Thursday August 27:
Tensions are bound to be running high as a tight T-square involving Mercury, Mars and Pluto dominates the day. The Sun and Moon are squared off as well and the combination spells out tension. Heated words will be exchanged, mishaps will occur, and incidents and accidents will manifest. The best bet is to keep this knowledge at the forefront and don’t get roped into doing stupid things like reacting to inconsiderate people on the road. A lot happens today and the dice are loaded and rolling.
Friday August 28:
Mercury and Venus are harmonizing bringing the spirit of good will and helping in many ways to alleviate the tensions of the last few days. Mercury and Mars have locked step and they are squared off throughout the first week of September. It tells of a time in which we will be hard at work, sleeves rolled up and the midnight oil burning as we strive to accommodate society’s concerns. Choose your hobby horse and jump on for a wild ride through time.
Saturday August 29:
Fantasies of a relaxing weekend evaporate like champagne bubbles as a series of trying planetary aspects command our attention throughout the day. The potential for clashes and crashes is strong so be wise, slow down and pay attention to what you are doing. The day ends well as the Sun and Moon harmonize and we can let down and enjoy some peace and rest.
Sunday August 30:
The Moon moves through the middle of Capricorn bringing somewhat of a pensive mood in which we ponder our plight, fate and destiny. Emotions are blocked or hidden as a reluctance to share our feelings is prevalent under the Capricorn Moon. It is a day to weigh up and work with what has to be done in order to bring things around to their proper course.
Monday August 31:
The Moon and Saturn form a triangular pattern early in the morning bringing the best opportunity to implement the plans that you put together yesterday. This is the best day to conduct all activities, especially tasks related to career, health and education. Remember to be polite, kind and patient as the potential for heated reactions is strong. We’re serious and in the mood to get things done and done properly as the times are demanding that we do so. Sing the verse, “I owe, I owe, it’s off to work I go.”
Tuesday September 1:
Well we’ve got a bee in our bonnet about something, and we cannot seem to rid ourselves of its irritating effect. Mercury is slowing down and will turn retrograde on September 6. Mercury is in square with Mars as we head for a full Moon on September 4. In essence it means that we will be totally involved and probably galvanized by the concerns of the days. Taxes, the economy, transportation, well just name your favorite topic as it is sure to have its full share of controversy and concerns. Really it’s just life coming down the pike, but somewhat intensified and dramatized.
Wednesday September 2:
The Aquarius Moon hooks up with Jupiter mid day enhancing and uplifting our spirits. Jupiter is the planet of good will, trust, hope and faith, while Aquarius is the sign of humanitarian love. Hopefully the combination will help with some form of grace directed towards all those that suffer. The Moon – Neptune conjunction late in the evening carries a similar tenor and quality of compassion and caring. The combination enhances psychic experiences and intuition and dreams become vivid. The bright Aquarius Moon promises memorable times spent with unique or unusual people.
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A powerful T-square takes shape involving Mercury in Libra, Mars in Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn. They all make a connection to Aries indicating a time of great activity and challenging circumstances. The pressure is on and you must perform. The best remedy is to be prepared and do your homework so that you can be up to speed, confident and competent. Otherwise, surely you will get called up for any missteps along the way. A challenging time has arrived that you may enjoy.
Things to do, and to take care of this week: sort out inner family tensions as the squawking amongst siblings and young ones will be notable, deal with trades people and possible enemies, and pay attention to ongoing health concerns lest they become chronic. August 29 to 31 are the best days this week. Sunday August 30 is a day of rest and recreation. Plans for renovations or buying or selling properties are in the works.
September 1 and 2 are the best days this week. No doubt you will be busy and out and about gathering and disseminating information. It’s a perfect time to mix and mingle. Lively and heated debates may take place to your chagrin or delight. Jousting, bluffing, retorting, good fun, planning, partying and gossip fill the days.
August 29 could have its travails, challenges and tribulations too. You may be in a touchy mood and brewing for a fight. Others will accommodate this vibe if taken too far. The whole week carries a fair amount of tension and angst. It’s just the energy of the times and we must cope and work with it. Your ability to care, nurture and protect others may be called upon and you may not mind as it is instinctual for you to take care of those in need.
Venus makes her presence known as she continues her visit to your sign for the next few weeks. Venus rules over matters of the heart, love, beauty, creativity and elegance. There is a deeper side to her nature beyond the world of appearances and outer beauty. Ethics, purity and morality are strong Venusian traits. You may find yourself looking in the mirror and wondering what must be done in order to bring fairness and balance into your life. August 28 is the best day of the week, especially for romance and adventure and all matters of creativity and communications.
It’s your time of the year as the Sun continues his journey through Virgo, invigorating and energizing you. It is likely that you may need a boost as Lord Saturn has had his heavy hand in the play over the last two years. Saturn has a correcting and sobering quality often experienced as a time of restriction and limitation, frugality and frustration. Then again, for the bright and duty bound Virgo people, they love nothing better than rising to the challenge of making something work and bringing it to perfection. August 29 and 30 are the best days this week.
A lively time has arrived and the days will fly by at lightning speed. Boredom is not a word that you will be rolling around on your tongue. If anything you may seek some solace and peace as the hubbub of activity and pressure can consume your energy. Mercury and Mars are in square aspect with Mercury visiting your sign. It won’t take much of a spark to set off a real barn burner as heated exchanges, challenges and other controversies pop up on the screen. Venus casts fine energy into the mix helping in many ways and bringing good times along with the ongoing concerns. August 29 carries its challenges and opportunities to set the scales to a proper balance. September 1 and 2 are much better days.
Career and home activities get a boost. Opportunities for creative advancement may materialize. It is time to move towards your goals and objectives. Groups and organizations along with new friendships figure in somehow. A certain tension is on board for all signs as Mercury and Mars are in square aspect throughout the first week of September. Fiery debates or clashes take place. Scorpio’s gift is controlling fire and directing its energy appropriately. Your spirit may shine through the fog.
August 27 could be a demanding day as you conduct business, hold court, climb a mountain or whatever that Sagittarius envision in their broad view of life. August 28 is more like the kind of day that you would enjoy. A series of fine planetary aspects take shape along with a couple of trying aspects. You may have to deal with some form of concern or restriction that could be upsetting, and interestingly a breakthrough or series of positive experiences comes up, just to balance the day out. He who laughs last, laughs best.
The Moon visits Capricorn from August 29 to 31. Things could be touchy and explosive on August 29 as heated exchanges take place. The day ends well and August 30 unfolds peacefully. The possibility for battles to erupt is strong throughout this week and you will have to proceed with caution while certainly regarding the rights and feelings of others. Failure to do so comes back like a boomerang. Nothing is done in half measures now. Travel, career and home activities keep you on the move.
The Moon visits your sign on September1 and 2. She makes a series of delightful aspects that may please you in many ways. Possibly your wisdom and insight will be called upon and your humanitarian qualities shine through with good sense and sound judgment. On another level, September 2 could prove to be a special day in which a miracle could occur. Great times and profound experiences may be had.
The full Moon On September 4 occurs in your sign. It is an important time in which revelations and realizations come flooding in. Mercury and Mars are in square aspect on September 3 creating a series of agitating or irksome experiences. When the Moon travels through Pisces from September 3 to 5 people will open up and share their fears and concerns. Possibly your wisdom and wise counsel will shine through the cacophony and bustle of the times.