The Gemini new Moon on May 24 signals a fresh round of life’s activities. All manner of communications come under the heading of Gemini. Education, transportation, business and commerce are just a few of the topics covered by this mutli-dimensional sign.

Mercury, lord of the Gemini new Moon happens to be retrograding in Taurus and in square with Jupiter and Neptune until early June. It may be wise to take everything with a grain of salt as things may not be as they appear. As a matter of fact, we are vulnerable to a series of great deceptions and it will take keen, clear minds to sort out what is real and what is not. If you can’t do the time, then don’t do the crime is a well worn adage that fits the times. I hold great hope and some expectations that the ongoing Jupiter, Neptune conjunction in Aquarius will have the effect of opening the hearts, minds and eyes of world leaders. Fear mongering and planning for war seems to be the steady diet that we the human race are fed these days. We see from the level of the physical plane and our minds and intellects are blind to the realities of the soul’s flight above the regions of the mind and senses.

The Mystics and Masters are telling us that our job is to learn to live a non-violent lifestyle in which we strive to purify in order to even begin our inner journey. My beloved guru, Param Sant Kirpal Singh Ji Maharaj taught us that a nail encrusted with dirt and rust is difficult for the magnet to pick up. But once cleaned the nail is caught easily by the magnet. The magnet is God’s love and light, and we are the rusty nails. Let’s go work on what is worthy and what is true as there is nothing else to do.

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You are a diamond in the rough, multifaceted, highly talented and just needing some polish and practice. A lively time is upon you as all sorts of very interesting and exciting developments begin to congeal. You have people to see and places to go and little time to do it all, but that suits you just fine.

The winds of change have begun to blow and although you may dread making changes, soon after you will feel the relief of doing so. You have had some time to review what’s what, and who’s who, and now you can implement your plan that best serves you in your quest for peace, harmony and success.

The Gemini new Moon on May 24 signals a shift and change coming into play. The Sun’s passage through your sign will give you that needed boost of energy and confidence over the next month. Mercury is still in square with Jupiter and Neptune until the first week in June, bringing the possibility of mistakes and misunderstandings taking place. Otherwise it looks like the sky is brightening in many ways.

There is no real permanence on the physical plane. You may be sensing that your world is changing and that you must accommodate the changes in some way. Assist, don’t resist, for what you resist persists, while what you assist will desist. Know that what is meant to be yours will be yours and what is not meant to be yours cannot be. Do what it takes to get yourself free and happy once again.

Have you ever had the feeling that something is missing? It comes from deep within. It is a longing to connect with your creator. Money, name and fame cannot bring it, neither can any passing love here on Earth. Your world is beginning to open up as you continue your search for the Holy Grail. Friends and connections figure strongly now and a lively time is indicated.

The kindergarten teacher teaches at the level of his young charges, while the university professor speaks to the level of her students’ abilities. Now with Saturn moving through Virgo the pressure is on to learn at the highest level. The course is grueling and the pressure is intense but the rewards are lifelong once you come through. Bite the bullet, do the work and give thanks for the opportunity to do so. We can apply the above message to all areas of life.

A huge focus of planetary energy is occurring for your sign these days. With a little bit of effort you can go a long way, and with serious effort and intent I would not be surprised with the stories of love and glory that will come out of this time for Libra. Give it a spin and you might win.

Now is a good time for any type of research. You are the natural detective of the zodiac. Many scientists and researchers will have strong Scorpio signatures in their birth charts. It may be wise to let the Mercury – Neptune square finish up before you make any really important decisions. The smoke clears after the first week in June and you will be able to see ahead without too much obstruction. Meanwhile, there is a lot of action going on behind closed doors.

The new Moon on May 24 occurs in your opposite sign Gemini. Often we’re feeling a lack of energy and enthusiasm for a few days either side of the new Moon. Jupiter lord of Sagittarius is conjunct with Neptune and I wonder what this will bring for my Sagittarius friends. Spiritual epiphanies mixed in with bizarre and unusual dreams, along with very unique people showing up in your life are just a few events that may come up. You may be totally fascinated with someone that is very different from yourself.

You must find the balance. If you push too hard others will resent it and react. If you allow others to manipulate you in an unfair way it is just as bad. Big loves and big enemies are looming into the picture which is all the more reason to find the balance in all things. Remember that an honest man fears no enemy.

It is a very special and auspicious time for your sign. The Jupiter – Neptune conjunction taking place presently is an important alignment that can bring all sorts of miracles, healing and other phenomena beyond our normal range of understanding into your life. If you feel the urge to seek out spiritual enlightenment, seize it and go with it. Life may be a bit fuzzy as Mercury and Neptune continue to square off until the first week in June. Read the fine print and assume nothing.

The Jupiter Neptune conjunction in Aquarius will open up all kinds of avenues for you to explore. Life is just beginning in many ways and although things may not be settled or secure, do know that everything is working towards your ultimate benefit and spiritual upliftment. Be brave and bold and insist that the universe bring it on. Embrace all that life has to offer.