The Aries new Moon takes place on March 26, at 9:06 A.M. PDT. Spring has sprung and now the giant wheel of life picks up speed and the dreary days of winter lose their hold and become hardly a memory. We have things to do, place’s to go, and only a short time to get there. Venus is conjunct the New Moon which certainly is a good thing in the sense that she is able to bring her calm and wise counsel to the table. Venus represents the love that we are willing to give, while Aries is the sign of new life and new beginnings.
Mercury, lord of the Gemini rising sign in this new Moon chart has just entered Aries and is another indicator of lively times coming into play. We will be far too busy to be concerned with what is in the past, and we will be far more likely to just roll up our sleeves and deal with our present day realities with vigor, boldness, confidence and bravery.
The Moon moves through Taurus from March 28 to 30 just in time for the weekend. The Sun is exalted in Aries and the Moon is exalted in Taurus, bringing some of the best days our way. We finish out the month with the Moon passing through Gemini which signals a lively time in which the phone lines will be burning up as we strive to keep in touch with folks in our sphere, or in today’s terms “in our network”.
March 31 is a mixed day. We will experience highs and lows like storm clouds gathering and dissipating rapidly. It may be wise to not carry the April fools jokes too far as the Moon opposes Pluto and squares Venus mid day which is not a lofty nor humorous planetary aspect. It usually represents a flow of tears or some type of sadness being expressed. Jealousy and its fallout should be avoided.
Well, let’s get out there and contribute to the dance of life in all of its glory!
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It’s your time of the year and truly time to put it together. The Sun, Moon, Mercury and Venus are traveling through Aries bringing all kinds of excitement and adventure into your life. You will be busy doing all that you do. Love may not be a stranger and it could be a love from the past that shows up. Remember that charity begins at home and now you have the opportunity to give yourself a break and take care of yourself.
The Moon visits Taurus from March 28 to 30 bringing you into your lunar high of the month. It’s just about as good as it gets and life flows along to your liking. Create and create some more. Externalize the beauty that you see within and make it a reality. Any sort of concerns or problems to do with your health should be attended to and not toughed out or simply tolerated, as we do know you can be a tad stubborn sometimes.
Gemini rises around the time of the new Moon on March 26 bringing a lively period in which you can do one of Gemini’s favorite things, which is to connect and relate to everyone that you know and don’t know yet. Mercury has just entered Aries and is another signal that life’s activities and demands take hold and you may become very busy, or at least busier than normal. The Moon passes through Gemini on March 30 and 31. Quite the roller coaster ride of emotions takes place. Somewhere in the midst of the laughter and tears, there you stand.
Your solar house of professions is well lit up throughout late March and most of April. Make the best use of this information by being proactive, if not aggressive and at least competitive while this energy is happening. Results come in according to how much energy you put out now. A spiritual changeover may be in the works and travel is still a strong possibility. Although it may not be an easy line to walk these days it is important to educate yourself as the times demand it and it will pay in the future.
Your solar ninth house of travel and spirituality is strongly activated. Philosophic and legal considerations come up. The majority of the planets are swaying in your favour. You may sense a change within as you refocus and refine your values. Benefits come through in the form of a strong partnership or support from others. It may be time to set off on your “walk about” to discover who you are.
While most signs of the zodiac would rather skip over the onerous duties and disciplines that come up when Saturn comes around, your average Virgo would be staring down the details and patiently working them through to their natural conclusions. In other words, Virgo is well equipped with the basic necessities of common sense unless you’re one of the many wild, weird and wonderful Virgos that create their own reality and lifestyle. Well, Saturn is visiting for a spell and it is best to get it all together and get on with the rhythms of life, love and the pursuit of heavenly bliss.
Your solar seventh house of relationships is strongly activated now. The secret of the times is to find the balance between freedom and commitment. Oftentimes Libra may be guilty of giving too much of themselves away and allowing others to run the show. Then there are Libras that overcompensate for this and are perceived as a bit confrontational. Then of course we find the Libra that has found the balance between individuality and sharing with another. Some go it alone, but of course have the reservation that if the right situation came up they would consider it. Well it is possible now that this may take place.
Scorpio is one of the fixed signs of the zodiac along with Taurus, Leo and Aquarius. Each of these signs represents the middle of their respective seasons of the year and they are the most enduring and least changing of the twelve. They find it hard to truly make changes easily or readily while other signs seem to be able to drop everything and walk away and create a new lifestyle with hardly a look back. But you may be the most intuitive and instinctual fixed sign and may make some of your moves on pure instinct. Now is the time to organize, cleanse and renew all aspects of your life. Like the phoenix it is time to resurrect yourself, not just philosophically, but also internally, physically and mostly spiritually. You have work to do and now is the time to do it.
The Aries New Moon on March 26 takes place in your solar fifth house representing creativity, children, romance, business and gambling. Mercury and Venus are traveling through the same area bringing the message home a bit stronger that the above topics will come into play. Challenges at work and home keep you on your toes. Publishing, writing, short journeys, time with friends and educational pursuits also feature these days.
Family matters take up your time and attention now. Home, family and real-estate are all active topics, as are renovations, moving, buying, selling, birthing and dying etc. The past comes up for review and you may come across some memories that you haven’t thought about for a while. Store your treasures where moth and rust cannot corrupt as Pluto continues to make his presence felt in the sense of a possible dissatisfaction with how things are and how the world is. Money, power, sex, name and fame won’t help much. You are starting on a journey of profound discovery that begins with a sense of letting go of what you used to value. God’s love might be what you’re after and if so you will have to approach with heart in hand and fork over all of your earthly treasures as well. You need to know that it is God’s, not yours to dispense with. Go from there.
It is time to adorn yourself in white robes. Two highly spiritual planets, Jupiter and Neptune have met up in Aquarius and will be in close proximity over the next four months. Jupiter brings confidence and themes like expansion and freedom, while Neptune connects us to the spiritual realms. A time of great adventure and discovery is at hand. Scenarios that are downright outrageous, fantastic, hilarious and deeply touching will take place. It could be all out debauchery if you let loose too much. The symbol of the white robes implies proper and sober use of the great gifts and enlightenment that come from above. In essence, it is time to truly make something of yourself and the stars are in the mood to help.
March 31 and April 1 could be trying days in which emotions may be heightened and words are said that could be regretted later. It seems like an uphill battle in the last days of March and early April as frustrations and limitations seemingly crop up. Your courage and boldness will be increased by the presence of Mars visiting Pisces. Know that you are being prepared for much more work and adventure in the years to come as Neptune and Jupiter, both rulers of Pisces come back to this sign in the not too distant future. Your mantra should be, “bring it on and let’s dance.” Remain open to the magic and mystery of life.