“To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.” (Ecclesiastes chapter 3.)
Astrology is God’s handwriting through the stars. The movement of the planets decrees when certain events are destined to manifest in our lives according to the karma indicated in the birth chart itself. The astrologer’s work is within deciphering what the stars are indicating and presenting that information in a positive and constructive manner. In traditional Western astrology, Saturn is known as a malefic energy bringing grief and suffering, while Jupiter brings joy and abundance. Mars represents anger and aggression, while Venus represents love and affection. Obviously, it would be nice to have Venus and Jupiter prominent in our birth charts. Moving along the same line of reasoning, it would seemingly be beneficial that Mars and Saturn had back seats and small parts to play in the unfolding of karmic energy designed by our past life thoughts and actions.
In Vedic Eastern astrology we find that, according to the positions and condition of the planets at our birth, Venus or Jupiter can become malefic energies, bringing their own form of grief and suffering. Saturn and Mars can become benefic forces that bring very dynamic and profound results when their time to shine arrives. To everything there is a season and a reason as to why we are compelled throughout our cosmic, karmic journey through time.
Timing is everything. As an example, Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s birth chart is indicating a most difficult and potentially dangerous time. The full moon on September 19 will bring it all to light. The possibility of attacks is strong and his enemies will come out now. Keep in mind he is a man, a father and a husband and just as vulnerable as the rest of us. Changes in his personal life and relationships are indicated and health may be a concern. The above commentary is based on the birth time of 3:00AM. Even without the birth time, the prime minister will face a very trying time for the next two years, in which his popularity and leadership will be tested strongly. September is a busy and demanding month.
Change is the only constant while Uranus transits Aries. You can’t beat it so you might as well get with it. “Get with what,” you might ask? Get with the universal plan that is unfolding at an astonishing rate of speed. September offers up all kinds of creative opportunities for love and happiness to manifest.
The Virgo new Moon on September 5 energizes your solar fifth house, which rules over topics such as love, romance, children and enterprise. The fifth house is a good karma house. It brings good returns when activated. This September is a time of striving and possibly struggling with conditions that are changing in dynamic fashion.
Family and home activities are featured. Land and real estate deals may come into play. Health is the key ingredient to happiness and success in the future. Now is the time to find the balance in all things. Resources increase, as do opportunities to expand in some way. Time with friends and family is indicated.
Step up, step forward and have no shame in your game. Beneficent Lord Jupiter casts his fine blessings your way throughout the year. You can gain significantly or lose majorly, in the sense of wasting your time and energy on frivolous pursuits. Do your best and the universe will respond in kind. Travel opportunities come up.
Mars, fiery brother of the Sun, makes his way through Leo until mid October. He brings energy and strength your way. Anger, accidents and fires are some of the typical Mars-type energies that come up when he’s around. September could be intense, as Mars and Saturn square off affecting your Leo planets.
The Virgo new Moon on September 5 signals a fresh start as you experience your solar and lunar high of the year. The stars are lending excellent support and you can move easily towards your goals and objectives. Hard work and effort pay off and the sense of satisfaction that things are coming together brings contentment.
The new Moon on September 5 takes place in your solar twelfth house. You may be in a compassionate mood, reaching out to those that need your love and support. A busy September flies by in a blink of the eye. Seek a healthy lifestyle and find the balance in all things.
The full Moon on September 19 will have special significance for you. At the time of the full Moon, Venus, Saturn and Rahu (one of the navagrahas – nine planets – in Vedic astrology) conjoin in your sign. It is a time in which certain aspects of your life come to an end. You must weigh up what is real, what is true and what is of true value.
Let’s see if we can get a handle on the types of energy you might experience in September. Topics such as inheritances and shared monies come into play. Career, education and travel sectors are hot and strongly activated. Home and career activities dominate throughout the month. A longing for something deeper manifests.
Your solar house of travel is strongly activated throughout September. Matters related to the higher mind, law, philosophy, education, publishing, religion and politics may be prominent. Jupiter casts his glance your way bringing opportunities for growth and advancement. There are opportunities for big mistakes to take place as well so be careful in your choices.
A career change could be in the works, as you grow increasingly frustrated with how things have been going. On another level, some Aquarians will reach a peak in their career status and will be honoured for their work and service. Do your best and leave the rest; it’s the right mantra for the times.
The full Moon on September 19 takes place in your sign. Revelations and realizations come flooding in and you see the way to go. Concerns that you have been worried about come to a head. It’s time to map out a new plan and the stars are lending a hand.