by Mac McLaughlin | May 27, 2009 | Weekly Forecasts
The Sun and Saturn are squaring off on June 5 and the effects may be felt for several days either side of that date. The Sun and Saturn represent all those in power, the economy, world leaders etc. A very dangerous state of affairs is forming as tensions rise around North Korea and their threats with nuclear weapons. Choose your battle, country, politics and religion and apply the same logic and we will see an increase in the rhetoric, posturing and threatening as all sides lodge their complaints and insecurities. My bomb is bigger than your bomb just does not make any damn sense. When you are standing in gasoline up to your knees, it doesn’t matter who lights the first match, does it? Outside of that madness life continues on and the good souls strive to make the world a better place.
Our problems never really go away; they just morph into new problems up around the bend. Our work is within ourselves, for soon enough we all step off this stage and move on to new realities. What is real is the work that we do on the inside as we strive to live as honorable, non-violent people. We can only take our love and devotion with us to the other side, all else cannot accompany us, as we must go it alone. More light, more love, one planet, one people.
Mac is available for personal consultations. Call 604-731-1109 to make an appointment or click here to request a consultation online.
Venus continues her visit to your sign until June 6. You should expect to receive the general effects of a Venus transit, such as an increase in your general popularity, creativity, love and money. Venus also carries a much deeper impact as she helps us to see our true values and to get more in touch with them. Now is the time for a turn around in your life.
Venus pays a visit throughout June, as does Mars. A lively time is expected in which all kinds of great experiences and happy times come up. Venus will also prompt you to take a deep, long look at everything that is important in your life, and with Mars around you may find the courage to truly make some changes. Use caution with machines and sharp instruments throughout June and early July.
Prepare for a busy time that will carry you right into the summer season. Presently there is a great amount of planetary action affecting your sign, pro and con. On one level you may feel challenged and under pressure, and you may not mind. You may actually grow and thrive on the process over the next few weeks. Power struggles or clashes with higher ups could develop, especially around June 5. Go easy and allow some time to pass before you make any important decisions.
Although school is nearly out, you may feel that you are just starting to learn all kinds of important lessons. Inheritances, travel, friends and educational pursuits are just a few topics that may capture your interest these days. Do the crab thing, dig in, and hold on tightly to your ideals and dreams to make them become a reality. You are attaining a new found wisdom and sophistication.
Career changes and choices are beginning to manifest along with interesting people showing up in your life. Someone quite unusual, beautiful, spiritual and beneficial may come on to the scene. A spiritual marriage could take place. It may be wise to let the clock tick and let the smoke clear before you make the leap, as things may not be as they appear.
The first quarter square of the Moon takes place in your sign on May 30. Duties and tasks keep you occupied and the day flies by. The Sun and Saturn are forming a square aspect on June 5 bringing about a time of hard work in order to complete your tasks and projects. Health and career concerns must be addressed.
June 2 and 3 are absolutely your best days this week, as the Moon and planets form a series of excellent aspects that create a flowing synchronicity of events that may be remarkable. Social and romantic scenarios unfold as if under the spell of the love goddess Venus herself. Make sure that you do something special on these days.
Lord Mars and lovely Venus travel through your opposite sign Taurus throughout June. It tells of a time of attraction, action and excitement. You might as well enjoy the time pursuing your fantasies while Mercury continues to square off with Jupiter and Neptune creating all sorts of illusions, delusions and other real crazy stuff until mid June. You may sense that things seem a bit out of kilter.
The events and realities that develop over the next two weeks may be a bit trying. Work commitments, the economy, grouchy bosses and other power types may be up to their antics and you will have to work with it the best you can. Stress, worry and hurry must be reduced, if not eliminated. In essence, take some time for yourself.
Lord Saturn is traveling through the highest portion of your solar chart over the next few years bringing in a time in which you reap the benefits of the past 15 years of effort, work and dedication. It may also herald a time in which a career change takes place or a fall from high place if you have abused power on the way up.
Follow your dreams and make them a reality. Do keep in mind though that all that we treasure and desire is within the realm of transition and change and therefore false. The King is false, so is the castle for they are impermanent and transitory at best. It may be wise to store your treasures where neither moss nor rust can corrupt.
