by Mac McLaughlin | Sep 2, 2016 | Weekly Forecasts
We’ll be riding out a couple of eclipses this month. In olden times, an eclipse would strike fear into the hearts of those for whom the eclipse was visible. I don’t think we have much to fear, though. The September eclipses are not visible in our region. What is of importance is that the Sun and Moon are in hard aspect with Mars and Saturn at the time of the solar eclipse on September 1. Saturn has a tendency to slow things down and bind things up while Mars stirs things up. Interpreted, it indicates a possible slow-down with the economy and business in general. As we head into the Labour Day weekend, we may experience all kinds of traffic snarls along with accidents and incidents. The remedy: keep your cool and don’t get sucked into hot-headed, knee-jerk reactions, as they could prove costly. Patience and more patience – minus alcohol and drugs – will help the situation.
On the bright side, the best thing to do is relax and ride out the planetary storms, so to speak. We’re getting ready for the fall season and everyone is jockeying for position. Start early, leave early and take your time. Things will heat up and intensify at the time of the lunar eclipse on September 16. Again, fiery Mars has his finger in the pie and when he’s around tempers seem to flare and egos become bloated. All in all, September promises to be hot and possibly heavy as the war of words and nerves continues on with the US presidential elections looming on the horizon. “The Donald” will no doubt create more controversy as he lets fly with a barrage of maligned comments that will send people into a frenzy. No doubt, the haters and warmongers will be carrying on with their distorted agenda of hate for all things and people not of their liking. Nothing new here.
Something we can do, though, is to give more love, more consideration and more help to those around us. It’s what we really need and will always need. Love is the only commodity that increases when given out; all other forms of fgiving lead to depletion. The September skies invoke the spirit of Virgo, which is the sign of service, healing and caring. The September 16 full Moon is the harvest Moon, in which we gather in the crops, put them up and prepare for the colder days of fall and winter. It’s time to plan and organize.
The two benefic planets, Venus and Jupiter, will be casting fine energy into your sign throughout September. They bring the promise of good times, love and lucky breaks your way. Even the two heavies, Mars and Saturn, cast good energy into Aries helping to steady and stabilize many aspects of your life. Get moving.
Money and health will be on your mind. It seems we can’t do much without either of them. Joint monies, shared and inherited monies and legalities may dominate the scene. Your instinct is to put it all together – and you should. Work on your health, namely, for without it money won’t matter much.
September may prove intense in all kinds of ways. The eclipse cycles, along with Mars and Saturn, will be a handful to handle. Kindness, compassion and patience are the remedies for September’s maladies. There are plenty of opportunities to use this energy to clear the air and get things straightened out. Use your time wisely.
Health, family, home, land and real estate dominate the scene for Cancer this month. It’s a whirlwind time and you won’t have much time for daydreaming or lazing around. Hubba hubba. Take advantage of this opportunity to get a whole lot done. Scholastics, sales, applications and publications are at the forefront. You can do this.
The planetary energy in September goes like this. You can admire a brand new car or you can get in it and drive it away. All you have to do is turn the key. Interpreted, it means you can be successful, but you must make a dynamic effort in order to make it all happen.
It’s your time to shine. September is not so much about results, but very much about what it is you would truly like to accomplish. Two eclipses in Virgo this month indicate a most powerful time has arrived, in which your life may shift or change significantly. Diligence and hard work are required.
Venus visits Libra until September 23, casting its lovely energy your way. Venus enhances life, bringing love, creativity, beauty and resources. Her presence certainly brightens the picture. Jupiter visits Libra for one year starting September 9. Travel, expansion and good fortune are his general attributes. It’s your time. Make the best use of it.
The past we cannot change and the future will never come, but we can do so much in the present to shape the future. It’s that kind of time now for Scorpio – hard work, burning the midnight oil while others party and play. When success comes your way, everyone marvels and wonders how you did it.
You’re going to have to bite the bullet, tighten your belt and basically trim off the fat or any type of excessiveness. No, it’s not a pleasant task, but it’s a must-must scenario. Legalities, limitations and frustrations keep you somewhat corralled this month. The clouds part and the bright, warm Sun shines again.
Travel to distant places in indicated. Spirituality figures strongly. One way or the other, you’re in the midst of a huge transformative process. Career opportunities loom on the horizon. Be clean and let your works be seen; it’s the best way to roll. Negotiations come up and it is important you don’t sell short.
Soul plus mind equals man. Soul minus mind equals God. It’s time for you to go deep and break through with an understanding of these deep, spiritual truths. Money, name and fame will not get you through to the light. A time of research and discovery is at hand. A high probability of travel comes up.
The solar and lunar eclipses in Virgo this month might have a profound effect on your sign as well. Illumination is indicated. It’s time to take stock of what is real and important and to truly make an effort to make changes in your life. The results of your efforts are peace, love and tranquillity.