April 1 – 30, 2010

“The stars incline, they don’t compel” is a well worn adage in astrological circles. My experience in astrology has taught me the exact opposite truth, that the stars compel big time. As an example, let’s say that you have the moon conjunct Mars in Aries in your birth horoscope. This combination often represents a hothead with a hair trigger temper. Offend this one at your own peril. I suppose we all have isolated incidents in which we may lose our cool and lash out, which is probably considered to be normal behavior in the general population.

If we were to observe our hothead Moon conjunct Mars in Aries character over the course of a few weeks we would find that they are in nearly continuous conflict or potential conflict with the world around them. Be it in traffic or a line up or any activity that requires patience and consideration, we would notice that the Moon/Mars type would not cope too well and most likely will be one of the first ones to blow up and create a scene. Of course we know that they are compelled to behave this way. They are also heroic and will pull off deeds that most of us would never dare to do. They will act before they think. So we could say that the Moon/Mars type is inclined towards freedom of movement and expression, and compelled to react and fight against any kind of resistance or cumbersome obstructions.

While the Moon/Mars character simmers away in the lineup, just looking for an excuse to blow a fuse, we may have a Venusian type, let’s say a person with the Moon conjunct Venus in Taurus, in the lineup with him. While the Mars character can hardly cope with long waits and lineups, the Venusian type is happily chatting away, or listening to his iPod and chewing his gum and probably planning dinner as the line snakes forward ever so slowly. The planetary archetypes are active and observable in all situations of human exchange.

Speaking of planetary archetypes, we will have an opportunity to witness what life offers up as Saturn and Uranus form an exact opposition on April 26, just two days before the full Moon. As we know, the Moon regulates the tidal cycles and when she is full the water line has reached the high tide mark. Tuck that tidy little fact away whilst we peruse the Saturn/Uranus opposition and the possible or probable antics that these two planetary heavyweights bring to the cosmic/karmic play.

Saturn represents the old school, the tried and true way of doing things, while Uranus represents the cutting edge and the future. Saturn represents all governmental agencies and outlets while Uranus represents revolutionaries. Saturn establishes authority and Uranus challenges it, seeks to overrule the old guard and change it, wherever and however it can. Saturn says no, stick to the status quo, the tried and true, and Uranus says blow the door down and try something new. The list is long but the types of events that come to pass during the Saturn Uranus opposition include all types of chaotic occurances like earthquakes, tsunamis, terrorist activities, raging storms, upheaval and revolutions be they tempests in a teapot or major wars breaking out. Shift, shock, change and rearrange are the activities of the times.

Choose your topic and apply the Saturn/Uranus principals to it and you will see the effects first hand. How about the war on drugs? Do you think it might need to be rethought in the light of its absolute failure to stem the problem? How about poverty and homelessness? Can they be rethought and reworked? What of the justice system and all of its failures? Again choose your topic and apply this energy to it and we will see the genesis or the uprising of new movements. Health care, education and all other societal activities get a work over. It’s fear of change versus the hope of freedom and equality for all.

The pundits and protesters cry out for housing and funding for the disadvantaged in our society, but from what I have learned that would only be a Band-Aid. Definitely we need to house and nurture those that are suffering, but in my humble opinion and experience the major difference that will help turn the corner is education, free education for all those that are desiring to learn. No education or opportunities along with poor nutrition does not offer up much hope. Hey, here’s an idea. Let’s work on dismantling the war machines and the fear and paranoia that continually run the show and turn those weapons into books, schools, housing and jobs helping all of our brothers, sisters and children to have a better life. The Saturn/Uranus energy will be in effect until mid August 2010.

Now let’s get back to that full Moon on April 28. The full moon will not only illuminate the night sky above, but will illuminate our inner sky in the sense of bringing revelations and epiphanies our way. Throw the Saturn Uranus opposition into the mix and we have the recipe to shake things up, break away from the past and move towards the future.
Pluto, which is the force of breakdown, decay and renewal, has started to oppose the planets in the Canadian and American birth horoscopes until at least 2020. Within this next decade we will witness profound changes in our cultures and how we conduct ourselves. Out of the ashes, the phoenix rises again and so will we. Nothing but a total rebirth of the original principals of our countries will do. Be it the economy, how we treat the disadvantaged, how we deal with other nations, or whatever, we will have the opportunity to reinvent ourselves and our nation. Roll up your sleeves and lean into the concerns of the day. Throw your hat into the ring and let’s see where we get to in the next ten years.

