Thursday September 3:
Mercury and Mars square off today. These two planets are inimical to each other. Mercury rules communications, transit, commerce and negotiations etc. Mars rules impatience, aggression, clashes, disagreements, war, fire, exploration and courage. Mercury is moving exceptionally slow as he prepares to turn retrograde on September 6. Planets become more powerful as their apparent motion slows down and stops while going retrograde or returning to direct motion. This tells of a time of great activity and motion as we strive to meet the demands and pressures of the day. Plus the Moon is in Pisces and nearly full, bringing on a great wave of emotions to deal with. Heated words are exchanged and things said that shouldn’t have been said cause a domino effect. We will hear all about it on the six o’clock news.
Friday September 4:
The Pisces full Moon unfolds her impactful energy today, along with the Mercury – Mars square, the combination brings a wave of unique or unusual experiences for mankind to ponder. A healing takes place and we may witness the strength of the human spirit when under duress. These will be intense days for sure, harrowing in some way with all sorts of opportunities to show kindness and consideration in the face of inconsiderate actions. People want to express their emotions and get things off their chest under the Pisces Moon. The clubs will be full and the concerns of the society magnified and amplified in some way. Exciting, challenging and inspiring times are upon us.
Saturday September 5:
Tensions are still running high as the full Moon and square aspect between Mercury and Mars continues to create a somewhat hyped up situation. It’s the Labour Day long weekend and it just might be the perfect time to get away from it all and enjoy the ebbing summer days with our loved ones. The trick of the times is to be prepared and alert while we’re at the campgrounds or on the water or in it. Traveling to and fro may have its glitches and concerns. It is not the time to talk on the phone and twitter as you head out on your weekend ventures. Stay safe and play safe.
Sunday September 6:
Mercury begins to retrograde today bringing communication and transportation glitches that test our patience and nerves to no end. Heated debates can flare up suddenly and it may be wise to take your time and weigh your words carefully before you deliver them. The upside of this planetary configuration comes in the form of excitement and high adventure. It is time to party, relax and enjoy the awesome summer days. Let’s take care of each other and treat everyone as your brother and sister.
Monday September 7:
Labour Day has arrived and the Aries Moon forms a couple of nice aspects to Jupiter and Neptune in Aquarius bringing harmony and happy times our way. Say hello to someone, help another and extend a hand where you can. The Mercury – Mars square is still very strong and although we are having a great time it will pay dividends to just be a bit more careful and prudent in all that we do. Let’s enjoy the day and get home safe. Accidents and fires are the main concerns of this holiday weekend.
Tuesday September 8:
Today’s Taurus Moon brings a somewhat harmonious vibe that will help us cope with the logistics and schedules of the first day back to school. With Mercury retrograding we may find that many schedules and plans are off track. Again the Taurus Moon brings a rhythmic energy allowing us to move through the problems as we strive to get our lives back into the groove. Possibly many parents will breathe a sigh of relief that the kids are back in school. It’s a good day, and it will fly by in no time flat.
Wednesday September 9:
The Taurus Moon continues and she forms a triangle with the Sun mid morning helping to smooth the wrinkles as we continue to get it together. Petty issues can get blown up out of proportion and jealousies, divisions and other forms of social adjusting and aligning will take place today. It’s a mixed bag of planetary drama, some positive and some negative scenes will work themselves out through the day. It’s a good day. Let’s go.
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You win the Astro lottery as the Moon visits Aries throughout the Labour Day weekend. September 6 is an exciting day filled with adventure and challenge. Tempers can flare easily and it may be wise to keep it in check. Labour Day is the best of all, as the Moon harmonizes with Jupiter and Neptune in Aquarius making it easy to relate to others. People are in the mood to party and have a good time, which suits you just fine. Special connections are made today as you discover others that have similar interests.
The Moon visits Taurus on September 8 and 9 bringing you into your solar high of the month. You get things done as you glide through the days with no problems. Oh, there might be a few snags on September 9 that will need your attention and care. Try not to overreact or overstate a situation. The Moon and Sun are in triangle helping to sort through, clear up and clear out any lingering concerns. Evening time is much better and you can put your hooves up and have your popcorn and pop.
The heat is on and you will have to be on your nimble toes in order to sidestep the material that is flying around as we move through this Labour Day weekend. A full Moon along with retrograding Mercury in square with feisty Mars is quite the recipe for disagreements and other calamitous scenarios to develop. The remedy is to keep things simple if you can, or roll up your sleeves and duke it out. Sometimes it is good to let it out in order for healing to begin. As Chuck Norris would say, “The best defense is to not offend.” On the plus side, the Moon is in Aries on Labour Day and along with Venus Jupiter and Neptune they combine and cast excellent energy into your sign restoring your faith and bringing mirth and laughter.
