At a 30-year reunion of a group of old friends, one of them remarked, “Mac thinks he learned astrology through the books.” Well of course I have studied deeply was my defense. But my dear friend reminded me and the group of the many times that I had known someone’s birth sign and sometimes the date and year of a person’s birth, long before I got to the books. He was right. That is how astrology came into play in my life.
Astrologers are a rare breed, and must be wired right in order to decipher God’s handwriting through the stars. You can learn astrology through the books and if you are intuitively gifted then you will have some very powerful tools that can be used to help all those that are destined to come your way. Here’s an example of how it works for me. I’m on a ferry coming from Seattle to Victoria years ago. I find a seat across from a middle aged couple and an elderly gent on my right. After a round of introductions and some light chit chat, the woman across from me asked what type of work was I doing? When I mentioned astrology, the three of them got busy reading their books. I was relieved because now I could at least enjoy my book as well. But of course, I couldn’t help myself. When a pickpocket meets someone, all they see is their pockets. When an astrologer meets someone they see their planets and signs through their mannerisms, body form and personalities etc. I was pretty sure that the lady across from me was a Pisces or a Scorpio. I wrote down two dates that might be her birthday. I put the piece of paper in my pocket. When the conversation resumed, I asked her if she was a Pisces. “No, I’m an Aquarius, I guess you will have to go back to your studies” she said teasingly. The old guy next to me said, “Hold on a minute, I’m a Pisces”. At that point I had a good idea of what had happened. I asked them to please not say anything for a moment. I asked her husband what his date of birth was. He replied November 5. I asked the Pisces for his date and he said March 6. I showed them the dates that I had written down. They were shocked and surprised to see their correct birthdays. Well so much for the peaceful, quite ride home. We had a great and animated conversation about the magic of the stars. The stars don’t lie.
Big changes are in the wind. You may not be clear as to the direction that you want to travel in. Ride with this feeling for a while. You’re in the midst of some deep and profound changes in your search for freedom, love and understanding. The higher powers will guide you towards your destiny.
There are a lot of considerations to mull over this month. Finance and romance top the list. You may have to take a deep look at both topics. The last ten days of July are important and will reveal what stays and what goes, and what must be done in order to achieve harmony.
New friendships are forming and you may find yourself amidst a very unique circle of people. Your solar second house is strongly activated and matters related to money, family and health take precedence throughout the month. It may prove to be a very busy and demanding time, which you may not mind. Pace yourself accordingly.
Mercury is backing into your Uranus! Doesn’t sound very comfortable does it? Let me rephrase that. Mercury and Uranus are in square aspect throughout the month and you can expect to be super busy. It’s your time to shine. Do your best as Jupiter casts very favourable energy your way bringing success and good fortune.
The Sun enters Leo on July 22 two hours before a full Moon. You start your solar high of the year with a bang as all kinds of exciting scenarios unfold. July 27 is an intense day and you will have to wend your way carefully. It is time to clear up old business.
Although you may be busier than you want to be, you may enjoy the times and the challenges that come up this month. Mercury, Lord of Virgo and ruler of communications, negotiations, trade and business is in square with Uranus indicating a time of intense output and high energy. Throw yourself in and enjoy the swim.
Your solar career sector is hot. Although there may be challenges and tensions throughout the month, you stand a good chance of doing well. Maybe you won’t get everything that you wish or work for, but you are making headway. July is intense for all signs, but more so for Libra, Capricorn, Cancer and Aries.
Saturn is practically standing still in your sign throughout the month. He brings you into deep contemplation and consideration of your limitations and fears. He helps us come to decisions of what must be done in order to obtain your objectives. It’s a time of letting go of what is no longer useful or worthy.
Life’s mysteries deepen and although you must deal with the mundane, your spirit may long for a deeper and more meaningful existence. Travel opportunities come up. Love is in the works as well. Hmmm, love and travel, maybe both. Someone from the past and from afar shows up on your radar. High times are indicated.
Keep those cloven hooves sharpened as many a slippery slope is to be encountered in July. Astrologers can see the energy of the planets, and from what I’m seeing, July and August will be challenging and dynamic months. Do the Capricorn thing and take your time and do one thing at a time.
The Aquarius full Moon on July 22 will bring forth some pretty strong revelations and realizations of what is what in your world. July promises to be hot for all signs and I don’t mean weather wise. July 27 is another significant day in which important events and considerations take place. Health concerns are foremost.
Your solar fifth house is strongly activated bringing opportunities for increased social activities. The fifth house represents children, entertainment, business and romance. Venus also casts her glance from across the skies in late July and early August. It is another harbinger of good times spent with loved ones. Enjoy the last, hazy days of summer.