by Mac McLaughlin | Feb 5, 2012 | Weekly Forecasts
In Shakespeare’s play, Julius Caesar, Cassius has explained the law of karma simply and accurately when he proclaims, “The fault dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves, that we are underlings.” According to the mystics, the whole world is a play made up by the karmic impressions stored in the mind of the people of the world. We know that karma represents the law of give and take, action and reaction. The familiar axiom, “As you sow, so shall you reap” is another way of explaining the laws of karma. The stars and planets are woven into the fabric of our beings and are the representatives of karmic distribution in accordance with our give-and-take, make-and-break ledgers congealed and played out in the present incarnation. The beautiful people among us that seemingly have it easy as they glide along life’s path, radiantly successful with great families etc, are experiencing the positive bounty of generous actions from previous lives. Conversely, the souls that did the negative, non loving and violent activities will come back into this life with severe karmic difficulties, not to punish them but to help them evolve spiritually.
Let’s take a look at some of the karmic energies destined to unfold in the month of February. The ancients had the night sky to study and ponder. They noted the different energies prevailed according to the star group or nakshatra that the moon was moving through. From that, they could decipher what type of energy would befall mankind. The full moon on February 7 takes place in the Nakshatra called Ashlesha and from what I have studied this nakshatra really doesn’t have a lot of positive connotations. Suspicion, paranoia, collusion, conspiracy and many other not so nice aphorisms dominate the energy coming from this star group. We get to see the underbelly of human behaviour. One writer says that Ashlesha represents the power to inflict poison. Sharp venomous attacks take place and many things are hidden and waiting to be discovered. Plus the moon is full and no doubt we will find out what it is all about soon enough.
The new moon on February 21 takes place in the early degrees of Pisces and is conjunct with Neptune. On the positive side of the coin Pisces / Neptune energies convey wisdom, kindness, creativity and compassion. On the negative side of the ledger we have distortion, deception, confusion, lies and misdirection. A few days after the new moon, Mercury opposes Mars (February 23) and this is an indicator of unrest, anger and confrontation. Sabre rattling, nerve jangling threats and counter reactions will be the case, just name the place and let’s see what unfolds. Neptune / Pisces energies rule over the seas and oceans and with all the tension going on in the Strait of Hormuz we can use our imaginations for what may take place. Yes, we are in the belly of the beast whilst we travel the rocky road of the kali yuga. When the great saint Kabir stepped on to the Earth he discovered that no one was happy. How can we be happy when we’re so disconnected from our higher self. Not to despair, we are on our way home. Love will come our way when our hearts can no longer stand the cruel suffering. A change of heart is needed. The mystics teach us that love is the only commodity that increases when given, all other types of giving leads to depletion.
Venus casts her lovely rays your way starting February 7. She offers refinement, beautification and transformation along personal lines. Love, affection and creative energies come along nicely. You may be surprised with the dynamic changes that are starting to happen in your life.
Bust a move or two. Sheesh, go for the whole enchilada. Do not waste this opportunity to truly make positive changes at work, home and especially within yourself. March and April are dynamic months as well. Make the best effort and it will pay.
News from afar, possibly regarding publishing, or travel comes your way. Your longing for the divine becomes enhanced. Your career sector heats up towards the end of the month as do considerations regarding home, family and real estate. Make ready for a big year.
The full moon on February 7 prompts you to take a deep look at everything. You may be restless and casting about for some changes, especially career wise. Secrets, inheritances and shared monies may be topics of interest throughout the month.
Relationships of all sorts come into consideration as the Leo full moon on February 7 takes hold. How you relate to others and how others relate to you is what it is about. Romantic energies are strong and you may be restless for some travel.
The month starts off in a good way with romantic and creative potential being strong. Travel and higher education could be on your mind. Keep in mind that a soft reply turns away wrath as Mercury and Mars clash on February 23.
Your solar fifth sector ruling business, romance, entertainment and children is strongly activated in the first 20 days of the month. After that your instincts drive you towards perfection, harmony and balance starting with your body. It is time for some early spring cleaning.
Jupiter casts his glance bringing abundance and good timing to you.. Your creative imagination goes into high gear especially after February 19. Pay attention to your dreams as they may hold significant information and inspiration. Confused issues surface midmonth and may need delicate handling.
Mars heats up your career sector throughout the month bringing action and challenge. It might be time for a job change. Home, family and real-estate activities increase as well. Creative, artistic and romantic energies create happy and memorable times.
Lord Saturn sits at the top of your solar chart for most of the year bringing opportunities for advancement and success. Honours and accolades for those that rightly used power, and a fall from a high place for those that abused positions of authority.
You are in your solar high of the year. It means that you can become empowered, acknowledged, directed and respected and of course, loved. No time to ponder, but it is time for action. The full moon on February 7 brings it all home.
Keep a diary by your bed and record your dreams as they should be flooding in strongly in the last ten days of the month. You may feel inspired and ready to make all kinds of unique and dynamic changes that are long overdue.