The first quarter square of the Moon in your opposite sign Virgo on May 30 may bring up a few trying incidents that need to be worked through. The Sun and Saturn are forming a square aspect on June 5, and the few days either side of that date can be another time that will need extra effort and patience in order to cope with the times. Creative energy is building and your interest may lean towards the arts and entertainment.
by Mac McLaughlin | May 20, 2009 | Weekly Forecasts
The Gemini new Moon on May 24 signals a fresh round of life’s activities. All manner of communications come under the heading of Gemini. Education, transportation, business and commerce are just a few of the topics covered by this mutli-dimensional sign.
Mercury, lord of the Gemini new Moon happens to be retrograding in Taurus and in square with Jupiter and Neptune until early June. It may be wise to take everything with a grain of salt as things may not be as they appear. As a matter of fact, we are vulnerable to a series of great deceptions and it will take keen, clear minds to sort out what is real and what is not. If you can’t do the time, then don’t do the crime is a well worn adage that fits the times. I hold great hope and some expectations that the ongoing Jupiter, Neptune conjunction in Aquarius will have the effect of opening the hearts, minds and eyes of world leaders. Fear mongering and planning for war seems to be the steady diet that we the human race are fed these days. We see from the level of the physical plane and our minds and intellects are blind to the realities of the soul’s flight above the regions of the mind and senses.
The Mystics and Masters are telling us that our job is to learn to live a non-violent lifestyle in which we strive to purify in order to even begin our inner journey. My beloved guru, Param Sant Kirpal Singh Ji Maharaj taught us that a nail encrusted with dirt and rust is difficult for the magnet to pick up. But once cleaned the nail is caught easily by the magnet. The magnet is God’s love and light, and we are the rusty nails. Let’s go work on what is worthy and what is true as there is nothing else to do.
Mac is available for personal consultations. Call 604-731-1109 to make an appointment or click here to request a consultation online.
You are a diamond in the rough, multifaceted, highly talented and just needing some polish and practice. A lively time is upon you as all sorts of very interesting and exciting developments begin to congeal. You have people to see and places to go and little time to do it all, but that suits you just fine.
The winds of change have begun to blow and although you may dread making changes, soon after you will feel the relief of doing so. You have had some time to review what’s what, and who’s who, and now you can implement your plan that best serves you in your quest for peace, harmony and success.
The Gemini new Moon on May 24 signals a shift and change coming into play. The Sun’s passage through your sign will give you that needed boost of energy and confidence over the next month. Mercury is still in square with Jupiter and Neptune until the first week in June, bringing the possibility of mistakes and misunderstandings taking place. Otherwise it looks like the sky is brightening in many ways.
There is no real permanence on the physical plane. You may be sensing that your world is changing and that you must accommodate the changes in some way. Assist, don’t resist, for what you resist persists, while what you assist will desist. Know that what is meant to be yours will be yours and what is not meant to be yours cannot be. Do what it takes to get yourself free and happy once again.
Have you ever had the feeling that something is missing? It comes from deep within. It is a longing to connect with your creator. Money, name and fame cannot bring it, neither can any passing love here on Earth. Your world is beginning to open up as you continue your search for the Holy Grail. Friends and connections figure strongly now and a lively time is indicated.
The kindergarten teacher teaches at the level of his young charges, while the university professor speaks to the level of her students’ abilities. Now with Saturn moving through Virgo the pressure is on to learn at the highest level. The course is grueling and the pressure is intense but the rewards are lifelong once you come through. Bite the bullet, do the work and give thanks for the opportunity to do so. We can apply the above message to all areas of life.
A huge focus of planetary energy is occurring for your sign these days. With a little bit of effort you can go a long way, and with serious effort and intent I would not be surprised with the stories of love and glory that will come out of this time for Libra. Give it a spin and you might win.
Now is a good time for any type of research. You are the natural detective of the zodiac. Many scientists and researchers will have strong Scorpio signatures in their birth charts. It may be wise to let the Mercury – Neptune square finish up before you make any really important decisions. The smoke clears after the first week in June and you will be able to see ahead without too much obstruction. Meanwhile, there is a lot of action going on behind closed doors.
The new Moon on May 24 occurs in your opposite sign Gemini. Often we’re feeling a lack of energy and enthusiasm for a few days either side of the new Moon. Jupiter lord of Sagittarius is conjunct with Neptune and I wonder what this will bring for my Sagittarius friends. Spiritual epiphanies mixed in with bizarre and unusual dreams, along with very unique people showing up in your life are just a few events that may come up. You may be totally fascinated with someone that is very different from yourself.