Mac is available for personal consultations. Call 604-731-1109 to make an appointment or click here to request a consultation online.


A most important and fateful time draws near. We think of fate or karma as a negative thing, but in reality fate and karma make up our destiny. Whatever is truly warranted to be ours will come our way and what is not warranted cannot manifest. Riches or poverty, fame or isolation, happiness or sadness, health and sickness are driven by the karma that has fructified in this incarnation.

Three very powerful planets will influence Aries throughout 2010 and 2011. It is almost like the three wisemen appearing, laden with gifts as rewards for past endeavors. Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus cast their respective energies into your sign. Jupiter brings faith, hope and enlightenment. He helps broaden our views and uplifts us in many ways. Saturn seems a bit harsher and his realities are often hard to swallow, but like castor oil, we feel better once we have taken the medicine. Uranus will spend several years in Aries starting in June 2010 and will help to revolutionize yourself in ways that you probably haven’t even dreamed of. Mount up and be ready for a wild ride through time. It is time to meet yourself, head on of course. You will discover many aspects of yourself that have laid dormant, possibly for ages. Start now, by clearing the past and steadying the present.

Taurus Your ruling planet Venus spends the month of April visiting Taurus. She is the goddess of beauty and abundance. The urge to make things beautiful comes up and off you go to the hardware store, beauty salon or various types of self help workshops, courses and classes. Mercury, the planet of communication, accompanies Venus. They are friends in the planetary arrangement. When Mercury is around we’re busy. Activities increase and so does our social calendar. Possible delays or communication glitches may come up as Mercury retrogrades in Taurus on April 17 until May 11. Read the fine print and assume nothing until you get the facts. To say less and listen more is best. All in all, you may be in a happy frame of mind anyway, and will just tough out the sore spots as usual. Many opportunities to create harmony present themselves as the spring time moves along.

Gemini Home and career sectors in your solar horoscope are active as Saturn and Uranus move through them. It means that a time has come in which your life may be changing in many ways. Career shifts are possible and moves probable. In many ways a new start is indicated and it may take several years to realize the fruit of your present efforts. Fifteen years from now you can look back and remember the time in which all these changes came about. Go with the flow and know that the stars are not so bad for the twins over the next two years in general. Interestingly, there is another hint that career efforts may get a boost as Jupiter moves through your solar career sector. Play the long game as 2012 and 2013 are looking very bright. Get to work and realize your dreams.

Cancer It might be worthwhile to note that there is an existing window of opportunity from April 1 to mid June in which you may further your interests and experience some success without a whole lot of effort. The picture changes after that, and what was easily attainable may have to be fought for in the future. You may be restless and casting about, seeking change and adventure. A deep yearning for light and love may drive you on as you seek your inner destiny. It is time to assess and reassess what is real and what is worthy. A sense of dying and birthing takes place as you move away from the past and what was. Release the big pincher and let go of the trammels that have kept you back or held you down. The journey has hardly begun and there are myriad treasure-troves to discover.

Leo Neptune completes his 14 year transit through your opposite sign Aquarius in February 2012. No doubt, at least according to my leonine grapevine, that life’s journey has been odd, strange, wacky, weird and wonderful. Neptune’s major influence will help pry your fingers off of the material world and a deeper spiritual focus eventually comes clear through life’s lens. Neptune can bring a time of isolation, despair and loneliness. The urge to escape it all is strong and many do escape, by way of alcohol and drugs and whatever else that can mask the pain of past failures or losses. A big shift takes place in August 2010. As the Sun moves through Leo, six planets will be moving through the Cardinal signs Aries, Libra and Capricorn, indicating that big movements are afoot as these Cardinal signs represent action on the world level and it takes place on your watch. Of course the Sun is the chief and the planets are his minions. Something’s up, I don’t know what, but it’s hot. I hope you are on the move.

