by Mac McLaughlin | Dec 9, 2020 | Uncategorized
After a nearly 15 month layoff due to health concerns I’m back on track and doings readings once again. I guess I’ll keep at the work until the universe says otherwise. Looking forward to helping those that are interested to sort through what we have to do to get through our earthly sojourn.
by Mac McLaughlin | Sep 30, 2020 | Uncategorized
This is a portion of a letter that I sent to a Satsangi brother.
I have done a study on the U.S. election. The charts make me nervous in the sense that Trump is running a not so good cycle at the time of the election, and I do think he will lose, but there is still a lot of power manifesting in his chart. Biden’s chart looks good, and he most likely will be the next President of the USA. But whatever happens it’s going to be hot, really hot. A full moon conjunct Uranus takes place a few days before the election and it will stir the pot. Shocks and surprises are in store, and Mercury stands still on the day of the election. It indicates some type of mass screw up communication-wise. The last time that happened was when they had to do a recount in Florida because of the hanging chads.
Overall Trump’s major cycles are not good, as Saturn has a strong say and play in the unfoldment of his destiny. Even if he does win, I don’t think he will finish his term. Due to illness and probable illegal shenanigans that might come up to bite him on the bum. We are in Kali Yuga, and evil is in the ascendancy. Hopefully Biden wins and we can start the healing process once again. I cannot wait for the Khalsa to run the show some day as Master said this would happen. It’s just a dream brother, just a dream. We have to keep some amount of detachment knowing that our destinies are in the hands of the Master, and in the end it will be all right.
The Khalsa are the enlightened souls endowed with great wisdom, love and compassion. Master Kirpal said that they will rule the world one day. What we need is more love and then more love. God is love and love is God, and the way back to God is through Love. Master Kirpal’s words.
by Mac McLaughlin | Jul 30, 2020 | Uncategorized
I thought you might like to read my column from January 2016 as it relates to today. – Mac
It might be worth our while to take a deep look at the intrinsic meanings of Capricorn and its ruling planet Saturn. Deeply embedded religious beliefs and laws come under the heading of Saturn/Capricorn. Chronos (Father Time) carried a scythe and was known as the grim reaper, associated with death, poverty, pestilence and disease. Saturn seeks to correct, cleanse and purify. He rules magistrates and lawyers, along with fathers, husbands, bosses and others that seek to lead and rule. Saturn/Capricorn represents the structures we expect to remain the same, unchanged throughout time. Sounds like sour grapes and castor oil mixed into one.
The above commentary is a pretty general description of this dreary planetary energy. No wonder people from the east and west fear Saturn and dread the news of his arrival. He is a wet blanket and can certainly put a damper on our good spirits. No doubt, he has been behind the pain and suffering of every religious or political crusade that has ever manifested on our planet throughout all time. Pray my way or die. Comply, surrender, straighten out and fly right is the message of this heavy-handed, hooded messenger.
Probably got you depressed by now, but lets take another approach to what is behind this seemingly very harsh planetary deity. Saturn is very connected to nature, purity and wholesomeness. What Saturn has always tried to teach us is to live a life of purity and simplicity. The closer to nature we live, the healthier and happier we become. Likened to a loving father, he wants only the best for his children and will go to extreme means to keep them clean and safe. This Capricorn energy is on board and we will be imbibing of this energy for many years to come. Pluto visits Capricorn until November 2024 and this energy alone signals great changes on the planet. Saturn/Capricorn resists changes while Pluto is the planet of inevitable regeneration and transformation. By the spring of 2020, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto are in Capricorn and it might very well spell out a time in which we experience the greatest changes and challenges to our way of life. Uranus will be in Taurus at that time, another harbinger that nothing will remain the same and all is due to change. Mainly, we must do our part and tote our grain of sand to the common pile. “What to do?” you might ask? Simplify, purify, stay close to nature and give love to one and all.
MARCH 21 – April 19
You are very good at promoting, instigating and pioneering ways to move into the future. You accomplish these objectives by staying true to yourself and striving to simplify and disentangle the complicated knots we have tied ourselves with. The next several years will bring myriad opportunities for you create something totally original and exciting.