You must find the balance. If you push too hard others will resent it and react. If you allow others to manipulate you in an unfair way it is just as bad. Big loves and big enemies are looming into the picture which is all the more reason to find the balance in all things. Remember that an honest man fears no enemy.
It is a very special and auspicious time for your sign. The Jupiter – Neptune conjunction taking place presently is an important alignment that can bring all sorts of miracles, healing and other phenomena beyond our normal range of understanding into your life. If you feel the urge to seek out spiritual enlightenment, seize it and go with it. Life may be a bit fuzzy as Mercury and Neptune continue to square off until the first week in June. Read the fine print and assume nothing.
The Jupiter Neptune conjunction in Aquarius will open up all kinds of avenues for you to explore. Life is just beginning in many ways and although things may not be settled or secure, do know that everything is working towards your ultimate benefit and spiritual upliftment. Be brave and bold and insist that the universe bring it on. Embrace all that life has to offer.
by Mac McLaughlin | May 13, 2009 | Weekly Forecasts
Get ready for some confusion, misdirection, deception, fraud and other anomalies. Retrograde Mercury is backing into a square aspect with Jupiter and Neptune. It hits this exact aspect on May 20 but the effect will last until mid June. I’m not saying we should be really worried about this aspect, but I do want to bring some light and understanding to a potentially difficult time. Quite a lot of planetary drama is taking place and it’s too much to tackle in this one post. The trick of the times is to weather the storm as best we can. Fear, paranoia, and innuendo will only snarl up the works.
Fortunately the Sun enters Gemini on May 20 bringing some fresh air and positive changes where needed. The Sun also squares off with Jupiter and Neptune on May 16, just as Saturn begins to move forward after his retrograde phase in Virgo. We may sense that we have a chance to do better or at least to live in the illusion that we are doing so.
The mystics teach us that true peace can never be had where mind and matter meet and mix. Peace has never come here, nor will it ever. It is to be found on the higher planes above the region of the mind and senses. The powerful Jupiter, Neptune conjunction in Aquarius is stirring up our spirits and causing us to long for a lasting love and peace. Now the planetary deities are telling us that the time is ripe for those that want to choose the high road of spiritual devotion, meditation and service. Great movements are taking shape and God’s emissaries are on their way. They are already here. We can expect a breakthrough along with a few miracles to take place over the spring and summer months.
Mac is available for personal consultations. Call 604-731-1109 to make an appointment or click here to request a consultation online.
The future looks bright and exciting as Mars and Venus continue their journey through your sign. Follow your dreams. Move towards your passions and interests as the stars are showing special favour these days. People are attracted and don’t quite know why. No time to ponder. This is the time to reach for the stars.
The Sun and Mercury are squaring off with Jupiter and Neptune allowing for possible misunderstandings and other types of potentially embarrassing scenarios to unfold, especially on May 16, 17 and 18. Mercury is retrograding in your sign and will be in square with Jupiter and Neptune until the middle of June. It may be wise to put off big decisions until that time as presently the picture may not be clear and may need lots of clarification.
The Sun enters Gemini on May 20 bringing you into your solar high of the year. Lord Mercury is retrograding and in square with Jupiter and Neptune until mid June and it could bring on situations in which discussions on subjects such as politics, religion and philosophy don’t go well. It may be wise to keep your own counsel and stay away from controversial topics. May 15 and 16 are special days and good times are indicated.
Mercury and Saturn cast favourable energy into your sign bringing positive results in relation to the amount of effort and attention that you put into anything that you are doing. Mercury is retrograding and you may have to wait a couple of weeks to see the positive results indicated. May 16 to 19 are favourable days overall. Growth through relationships is where the work is for the most part over the next few years.
Keep your head on straight as life may get a bit wonky in the days to come and you will need lots of clarity and sharpness to see through the smoke screen. The Sun and Mercury are squaring off with Jupiter and Neptune and life may take a few twists and turns that you didn’t see coming. May 15 to 17 in particular and right up into mid June are the times in which you will have to sort out just what to do. Take your time and then take some more time until you see it clearly.