Virgo A very powerful opposition between Saturn and Uranus takes place on April 26 and its energy will be on board until the end of August. Saturn moves through Virgo, while Uranus moves through your opposite Sign Pisces. Saturn’s presence usually indicates a time of streamlining and cutting back. Hard work, duty and dedication pay off in the long run. Areas of life that are not working well most likely will get a work over as you continually adapt and adjust to the circumstances that come up from April to August 2010. Jupiter casts his blessings your way in the form of lucky breaks and good timing throughout April and May. Travel opportunities come up in April and life in general will move along at its own pace. As my Guru would say, “Do your best and leave the rest.”

Libra Saturn transits through Libra until October 2012. Fortunately he is exalted in Libra, meaning that he functions well in this sign. Libra is the spirit of the law and Saturn is the letter of the law. Although Saturn’s energy is dour and strict we may find that we will benefit in the end if we learn the powerful and profound lessons that he sends our way. Any area of your life that is out of balance such as your health, relationships or career, must be dealt with during this Saturn transit. It may not be as boring as one may anticipate though, as Jupiter and Uranus will move into your opposite sign Aries starting in June 2010, and by early August Venus and Mars will enter Libra. Five planets will be moving through the cardinal signs Aries, Libra and Capricorn by midsummer and you will be active and on the go. A dynamic summertime is indicated and you must exercise caution with machines, automobiles and equipment as the planetary aspects are hot and dynamic up into mid September. Love and adventure, tears and laughter and the play of life carries on.

Scorpio The full moon on April 28 takes place in your sign. It indicates a time in which we bring things to completion as we come full term with our endeavors. Emotions are heightened and expressed positive or negative. Mars the original lord of Scorpio is in square aspect with this full moon energy and the effects will carry on for several days after the full moon. You will have to wend your way carefully in order to sidestep the intense and provocative energy at this time. Angry and intense scenarios play themselves out. The Sun continues his journey through your opposite sign Taurus until May 21 and you may want to pay special attention to your health and energy levels as this is your solar low of the year. Otherwise there are many opportunities to do quite well as Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus cast supportive and beneficial energy your way throughout the month. Set a pace that you can live with, create some realistic goals and work towards realizing them.

Sagittarius Lord Jupiter ruler of Sagittarius moves through Pisces throughout April and May. He is lord of both signs. Pisces symbolizes your solar fourth house related to home, family and real estate. Moves, sales, renovations along with a possible new vehicle purchase could be in the works. Career changes may come up, which could be to your benefit. Educational activities become strong priorities and the best is yet to come. Life’s activities and all round energy in general gets a boost, especially in July and August this year. You won’t be bored and you will be busy as new and old friends come up on the screen. It is a good time to join up with others that share similar interests and passions. Babies, new ideas, business opportunities, love and adventure await thee. Saddle up and move em out.


Pluto transits through Capricorn until November 2024 bringing you 14 more years of his special energy. Pluto represents the process of rebirth, life and death, power and wealth. Often times we may feel that we have lost everything under a Pluto transit. Situations occur that we don`t have much control over. As ominous as this information appears to be, it may not be this way at all. Most of us have come across the term, “Plutocrat”. It represents someone powerful and wealthy. Many Capricorns are at the head of this pack. Many of our leaders have strong Saturnine traits as Saturn is ruler of Capricorn.

The nodal axis represents the points on the ecliptic where eclipses take place. If an eclipse lands on an important point in your horoscope some type of karmic play unfolds in your life. The nodes are often overlooked but I keep a wary eye on them. Rahu or the Dragons head which are names for the north node, is moving through Capricorn until March 2011. During this time you may be restless, seeking and acquiring fame and fortune and certainly it is time to get in touch with your destiny. Profound and deep spiritual changes come about when we encounter the Pluto transits and Rahu’s passage may create some restlessness and dissatisfaction that money, nor fame can assuage. Love and spirituality, God realization, sullying the senses and stilling the mind will bring the peace that you seek.