April 20 – May 21
The initial spark of genius that Aries ignites, Taurus sustains and solidifies. In the summer of 2018, Uranus will visit Taurus until 2026. These are the years of your greatest changes and challenges. Your genius may be showing in those years and it may be a highly prolific, creative, artistic and innovative time. Start now.
May 22 – June 20
Death and taxes: two topics that most of us would rather skip over, ignore or hope would go away. But no way – they’re on board and must be dealt with. The present planetary positions are indicating a time in which you might be looking at all kinds of deep topics, including mysticism and spirituality.
June 21 – July 22
A great transformative energy is taking place. Life may be full of complexities, some hidden and some not. Power plays and powerful days unfold in which you get to see who is loyal or not. Births and deaths, wills and legacies, deep loves and profound memories are made. Be clean and let your works be seen.
July 23 – August 22
Sparks could fly in the first week of January. It won’t take much for you or others to lose their cool and it may be wise to follow the axiom, “A soft answer turneth away wrath.” Negotiations regarding business, romance and children come up throughout the month. Travel to exotic locations may be considered as well.
August 23 – September 22
It’s time to rethink the plan and do what Virgo does best, which is to analyze any particular thing down to its very core. While you’re doing all this super brain work, keep in mind it’s also time to consider just where you’re at on the level of spirituality and your relationship to the creator.
September 23 – October 22
January is a highly creative month for Libra. Not so much in the sense of output and production, but in how you shape your world. It might be time to weigh up your relationships and see which ones are worthy and worth continuing. It’s time to go deep within the sanctum of your soul.
October 23 – November 21
Lord Mars visits your sign until early March providing much needed energy, strength and confidence. You may feel as though you have had the stuffing kicked out of you over the last few years, but now you’re on the mend and back to your old self again. Set your gaze on the target and move forward.
November 22 – December 21
Now’s the time for some deep introspection regarding matters of the heart. Sagittarius holds the highest ideals and when they’re not met it can cause a bit of depression. On the other hand, when you have your priorities right you can fly high like no other. Love and career considerations are the dominant topics.
December 22 – January 19
Certain aspects of life are being revealed. Things you may never have considered are coming up and must be handled. Not half way, but all the way. As my beloved guru has taught us, “Don’t waste the capital you have been given.” Money, name and fame won’t do it, but devotion to higher consciousness will.
January 20 – February 19
The full Moon on January 23 and a few days either side of this date will help illuminate what must be done in order for you to feel you have yourself together, balanced and copacetic. Much is happening behind the scenes and soon enough what was hidden will come to light. Give love and forgiveness.
February 20 – March 20
When the cup is full, it cannot receive. Yes, you may have it all and feel empty at the same time. The problem stems from not taking care of your spiritual life. A muscle not used will atrophy and so it is with our soul currents. They need daily exercise, care, devotion, meditation and love.
by Mac McLaughlin | May 12, 2020 | Uncategorized
Hello all, I hope you are doing well during these trying times. Due to some health concerns I’m not going to be doing personalized readings for the next little while. The transit, compatibility, and Indra reports are still available.
by Mac McLaughlin | Sep 8, 2019 | Uncategorized
British Astrologer Alan Leo (1860 – 1917) was considered the father of modern Astrology. He published a septenary of text books which I truly loved and cut my teeth on in the early days of my study of the planets, signs and every other thing related to astrology. I revered him. Actually I think I read and reread those books many times, and certainly he was a major influence in my life. Then one night I had a dream of him, nearly a nightmare. There he was working on a window sill outside of his house. As I approached he turned towards me and said “if you think I’m going to talk about astrology, you’re crazy”. Well that dream has haunted me for nearly 50 years. How could my hero say such a thing? Well let’s leave this for a bit and we will get back to it in a while.