All full Moons are important for Cancer people as the Moon is your ruling planet, and when she is full you will be productive, active and creative. Mercury and Mars are in a square aspect as this full Moon takes shape on September 4 and controversies are bound to arise. Powerful clashes, crashes and exchanges may take place. Mars is in Cancer bringing a mix of testosterone fueled activities, challenges and other assorted and hopefully not sordid scenarios to work through. It also could be a time of great achievements, heroic deeds and selfless sacrifices. Stay centered, aware and awake. Say less and listen more, especially from September 3 to 5.
It may seem like the world is spinning faster as a series of intense aspects along with a full Moon on September 4 whips up the flames and everyone seems a little wound up about something. Maybe we’re just intent on having a good weekend as we sense the fall season heading our way. Labour Day itself is the best for your sign and you may hold court or just hang with your loved ones. Venus brings her touch of class and creativity your way. It might be your bright light and steady strength that helps others stay the course and see the problems through to the other side.
The full Moon on September 4 casts plenty of light into your sign bringing revelations, action and excitement your way. Plus, Lord Mercury is squared off with Mars and you will have to stay sharp in order to deal with the material that will be swirling around in the form of gossip and innuendo. Possibly you’re just working hard, or hard pressed in order to get things done. Allow room for change as big changes are in the wind. The past is fading away and the future approaches rapidly. Certainly move towards your true goals and passions, for now is the time to put your plan for the future together, through hard work, devotion and dedication..
Mercury and Mars square off as Mercury turns retrograde in your sign, and the Moon is full for good measure. All this takes form September 3 to 6 guaranteeing an active, exciting and possibly challenging time in which the gloves are off and the battle is on. It will take diplomacy, patience and fairness in order to keep a semblance of balance. It may be your wisdom and insight that sets the scales right. The pictograph for Libra is a blindfolded goddess with a sword in one hand and scales in the other, implying impartial justice. It may be tough to remain impartial but wise to do so. It may pan out to be just an exciting, wild and weird weekend which you might enjoy.
The full Moon on September 4 harmonizes with your sign, which is a good thing as there are a series of intense planetary aspects going on that may have all kinds of people stirred up. Travel plans could be marred as Mercury and your ruling planet Mars square off on September 3. Career opportunities develop and you may be in demand. September 9 is the best day to sort through and work out any type of relationship concerns. Watch for overreacting or others doing so. Overall, it is a good time to keep on with finding your new direction. Deep spiritual changes may be taking place.
A mixed bag of planetary influences takes shape over the Labour Day weekend that may push and pull you in different directions. The full Moon on September 4 along with a Mercury Mars square indicates that tensions will be running high for all signs as people will be reactive, touchy and impatient. September 3 to 6 carries this energy strongly, while on September 7 conditions improve and people let down and relax a bit. You won’t be bored and you may even enjoy the drama and your part in the play. Career and home sectors are active indicating a possible change in those areas.
Sparks are flying off of the wheel as life intensifies in many ways. You might as well rest up and enjoy the Labour Day weekend festivities if you can, but with the planetary aspects that are onboard you may be pacing the floor or circling the campfire as you contemplate the long future and your options, fears, enemies and possible goals. It won’t take much to set off a battle royale as everyone seems to have their hackles up about one thing or another. September 8 and 9 are your best days in which you can accomplish your objectives.
It just might be your kind of time, as the Aries Moon harmonizes well with Jupiter and Neptune in Aquarius on Labour Day. Mixing, meeting and mingling is the life blood of any true Aquarian. Of course there are the eccentric Aquarius types that might be socially shy and not up on groups, crowds or gatherings of any sort. But for the Aquarius types that live for the opportunity to connect, communicate, direct, educate and share in all of it, then this is your time to shine. September 9 has a different tone to it and again you may have opportunities to share your wisdom and vision, although resentment and jealousy may come into play.
The Pisces full Moon on September 4 is pregnant and potent and no doubt will deliver it’s impactful message to humanity in some way or another. Mercury and Mars are in a dynamic square aspect on September 3 and combined with the full Moon we can expect a heightened time in which much is said and done. September 5 carries the same dynamics and will prove to be a time in which many life changing events may take place. Although this may sound a bit hairy, it just might be a weekend in which revelations and realizations bring a wakeup call and changes come in the wake of it all.