A blindfolded Goddess with a sword in one hand and scales in the other rules over the sign Libra. She represents impartial justice, balance, order and harmony. The Sun transits Libra until October 22. Libra is a Cardinal/Air sign bringing intellectual and artistic gifts to those born in this sign. The Sun forms a triangle with Jupiter in the first half of October, bringing opportunities to set things right. The Sun-Jupiter triangle brings hope, faith, trust and a cooperative spirit into the mix. The point of the drill is in using planetary awareness (astrology) to help assist us in dealing with the myriad complicated social and political concerns of the day. When we come across a giant boulder that needs to be moved, we know our human strength will not get it to budge one inch. If we apply a long enough pole and fulcrum, we can move the boulder easily. The planetary aspects, such as the Sun trine Jupiter, are our fulcrum and pole and when used wisely we can literally move mountains. Yes, there is magic in the stars. It is God’s handiwork.
In Ecclesiastes, it is written we have a time to weep and a time to laugh. A time to mourn and a time to dance, a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace. Astrology is the cosmic clock and timekeeper for all terrestrial activities and events. Speaking of events, we have the US presidential elections taking place on November 6. After a lengthy study of Barack Obama and Mitt Romney’s horoscopes, I have come to the conclusion Obama will win. But hold on a minute. Remember the Bush/Gore race? It took place on November 7, 2000. Mercury, the planet ruling communications, was standing still, which is an indicator that things could go wrong and they certainly did. Well, guess what folks? Yep, good old Mercury retrograde takes place on November 6 and Mercury is standing still again as he prepares to back up along the ecliptic for a few weeks.
We know Mercury retrograde phenomena is strongly linked to all types of communication and transportation concerns. It may be a concern if Romney does get elected, as he is hawkish and willing to fight. Let’s keep an eye on this one and see where the world gets to, post November 6. Saturn will be in Scorpio starting on October 5 and this combination will bring its secrets, plans, plots and machinations to the surface over the next couple of years.
Your Sun is in Aries and the Sun moves through through Libra for the first three weeks of October. It’s your solar low of the year. It is time for some introspection, reflection and possible redirection of your energies and efforts to find the balance in all things. You may hunger for something deeper.
Saturn casts his stern glance from your opposite sign Scorpio over the next couple of years. It’s all about time and how you use it. Taurus, being a fixed sign, has its blessings and curses. The blessing is steadfastness, the curse, obstinacy and stubbornness. You may want to comply and concur rather than oppose and suffer.
I wish I were a Gemini in order to take advantage of the opportunities that Jupiter is bringing while he visits Gemini. He brings warmth, confidence, good luck and good timing. It’s highly likely that life’s activities are going to get ramped up as Mars casts his energy your way along with Jupiter in October and November.
It is time to prepare for the future. By your birthday next year, Jupiter will have entered your sign bringing untold blessings and opportunities for growth and advancement. Don’t wait, don’t hesitate, but start now. Move towards your goals, study and work hard and it will pay in its own way and day.
Mars and Jupiter throw good energies your way throughout the month. The Sun assists as well, Uranus too. All combined, the equation is that you are able to relate and communicate with all kinds of people from all aspects of life. Your timing is good and your resolve is strong and others pick up on it.
Lovely Venus pays a visit for most of the month. Well, she’s lovely most of the time; at other times, Venus helps us to reflect on how we’re really doing and some of the material may not be comfortable. There’s nothing like a good catharsis to re-align our values, principals, goals and ideals.
It’s your time to shine as the Sun moves through your sign. Saturn moves out of Libra in early October. The stern taskmaster has left some powerful impressions and deep lessons that may have carved some wisdom into your soul. A whirlwind fall season speeds by in a blink of an eye. Enjoy and rejoice.
Scorpios are old souls. In this incarnation, Scorpio is inclined to truly help mankind as they themselves have garnered a deep wisdom from the hoary past. The events destined to come to pass in the next two years will set your course for many years to come. Now is a time of correction and redirection.
Talk about intense. This is it. Mars visits Sagittarius throughout the month bringing an injection of energy, excitement, action and competition. Plus lord Jupiter casts his energy your way as well, bringing luck and fortune into the play. Mars and Jupiter oppose in the last days of October ramping up everything. Think twice, cut once.
Your career sector is hot. You learn a lot from secret sources throughout the month. No one can really outwork you or put in the same devotion to any subject at hand. Your instinct is to go deep and you should; think long-term while you’re at it. Shed the past and move forward.
Seize the day, seize the month and if you don’t, no big deal, but a very precious window of time has arrived, especially in the first half of October. If you want to get somewhere with your life, use the stars as your fulcrum and pole and make leverage now. Read the introduction.
Mercury and Saturn cast their energy into your sign bringing helpful news and information throughout the month. Now that Neptune has settled into Pisces for a very long visit, you can utilize Neptune’s energy to align yourself with your higher principals of compassion, love and service to all those who are suffering. New realities are dawning.