Aquarius Your co-ruling planets Saturn and Uranus are in an opposition pattern until late August. The two areas most affected in your solar chart are the second and eighth houses. The second house indicates how we earn money, while the eighth house represents other people’s money as in inheritances, joint or shared monies. You may be restless, disturbed and seeking changes in relationships, career and probably overall lifestyle changes that need to be met, acted on and lived. Many Aquarians have been in a Neptunian fog for several years and have lost their direction, spark and pizzazz. Your sense of self has been rattled in some way and now you have to put the pieces back together again. August gets really hot as all kinds of opportunities to better your circumstances present themselves. Travel, education and romance are in the picture.

Pisces Jupiter, lord of Pisces, visits his own sign until late January 2011. Uranus the revolutionary planet has been shaking up your world since 2003 with his visit to Pisces. Now these two powerful energies will combine their influences throughout April and May and the results can be fantastic. Jupiter represents faith, vision, prophesy, expansion, happiness and good timing, while Uranus brings innovation, invention and radical changes into our lives. A move across the country or out of it wouldn’t be too surprising. Winning a major lottery, meeting your Guru or your love could be in the stars. Don’t hold back. Live life to the fullest and be all that you can be. Major changes are in the wind and you must accommodate them. Adventure, excitement and change come your way.

March 1 – 31, 2010

Ahem, excuse me, sorry, but we do own the podium and we are darn proud of it! Nay Sayers and whiners step back out of the way as Canada basks in the glory of the day. In the February column regarding the Winter Olympics I warned that there was danger of accidents, mishaps and confusion, which all took place. I also wrote the words below regarding the conclusion of the Games.

In an attempt to weigh up the planetary influences it would be my estimation that by the time of the closing ceremonies on February 28 we will hold our heads up with pride that we weathered, overcame and succeeded wonderfully as the full Moon On February 28 has Jupiter involved and he brings, joy, happiness, abundance, achievement and awards as Jupiter is the ruler of all competitions, athletics and certainly awards of human endeavor and accomplishment. Well Done, Canada!

I think this is a defining moment for us as a people and a country. Tens of thousands poured into the streets of downtown Vancouver. It was totally awesome to witness and participate in the phenomenon of a sea of humanity laughing, crying, high fiving, hugging and dancing through the streets. We will never be the same and we will never bow our heads in shame as a new collective pride and power envelops the land.

Jupiter is known as a soothing balm of healing energy, along with keywords such as abundance, expansion, confidence and vision. Jupiter casts his fine rays onto the chart of Canada throughout February and March 2010. I imagine that the Paralympic Games will be glorious, touching and moving as well. The stars don’t lie. Canada is receiving Jupiter’s abundance and glory in full measure. We are at the pinnacle of achievement and unity. The world has awakened to Canada’s spirit and essence. Oh joyous days, to be savored and nurtured forever.

Sorry, got a little carried away there.

The Spring Equinox takes place on March 20, at 10:32 A.M. PDT. It is considered to be the most important horoscope of the year. It is said that the planetary positions at the time of the equinox are the indicators of the energy that will unfold throughout the upcoming 12 months. The Sun becomes exalted as he moves through Aries and his work can be seen. Mars, lord of Aries has formed a triangle with the Sun as they visit each other’s signs. Mars is traveling through Leo while the Sun travels through Aries. It’s called “mutual reception” and it brings their respective powers to the fore. The triangle pattern indicates an easy flow and dovetailing of their energies. Mars and the Sun are fiery brothers and when in harmony can create a powerful force that must be used appropriately. Canada has come alive and come of age and is certainly a world class country that is truly a show case for the rest of the world. The courage, dedication, commitment and true grit of our nation are evident to the world and now Canada may be in the mood to bring it to the next level.
Courage, dignity and bravery are the marks of this powerful Sun – Mars position. We wake up to the fact that things have changed in a big way as a wave of confidence and strength unites the country.

Now just before you fly out the door with your banner in hand we might want to take into consideration that the Sun and Saturn will have formed an opposition at the time of the equinox that may very well cast a heavy shadow of some sort and it will have to be sorted out throughout the year. Saturn usually brings us back to reality. We have bills to pay. The party is over and back to work we go. Saturn – Sun combinations may also indicate a falling out amoung the high and mighty, perhaps more legal wrangling or political enmity – nothing new here. We move into the problems and deal with them as best we can.

