We are not living in peaceful times, nor have we ever. Hold on a minute. That’s not true. We lived in peaceful times during the Golden Age. According to the mystics, souls pass through great cycles of time on their journey back to the source of pure light and love. They speak of a time in which men spoke only the truth and peace reigned on Earth.
The problem that eventually manifested for the souls living in the Golden Age was they were not motivated to rise above body consciousness and traverse the higher planes. They became satiated, secure and satisfied with their Earthly existence. It really doesn’t sound so bad to me. Wouldn’t it be great to experience a few hundred thousand years of peace, light and love? The saints teach us that this is the ultimate destiny for all embodied souls – that we will merge into the ocean of consciousness and experience eternal and divine love. Before we get to that though, we have a little work to do.
Although we may not understand it all, ignorance will not get us anywhere; neither will war, hatred, anger and retribution. Our modern day wars, clashes and conflicts, big and small, have their origins in the long forgotten past. If astrology has any practical use, it would be within its capacity to help us understand the karma of the times. Our clients want to know the truth and they want to know how to deal with whatever is on board, karma-wise. The one big problem astrologers experience is in the area of helping the souls understand the karma that manifests at different times throughout our lives. There is one law that overrides karmic law and that is the law of God’s mercy and grace. But in the meantime we have work to do and that work is learning to live non-violently.
There will always be hard and stressful planetary aspects going on. Uranus and Pluto were conjunct in the late sixties and it was a time of great unrest and protest. Uranus and Pluto are locked into a square aspect for the next two years churning up the seas and creating high stress and contention. Are animosity, distrust, hatred and resentment out there? I think so, but we have a chance to strive to still the waters that have been churned up into a great whirlwind of anxiety, fear and suffering. As the great mystics have taught us, you cannot wash away blood with blood, but only with the waters of forgiveness.
Mars types are generally fearless. Sometimes they are reckless and will do things that can be dangerous or thrilling. If this sounds like you, you might want to ‘go easy’ mid-month as the planetary aspects are loaded, potent and dangerous. If you are a thrill seeker, the time is right for high adventure.
Taurus knows the essential value of everything. July is a month in which you will weigh up what is real and what must go. It’s a time of soul searching, as you reach for the highest values available or sustainable. An influx of wealth may begin to flow your way. Peace is attainable.
The VIPs are coming for a visit this month. They’re already here. Venus and Jupiter arrive, bringing gifts of abundance, love and good fortune. If it is not so, know that it is time to make it so. Do not waste this opportune time fooling around and partying, but strive to make something of yourself.
An intense month unfolds. The full Moon on July 3 brings home the reality of your situation. A series of powerful planetary aspects heightens the pace, especially mid-month. July 16 to 18 are action packed days in which you will have to wend your way carefully. Excitement, drama and danger are in the mix.
It’s all about communication – or the lack of it – that tells the tale throughout July. The planets are leaning in your favour as a series of positive aspects unfold. You may have to re-think or rework your position, as Mercury turns retrograde in your sign on July 15. Strive for clarity, honesty and fairness.
Mars livens up your money house while Venus and Jupiter light up your solar tenth house of career status and your public image. You may be working hard and in the groove, possibly in the right place at the right time. In the midst of the flurry, you must take time for yourself.
It’s rock and roll time and hopefully it happens on the dance floor. I know it’s cryptic, but the planetary aspects are a bit hairy and need to be handled with caution. Excitement, romance, adventure and good times are indicated, but you must keep it together and stay focused on what you’re doing, especially mid-month.
Your intuition is strong and helps to motivate you. Now is the time when you must rely on your deep inner self for guidance. You may be contemplating big changes or sense that changes are in the wind, and they are. A time of redirection looms this fall. Behind- the-scenes work takes place now.
Your solar house of partnerships is lit up like a Christmas tree. Lord Jupiter and lovely Venus cast their energies your way bringing opportunities for successful relationships, be they personal or professional. You may have a change of plans or a change of heart mid-month. Joint monies, investments and inheritances may be active topics now.
The full Moon on July 3 takes place in your sign bringing revelations and realizations your way. The whole month is power packed for action, excitement and change. There is some danger involved. Take it easy and let up on the pedal a bit. Staying clean and letting your works be seen is best.
Mercury retrogrades in your opposite sign Leo mid-month, and there are some intense aspects going on as well. You might do well, as the planets are basically in tune with Aquarius. It’s all about communications and agreements. Check thrice, cut once. Read the fine print before you agree to any deal that comes up now.
The Moon transits Pisces from July 6 to 9. Take some time to let down and enjoy life on that weekend. You may be in a pensive mood and engaging in some deep soul searching. Health considerations or work related concerns may need attention. Your dreams may be vivid and chock-full of important information.