Dear old Saturn stands still in your sign on May 16 as he begins to move forward once again. Soon you will be able to apply all that you have learned and experienced over the last few years or so. May 17 and 18 are intense days in which you come to terms with certain limitations and frustrations. A surprise could be in store on May 19 and the planets are casting good rays your way.
An interesting mix of planetary energy is on the cosmic menu for your sign. Most of it is pretty positive and all kinds of great things can be happening. Do something special on the weekend as the stars are indicating that special times have arrived. May 19 to 21 are exciting days in which Cupid’s arrow may find his mark.
It’s a bit of a tricky time as the Sun and retrograde Mercury square off with Jupiter and Neptune. The skirmish takes place in Taurus and Aquarius which are signs that are not at ease with Scorpio. Basically it indicates a time of confusion and possibly some apprehension and tension regarding agreements, negotiations and all human relations. Best bet is to keep your lid on, lips zipped, and wait until the fog clears. Most of the misunderstandings will probably clear up on their own anyway and you can save yourself a serious amount of aggravation.
The Sun enters your opposite sign Gemini on May 20, signaling your solar low of the year. Of course it affects everyone differently in accordance to your own individual horoscope, but in general the vibe is to take it easy and make sure that you nurture yourself properly. Often we’re a bit tired and burned out during the solar low, which is six months from our birth date and is in effect approximately five days either side of that date. Then again, you may be excited and intent on digging deeper into your creative abilities and romance may not be a stranger either. I think you will be busy, solar low or not.
Lord Saturn moves forward once again on May 16 in Virgo which is a sign harmonious to Capricorn. I’m sure that you don’t need a big lecture but this is a time in which wealth and power are within reach and many doors are open. Any door once chosen may offer golden opportunities for success, growth and happiness. But you may find a sense of longing within you that cannot be filled by material success, name or fame. Yes it is likely that you may be deeply interested in the higher planes of light and love. Fear not. Do it all and make it happen in a well rounded way.
If were an Aquarius I would make myself a fine vessel. Purification, dedication and devotion to a higher cause represents the high road, one on which all souls must tread someday and now you can lead the way. Then again you may fall right off the track and launch into a time that is lost or wasted chasing bubbles and building sandcastles. Brother, Sister, know that there are castles of light that are far more brilliant than the light of many Suns. What you seek is not outside of yourself but already in store and intact for those ready for the inward journey. Either way you are on a journey of discovery and once begun, will never end until you reach your destination. Back to Earth, sorry for the long winded diatribe. May 15 to 18 are important days and hopefully the above commentary fits in somehow.
The Moon passes through Pisces from May 17 to 19 creating your lunar high of the month. We seem to be a bit sharper and our timing works better when the Moon is moving through our sign. You might want to read the Aquarius message as it does apply to your sign. Great spiritual openings are taking shape and all kinds of great opportunities will manifest in the next year or so, all the more reason to strive to do your best now. Be ready for a magical, mystical future in which life becomes much more to your likings. No doubt the last couple of years have been a stretch and lots of tough changes came for some of you. Be thankful, grateful and move on into the future.
by Mac McLaughlin | May 6, 2009 | Weekly Forecasts
The mystics teach us that every breath is counted, and that no one can increase or decrease the amount given. They also teach us that God’s gift of human life is very precious and that it should not be wasted on frivolous or worrisome activities. I want to spend some time on the fate of the Nations and their leaders but would like to take a second to set the framework in which we exist and have existed throughout countless creations and dissolutions of the Sun, Moon, stars, galaxies, universes and other planes of existence.
We live in the fallen universe in which karma reigns supreme. Our prayers and longings are directed towards emancipation, freedom, peace, happiness and love. Wars continue on the planet and man’s inhumanity to man has not relented one bit in our recent recorded history. We’re fixated on specific cosmic dates such as December 21, 2012 which is the end of the Mayan calendar and we hold our collective breath and hope not too much goes wrong in our lives.
Now we have come into a time in which the karma has quickened, thickened and condensed and soon we will witness great changes that are already developing in the troubled regions of the world. After studying the charts for Israel, Iran and America it looks like the tensions are reaching a boiling point and will continue to increase throughout the summer of 2009. Everything intensifies in the fall especially around November 15. The fate of America and Israel are tied together and we may very well witness a clash between Iran and Israel and the U.S. becoming involved with many more ramifications.
