believe in. Oh, there will be fights and possible tears, but the air clears and you are able to move forward again.
Saturn, lord of Capricorn and Aquarius, features strongly throughout the days of February. Of course, you are naturally connected to this planet and what others whine about, you do without complaint. Continue your ascent up the mountain and remain open to change.
The Aquarius new Moon on February 9 signals a new start. In addition, Venus visits all month and her influence inspires us towards higher and refined living conditions. It’s time to apply your super will power to the tasks at hand.
Mercury and Mars visit in February, making it a very busy, exciting and challenging time. Set a pace you can handle and refuse to rush. Arguments and incidents could arise. Otherwise, you can expect some excitement as a series of unique developments occur.