The summer solstice arrives on June 20 at 10:46 P.M. PDT. The position and condition of the planets at the time of the solstice can offer many hints as to how the next three months will unfold. As the Sun commences his journey through the cardinal water sign Cancer we can expect life’s energies and rhythms to pick up considerably.
The Sun opposes Pluto on June 23 bringing important developments on the international scene. The bolstering, strutting and posturing of those striving to hold on to power will be at an all time high and could become quite dangerous. Overthrows and struggles for power will take place at the cost of many lives. I guess we shouldn’t be too alarmed as this seems to be the natural order of things on dear old planet Earth.
Venus Mars and Saturn form a nice triangle bringing a strong and balanced co-operative effort in all areas of life. The bean counters and other social prognosticators can say what they want, but I sense that the economy is moving along and we are going to carry on just as we always do. Jupiter and Neptune are conjunct and the combination is well suited to the higher aspirations of the mind and soul. The conjunction is another harbinger of good things to come and will prove the human spirit to be alive and well and more than willing to strive onwards towards the goal of free and fair living for all members and species on the planet.
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In order to be selfless, you must be selfish first. In other words, now is the time to turn your life around and truly get it on track. The stars are aligned in such a way that grace and opportunity is at hand. Awake from your slumber and make the moves that you know you should make.
Lord Venus and with fiery Mars are moving through the middle of Taurus and casting a fine triangle with Saturn. It means that life takes on a special shine in which love, success and happiness are experienced. Don’t look back and surely continue to seek that which will bring you peace of mind.
It is time to put the past where it belongs, in the past. Changes are happening, cycles and situations ending and new beginnings are about to take place. A lively summer is predicted as Mercury, and then Venus and Mars pay their visits to your sign throughout the summer bringing energy, action, love and possibly money too. The Butterfly must leave its cocoon and you must leave yours to embark on a journey of discovery.
The Cancer new Moon on June 22 signals the start of an important time in which you are able to truly express yourself. Plus, you are in your solar high of the year and may be in the mood to truly make some changes. The Sun and Pluto form an opposition on June 23 bringing power plays or power struggles that may not be avoided easily. Play safe and keep the strangers at bay.
Your career and relationship solar houses are activated bringing important developments into both areas of your life. It is important to pay close attention to the people that show up now in your life. Someone very special could be closer than you think. A spiritual marriage may be the case for some of the solar types. But go slow till you know as things may not be as they appear in all forms of relationships.
Venus and Mars cast fine energy into your sign bringing love, happiness and contentedness your way. Saturn is still strongly in the picture and you may feel his pinching effect on your pocketbook as he teaches the lessons of frugality and astringency. It is the time to make it all work and remember that someday these will be considered the good old days.
Joint monies, inheritances and partnership resources somehow come into play. The Sun is moving though your solar tenth house which is related to career and professional activities. Social circles are on the increase and all kinds of unique developments are taking shape. Now is the time for maximum effort, as things may not come easy in 2010.
Venus and Mars travel through your opposite sign Taurus bringing an array of events that may be very intense, positive or negative. Values, ethics and morality are featured. Reason, patience and consideration win the day, while anger just fuels the flames. Spiritual topics capture your interest and your passion for discovery and adventure may get you to do some traveling this summer.
Either you are at the top of your game and being acknowledged for your attainments or you may be ready to bail. Either scenario fits the times. Much depends on how you got to where you are now. Of course most lucky Jupitarians come out with a smile on their face as they end up in some type of serendipitous circumstances anyway according to their karma.
The new Moon on June 22 in your opposite sign Cancer signals an important time as those that oppose your ways may show up and make themselves heard. The Sun opposes Pluto on June 23 and is another harbinger of power plays and significant developments that need your attention. Venus, Mars and Saturn cast fine energy your way helping tremendously. It may be time for some down time so relax and recoup.
Jupiter and Neptune are conjunct as they continue their visit to your sign. Aquarius is known for their great intellectual prowess along with their ability to be great teachers with excellent capacity for humanitarian love and caring. Your sense of humour is unmatched and slightly twisted. All of the above traits get a boost now and you should reach for the stars as they will respond bringing you higher and higher.
Truly, if I were you, I would busy myself with the task of finding a proper spiritual pathway to tread on. The future is heading your way fast and within a couple of years and for many years to come life will continue to change at a phenomenal rate of speed. Great adventures await thee and your work is within purification, supplication and surrendering to the higher callings.