Mars, the planet of war, anger and aggression has started his journey through Leo and will pass over President Obama’s Sun and Israel’s Saturn and Pluto, which are very intense planetary combinations that we are loathe to even think about. The main gist of the energy is one of anger, hatred and frustration and a sense of limitation. Then near the winter solstice 2009 Mars backtracks over the same area of the zodiac and eventually slows down close to the Moon position in Israel’s chart in February, March and April 2010, heightening emotions and the likelihood of retaliation and retribution. Pluto plays a big part in the planetary drama unfolding throughout this time. Pluto is another manifestation of Lord Shiva, the destroyer in the Hindu trinity.
Iran’s chart doesn’t hold much more promise at all. It would be so wonderful if these two countries could find a way to work out their problems without attempting to destroy each other in the process. Iran’s chart tells of a shock or a surprise attack or bombing, which we know is no new news and no big prophecy. Now the stars are ready to back up whatever the intentions are of the players involved worldwide.
President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama have come into a most fateful time. They will need our total love and support to weather through the storm brewing on the horizon. A solar eclipse takes place on January 15, 2010 and it makes an exact conjunction with President Obama’s Saturn at 25 degrees of Capricorn. This eclipse takes place in his 12th house and it indicates a loss of some sort. It’s influence may carry through the next few years but the next year in particular. Saturn represents sacrifice, prudence, frugality, poverty and suffering. Possibly there will be sustained financial losses or at least the onset of rebuilding the economy which we know will take years to accomplish. I am concerned for the man’s overall health and wellbeing. Eclipses and Saturn represent the heavy karma that a leader would face as many lives and many souls hang in the balance behind the decisions that will be made. It is also a perilous time for the U.S. President throughout the fall of 2009 and winter 2010 and I’m sure that his security people are doing all that they can do to protect him from his enemies. The same eclipse falls very close to the First Lady’s Sun degree in Capricorn which is another indicator of some type of important changes coming about in her life and the President’s life. I know that this material is heavy and frightening although it not my intent to sensationalize any of this. At least we have an idea of the energy that is coming our way. If anything I pray that none of this comes to pass and that we find viable, peaceful, nonthreatening ways to solve our common human problems.
Never mind 2012, as now is the time to be proactive and increase our humanitarian efforts to help all those that need support, wherever and however we can. Now is the time to beam out as much love and generosity and forgiveness that you can. These troubles that I am talking about will increase throughout 2010 and 2011 and the dangers will not abate until after that time, if we get it right. If not we will certainly set about to do so in 2012 and beyond. Remember that our work is to give help and increase love, generosity and compassion and decrease fear and separation. After all, we are one people on one planet.
One day we must wake up to the fact that we will never gain freedom, true freedom and peace by wielding a weapon of any sort. My prayer is that we get rid of all of the atomic weapons and other deadly devices and turn away from this fear of one another. We need to meld together and help bring love and freedom to all the souls that journey through this region of the cosmos. We are all suffering and weary with it all. We need a break and we need some love. Give some and then give some more.
Mac is available for personal consultations. Call 604-731-1109 to make an appointment or click here to request a consultation online.
The stars have promised, but have not delivered. Many of us had anticipated love and all kinds of excitement to manifest when Venus commenced her visit to Aries starting on February 2. Venus reached halfway through the sign and then began to retrograde in the first week of March. This would indicate a time in which all signs and especially Aries would somehow revisit and revise their loyalties and values. Now having let go of what didn’t work, you can move on and into the future. As Venus and Mars continue their journey through Aries you can expect that life will certainly quicken and all kinds of awesome scenarios will develop.
The full Moon on May 8 in your opposite sign Scorpio will help illuminate whatever concerns you of late. Venus has been retrograde in your solar 12th house and it has signaled a time of letting go of the past and moving into the future. This is not, and never has been easy for dear old Taurus, but is necessary to say the least. The future is bright and much more will be revealed in the months to come. June is your best month in which it all comes together. Get yourself together and the rest is easy.
Although you may be anxious to move on, circumstances may hold you back. Somehow you may have to revisit a problem, or sort out the politics of the past as Mercury retrogrades in your solar 12th house until June 13. Not much sense going that route as endless rounds of “he said, she said” business is tiring and nonproductive. Your time may be better spent networking and weaving your energy into positive activities that blossom into future opportunities. Things pick up after your birthday bringing you into a lively, lovely summertime.