Mars and Saturn form a cooperative aspect at the time of the equinox that indicates a spirit of cohesion and combined effort will get it done. Remember that the energy of the planets at the time of the equinox will resonate throughout the coming 12 months. All in all it is a great year, one that will stand out as the year that it all changed. Now we must address the most pressing issues such as poverty and its impact on the nation. We must strive to find a way to house and educate all of our children and all of our people. Without proper education and nutrition one cannot grow and move forward. Housing, poverty and education are the topics that need to be addressed. Make books, not bombs, build houses, schools, and hospitals and help to put the war machine to rest. Yes we have work to do, problems to be met, and now we have an infusion of unity, confidence and courage to help us in our striving for the betterment of all.

Transiting Pluto has formed an opposition with the Moon in Canada’s birth chart. It is another powerful indicator that we are in transition as an old way of being dies off and a new awareness of ourselves begins to congeal and take birth. This period of transition will last over the next several years and we will look back at 2010 as the year that it all began.

Mac is available for personal consultations. Call 604-731-1109 to make an appointment or click here to request a consultation online.

Aries Read the introduction regarding the mutual reception of Mars in Leo and the Sun in Aries. They form a perfect triangle at the time of the spring equinox on March 20. Any effort on your part will bring great returns. Mars is the ruler of Aries and he casts good energy your way, restoring your confidence and sense of self. Just know that destiny is heading your way rapidly. You are about to crawl into the mouth of a cannon and soon you will be shot out and fly as never before. Don’t look back, but do look to the future as it is chock full of freedom and adventure and at the very least you are coming into a time of great discoveries and changes, ready or not.

Taurus The Moon visits Taurus at the time of the Spring Equinox on March 20. The Sun enters Aries on that day and becomes exalted and the Moon in Taurus is exalted as well. It just means that they operate at their best when the planets are in their signs of exaltation. It truly is time for spring cleaning and time to clear out the accumulation of excessive baggage, body, mind and soul. The planets are holding great promise for your sign, especially in April and May. Now is the time for the behind the scenes type of work to occur. Deal with matters of the heart and home. Soon you will be relieved that you did. It may be time for some soul searching and making decisions on what you discover in order to bring peace and happiness your way.

Gemini The stars are aligned nicely for Gemini throughout the month. Anticipate changes and challenges in the job market that may very well be to your benefit. The page is blank and you can write your own script. Of course with the twins there is always two of everything. A spirit of cooperation will be evident along with the blossoming of new friendships and groups of people that share similar interests. You may feel emboldened and ready to take a few chances that you wouldn’t have taken in the past. Artistic expression gets a boost and overall general vitality propels you right through the springtime.

Cancer Family and career sectors are strongly activated at the time of the spring equinox on March 20. Certain demands keep you on the move. Concerns regarding elders may come up. Travel and adventure are on the menu for those of you that can get away for a while. A whole new outlook is probable and a spiritual discovery could be close at hand. Law, philosophy and the higher forms of education may be of interest now. All in all, 2010 is a time of metamorphoses in which a whole new you is born out of the ashes of what was in the past.

Leo The heat is on, and the Lions are restless and hungry for adventure. Heave the rocking chair or recliner out the window, and remote along with it. In many ways, it is a now or never scenario, in which you make your move, pro or con as nothing will remain as it was. The Spring Equinox on March 20 heralds an energy shift and it is probably a good one. Make it a good one. Mars continues his journey through Leo and although he will instill courage and bravery he can also make you overconfident, blustery, pushy and cranky. So use moderation in all that you do and don’t be too heavy with the gas pedal. Fire, accidents and operations are the negative side of this Mars transit and on the positive it brings exploration and dynamic movement in all areas of life. Read the introduction regarding the Spring Equinox.

Virgo The Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Uranus are moving through your opposite sign Pisces as we head into March. It is your solar low of the year and it indicates a time to take a break and get some rest and recreation. There may be way too much on your schedule though to pay too much attention to the above commentary. Surprises and opportunities for advancement keep you keenly interested in all that is going on, all the more reason to set a pace and work within it. It is an exciting time and you will have to cope with it all some way. Beginnings and endings take place, as some folks leave the scene and other players appear. Well, you won’t be bored and if anything you may be cooking up a series of innovations and inventions, which of course is highly secret in the labyrinth of the Virgo mind. Some of your best work may manifest in the weeks and months to come.