Thirty years later I was down in southern California attending a reunion of some very dear old friends. I was shocked and a little surprised when one of them said that Mac thinks he learned astrology through the books. What do you mean, was my response. He said that long before I got to any of the text books, I had the ability to pick out people’s birth signs and often their correct birth dates. That is true. I must have had a previous incarnation in which I was involved with the stars. I wouldn’t say that I have picked out someones birth day or sign thousands of times, but certainly hundreds of times. In person, and over the phone it seemed that I could tune into astrological signatures. People are continuously waving their astro flags. The shape of one’s hands, the way they walk, the way they talk, and how they dress and the sound of their voice and mannerisms would always tip me off. Anyway, I have always been thankful and grateful that I was able to share the stars with all of the souls that have come my way over the last 47 years. Now the time has arrived to bid you adieu. I will still be doing readings but this is my final column. The time has come to turn inwards and strive to still the mind and lead a more contemplative and meditative life.
I finally got what Alan Leo meant in that dream. That astrology is a helpful tool many ways in life but it cannot change your fate. Whatever is written in your fate must come to pass. We receive not a penny more or penny less than what was written.
MARCH 21 – April 19
Thank You dear Aries for always being original, brave, bold, and audacious. You are the path finder, way shower of the zodiac. Whatever trail that you blaze the rest must follow. Never stop being the intrepid warrior that you are. You’re a diamond in the rough, multi faceted, highly gifted and just needing some polish.
April 20 – May 21
Thank You dear Taurus for the steadfast energy that you bring to the cosmic table. Being ruled by lovely Venus you will always have an eye and attraction for anything of substantial value, and beauty. You will draw wealth your way just as a magnet attracts iron. What Taurus wants, Taurus gets.
May 22 – June 20
Thank You dear Gemini for your gift of versatility, and the ability to see both sides of anything. Angelic in nature you will always be attracted to the artistic and intellectual studies. It seems that Gemini knows a little about a lot of things, or a lot about a few things, and always youthful in appearance regardless of age.
June 21 – July 22
Thank You dear Cancer for your tenacious ability, and steadfast loyalty especially to family and friends.The phrase ‘to serve and protect’ most have been coined by a Cancer type. Patriotic, protective, and deeply reflective is the mode of action for the relentless energy that the moon child possesses.
July 23 – August 22
Thank You dear Leo. I mean really, how would life be without these royal lions in our midst? Big hearted, warm, funny as can be, and generally gifted with outstanding physical features. You don’t say no to the Lion, you say please. Like the big cats you have prowess, stealth and dynamic strength, and the ability to love deeply.
August 23 – September 22
Thank You dear Virgo for your gift of discernment, dedication and hard work. Rocky Marciano was a Virgo and plain and simple he just never gave up. Like him, you are relentless in your capacity to get to the truth of any particular topic that captures your attention. Clean and pure, honest and humane is what you are.
September 23 – October 22
Thank You you dear Libra for your gift of fair play, along with the dynamic intellect that you possess. Charming and graceful and deeply wise are just a few of the gifts that you carry in this lifetime. Harmony, peace and beauty always accompany you. Seek the balance in all things.
October 23 – November 21
Thank You dear Scorpio for your gift of relentless persistence, and innate ability to find what is hidden. Where others give up, Scorpio is just getting started. The greatest surgeons, researchers and scientists come under the heading of Scorpio. It’s all the way, or no way in love, and never half way. Lead the way.
November 22 – December 21
Thank You dear Sagittarius for your gift of vision. You are the intrepid traveller of the zodiac. Others say where they would like to go, and you come back and tell them how it was. Prophetic, philosophic and often visionary, you may see the inevitability of any situation. You have the ability to find the centre of the target.
December 22 – January 19
Thank You dear Capricorn for your contribution of deep commitment, dedication and flat out leadership ability. Leo may be the kingly lion, but truly Capricorn dominates the zodiac every which way. Born old, you get younger as you go. The sea goat is an apt symbol representing your spiritual / material quest in this life.
January 20 – February 19
Thank You dear Aquarius for the multiple talents that you are destined to share with the rest of humanity in this incarnation. Crowned with the gift of impersonal love, you are able to see the good in everyone. A deep wisdom and depth of knowledge out paces the other signs.
February 20 – March 20
Thank You dear Pisces for your contribution of universal love and compassion. Generally humble, seemingly shy, magical and mystical, there simply is not another sign that carries the gifts of caring and service that you possess. You carry a great and cosmic yearning for God’s love. You have the wisdom of all the other signs combined.