Have you ever experienced the sensation or intuitive flash that something was stirring you up or bothering you but you weren’t able to put your finger on what it was? It is likely that these types of flashes will become stronger in the weeks and months to come. You are a cardinal sign and thrive on adventure and discovery, and now you may be hungry to set off on one of your “walk about” journeys of self discovery over the next few years. August and September are dynamic and exciting months.
Read Cancer’s message as it applies to your sign as well. You may be in that stirred up condition, pacing the floor as you contemplate your moves for the future. With Jupiter and Neptune casting phenomenal vibes your way as do Venus and Mars throughout May, you will be inclined to open up in many ways, especially regarding matters of the heart and spirit. Mars will spend seven months in Leo starting mid October and he will be traveling opposite to Jupiter in Aquarius in November and December. Life will be hot and heavy in all kinds of ways. Boredom will certainly not be a word in your vocabulary, but high excitement, adventure, danger and other powerful energies are destined to manifest.
Saturn traveling through Virgo culminates at the time of the full Moon on May 8. He is in the noon position which is a position of power for Saturn as that area of the zodiac is his domain. It tells of a time in which your efforts in the past pay off in interesting ways. Either you know that you have it all together, or possibly you may realize that much work is needed and now is the time to roll up your sleeves and stay steady on the case of getting life to where you want it to be. Spirituality, writing, publishing and travel may be of interest now. Mercury retrograde is in effect until the end of the month and it could hamper plans for travel and such. June looks bright and promising in many ways.
Matters related to finances, inheritances, shared monies, secrets and such will be on the table to be dealt with throughout May and early June. Partnerships, romance and excitement are also strongly hinted at. All in all it may not be such a bad time. Jupiter and Neptune continue to contribute grace and abundance and spiritual enlightenment for some. It is time to get things done though. Big energies and dynamic changes are just up the road and it may be wise to do your homework now to be ready for the inevitabilities of the future.
The full Moon on May 8 occurs in your sign. Just as the full Moon lights up the night sky, it will also illuminate your inner sky, in the form of revelations, realizations and other epiphanies that help you to deal with what matters to you. The Moon has all to do with those people that we love and carry on with day by day. Our family members, friends and co-workers, neighbors and others that we see regularly are related to the Moon’s influence. The stars are not in their best positions according to your sign and it may be a time that you will have to work harder in order to attain your goals. My hint is to take it easy until better offerings come along rather than fighting the tides.
Half the planets are giving you their wink and nod, blessings too, while the other half seem intent on testing, disrupting, blocking and unraveling your plans and intentions. Strange eh? Live it accordingly. Work hard and be willing to make changes when necessary. Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Neptune are casting positive, supportive energy throughout the month of May. Generally you are a lucky sort anyway and certainly blessed with the greatest sense of humor in all conditions and scenarios. May 10 is your day and special times are indicated. Plan something special. May 11 is a mixed day of highs and lows. Highs win.
Home, family, business and educational activities fill the days now. You may sense a new restlessness that you cannot define yet, but soon in the months to come, a picture will emerge that represents your true desires and aspirations. If you do not know what you want to do, it may be best to keep letting go of what you don’t want to do anymore. Soon enough you will be seeking your destiny and a great sense of destiny may accompany you over the next few years. Reach for the stars and beyond, is my advice.
A special grace is being dispensed for those of you that have advanced along the spiritual guidelines of nonviolent, peaceful, meditative, loving ways of living. If you are receptive, clean and clear then you can expect some pretty strong visions and epiphanies to occur. If you have lost your grip and have not found your way it may be tougher to do so and the world of illusion, distortion and confusion could be the case. It is time to make a difference though, one way or the other. All feasible help is at hand for those that need to find their way again. Then again, it may be you that is helping others to find their pathway. Good on ya, Mate.
The conjunction of your co-ruling planets Jupiter and Neptune in Aquarius, while the ruler of Aquarius is moving through Pisces needs some discernment. The combination tells of a time of spiritual openings along with all kinds of great visions, ideas and inventions that are designed to help humanity in some way. Artists, musicians, actors and all other entertainers and performers will be affected by this powerful astrological configuration. No sense holding onto the past as it is past, and the future is rushing your way at light speed. Open up and surrender to the cosmos and ask that they utilize you and your talents however they can. Astronomers and astrologers may come across a treasure trove of discoveries in the not too distant future.