Libra The Spring Equinox on March 20 is significant for Libra as the Sun and Saturn form an opposition just after the Equinox. Regardless of the plan we may have in hand, Saturn usually has the master plan that one must abide by. Saturn is Moving through Libra which is his exaltation sign meaning that Saturn can operate at his best while traversing through this sector of the zodiac. Saturn brings reality sharply into focus. We see our limitations and learn to work within them. Saturn is the letter of the law while the scales of justice and fairness rule Libra. It tells of a time in which you work towards harmonizing with nature and natural living. True growth, internal balance and happiness are the results when one follows the dictates of Saturn. Conversely, ill health and myriad other problems come when we buck the laws of nature. Now is the time to balance the scales once again.

Scorpio Mars, the traditional and old school ruler of Scorpio, is traveling through your solar career sector until early June. He gains momentum throughout the month and so should you. No one can out work you, and your dedication and devotion is noted and will move you on up the food chain. Creative energy is high and your social calendar will get a boost as well. Romantic energy, love, babies and all that is enjoyable comes your way. Reach out, think big and go for the gusto. Remember that the key to your success is being a team player. Any “Captain Bligh on the high seas” energy will bring strong reactions and the competition will be thick and heavy. No dull days, but adventure and success await thee.

Sagittarius The Spring Equinox on March 20 bodes well for Sagittarius. The energy present at the time of the Equinox will resonate throughout the year. The Sun, Mars and Saturn all cast positive energy your way. You can get things done without too much fuss. While others work on the pipes in the basement you’re looking at the whole neighborhood, community and country. It’s just like that. Sagittarius often has the big picture in mind and is able to influence it. It’s not a cakewalk though. If anything, there are many challenges and hurdles that must be overcome in order for you to experience the success that is indicated. Don’t waste your time on trivial issues but do throw your hat into the ring and contribute however you can. Love, travel and a possible move are in the works.

Capricorn It took me a few moments as I searched the corners of my mind to find the word that most describes the energy of the times for dear Capricorn. It finally came to me – transcendence. You may transcend the limits of your own expectations and move beyond the realities that you thought possible. Internal, material and spiritual awareness become the features of the times. Lord Saturn sits high up in your solar chart as he visits Libra the sign of his exaltation. It means that he works his best in that sign and is able to wield his power and wisdom to the benefit of others. To illustrate the varied and different fates that Capricorns can experience, we have Tiger and Elin Woods, First Lady Michelle Obama, and closer to home in British Columbia we have our leader Gordon Campbell. In Ottawa and Washington we have our two leaders, Prime minister Stephen Harper and President Barack Obama, both with Saturn in Capricorn which gets them strongly into the Capricorn club too. It is a time to shed the old skin and like the phoenix you must rise again. Make it worthy, real and true.

Aquarius You may feel slightly like E.T. who is just arriving home after a long stellar journey through the cosmos. It ain’t over yet and neither is your search for truth, reality and love. Know that the process of the last several years has been that of prying your fingers off the material things and probably has placed your awareness more along the lines of the spirit. You have probably learned many lessons and experienced many heart rending scenarios. Keep in mind that it stemmed from the pen in your own hand accordingly from the script of the past. It’s all good, if you are reading this it is good. It means you’re still here and the work continues. Keep giving love and forgiveness especially to yourself. Your world comes alive! Excitement, new people, new challenges and new destinies are yet to be discovered. Giddy up, go.

Pisces It’s your time to shine as Lord Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Uranus and the Sun visit your sign as March begins. Make the best use of this opportunity to create on a big level. Travel, education and fortuitous meetings and moves conspire to bring about serendipitous results. Moves across the country or across the hall make sense now. The New Moon on March 15 is power-packed and it will bring a time of shifting, changing and revolutionizing to your life in some way. The hour has arrived and it may be your defining moment. Fear not and if anything assist the process of making the important and dramatic changes that will come up. Freedom, excitement and adventure await thee. Go and see.