by Mac McLaughlin | Nov 1, 2015 | Weekly Forecasts
Astrologers are a bit phobic regarding the defense of their chosen profession and they take strident measures to prove the validity of their sacred science. We just can’t get any respect, especially from the scientific and business communities. I encountered a prominent scientist a few years ago at a garden party and when I told him I was an astrologer, he blinked so rapidly I thought he was going to pass out. I’m sure he thought I was pulling his leg with the outrageous prospect of actually being an astrologer. It was similar to the reaction one would get if they said they had spotted a Sasquatch.
So here I sit on Thanksgiving Day (October 12) pondering what to write about for November. I have taken a very long look at Stephen Harper’s horoscope and the charts for Justin Trudeau and Thomas Mulcair. Trudeau is the only one with a valid birth time while Harper shows an exact midnight birth, which is dubious at best. It would be rare to be born right at the top of the hour and a few minutes of time can mean so very much in the accuracy of predicting events. Mulcair’s birth time is not known and getting that information from a Scorpio is like trying to milk a dead cow. By now, the results are in and the world knows who is at the helm of Canada’s top spot. Philosophically, I would like to see Trudeau run the show and shake things up. Interestingly, his chart shows a demarcation in how he runs his life. He is experiencing the Uranus opposition that occurs around 42 to 43 years of age. It indicates a time of revolution and dynamic change. Uranus happens to be passing over his Moon, which is another indicator that his life is in the midst of profound changes. Of course, if he is the new Prime Minister, his life will change dynamically and dramatically and his chart is indicating just that. Offering any type of prediction for Harper and Mulcair would be guessing at best.
On a completely different topic, Venus and Mars spend most of November moving though Libra. This is a great planetary combination for justice, balance, relationships, marriages, romance, love and all forms of creativity. Saturn and Neptune are 90 degrees apart, constituting a square aspect that will extend throughout most of 2016. It indicates a time of probable confusion and distortion – did I mention confusion? It may take us a while to get ourselves together and find our direction as a nation as we ponder our choice of bombs or extended arms.
Venus and Mars cast their glance from across the sky bringing excitement, challenge, change and romance. Wow, sounds like big fun! If you’re already settled in, married or partnered up, this lively combination can spice things up. Aries’ biggest danger is always boredom and restlessness and those two things are not on the cosmic menu.
It’s time for a little soul searching. My bet is there’s a whole lot of things to be soul searching about. Matters like shared monies, death and taxes, inheritances, health, work and career are just some of the topics that need your keen attention. Then again, it just might be time to let down a bit.
The full Moon on November 25 will illuminate your inner horizon in order for you to see what is what and what must be done in order to set the ship on a steady course. Resources may be a bit tight and other problematic areas need attention. Not tension, but redirection, and planning and balance are called for.
The first half of the month runs a little smoother than the second half. Mercury and the Sun cast triangular energies your way providing inspiration. The crab spends a lot of time in the surf dealing with the ever-changing tides. Ride the waves and continue to adapt and adjust to what comes your way.
The skies brighten in late November after a dreary start to the month. You may ponder a major relocation or spiritual direction. Relate, communicate and negotiate are the keys to finding your way into the future. Going over the past regarding family – and especially children – may take up some of your time and energy.
The skies brighten in late November after a dreary start to the month. You may ponder a major relocation or spiritual direction. Relate, communicate and negotiate are the keys to finding your way into the future. Going over the past regarding family – and especially children – may take up some of your time and energy.
Venus and Mars liven up the place as they move through your sign most of the month. Romantic and creative energies are high and it is time for you to do your thing. It may not be all roses and lollipops and there might even be a few bruises – and you may not mind.
The new Moon on November 11 heralds a new start in a new direction. You may be honing your skills and regathering your confidence as you shake off Saturn’s heavy lessons of the last few years. Time heals everything and it just gets better as we move towards year’s end. Your star is shining again.
The full Moon on November 25 is important and significant. It will help you get in touch with many factors of your life. The areas that need the most work will be illuminated strongly, such as career objectives or limitations. It’s not a Sagittarius thing, but you may have to learn to economize, strategize and compromise.
Pluto’s presence may be felt rather strongly. He has a profound effect when he moves through your sign. Pluto will be in Capricorn until 2024. He bestows great power and wealth, but he can bring our ruination if we abuse his powers. Humility and compassion are the right ingredients, while dominance and control ruin everything.
Your career sector gets a boost as the Scorpio new Moon on November 11 unfolds its power across the top of your solar chart. Venus and Mars lend a hand as well as they cast positive triangular energy into your sign most of the month. Saturn also helps in stabilizing the ship.
It might be time for a career change or there may be honours coming your way for work well done. I guess honours can give a boost to your career anyway. Lord Jupiter casts very supportive energy as well, practically ensuring a breakthrough or some sort of fortuitous timing of events. Move forward with confidence.