The planetary gods are all stirred up, fussing and fighting over all kinds of stuff. Apparently, they run the show and dish out whatever is to come our way karma-wise. We know that Mars has much to do with anger, aggression, war, fire, accidents and incidents. He has centre-stage throughout the springtime and we will hear from him through many acts of disruption, chaos and calamity. It is not the time to shrivel up and slink away, but it is time to face the concerns of the day. On the positive side of the coin, Mars rules over all heroic acts of bravery and valour. He’s moving dead-slow throughout the month as he retrogrades until May 20 and begins to move forward once again. While he is moving slowly, he has more power and if he connects to any sensitive places in our charts we get a play or some type of drama manifesting in our lives. It doesn’t have to be anywhere near as intense as to what I’m portraying in this column, but it would serve us well to be keenly aware of the potential concerns with Mars on board. We might want to abide by the saying, “A wise man rules his stars and a fool follows them.” Forewarned is forearmed is another adage that suits the needs of the times.
I have studied the Royal Family’s charts for decades and a time has come in which Prince William and Princess Kate are very much affected by this Mars phenomena. Let us pray they come through this time unscathed, unharmed and safe and sound. The situation in Ukraine doesn’t look good and the other trouble spots on the Earth no doubt will be disturbed and disrupted. What to do? How do we handle this powerful energy visiting us from the planets? We play safe, stay safe and in bounds and exercise caution in all that we do. No sense looking down the pipe of the gas tank with a lit match or smoking a cigarette while filling your tank. Using common sense is the key to safety in these shaky times. Love, kindness, patience and caring for one another is truly what is needed.
You thrive on excitement, thrills, spills and danger. You’re a Mars type and he is now moving slowly through your opposite sign, Libra, providing all the action you can handle. If the above commentary is not really your thing, you may find certain challenges have come up that you must work on anyway. |
The solar eclipse at the end of April and the full Moon on May 14 both affect your sign strongly. It doesn’t have to mean anything too negative, but you might see where you are limited or held back in some way. Changes are in the wind and once you make them relief comes your way. |
Fortunately, you are a dual sign and multi-talented and if anyone can multi-task, it has to be Gemini. You will need this ability throughout May. You will be dealing with the past and the future, settling past accounts and preparing for a very busy future that is fast approaching. |
It is not the time to look for results, abundance or success. Those things will come in their own time, but at this time you must give your all to whatever you are doing or desire to accomplish. Alliances, friendships and solid connections will help you along. Your timing may be exceptionally good. |
Career and home life are featured throughout the month. Abundant times are just up the road a bit. Use this time wisely by preparing for the future. Situations are ending and you may lose someone you care for or admire. Life is changing and you must change with it. Soon, the days will be bright again. |
It’s your time to shine. You kind of get a free pass and you can lay back and enjoy the times or do the Virgo thing, which is to work hard and perfect all areas of your life. Education, travel and spirituality are big keys now. Business, publishing and writing are featured topics as well. |
Peaceful, loving, sweet and kind are familiar words associated with fair-minded Libra. Now, you may have to fight to attain all those wonderful, cherished qualities. As John Lennon once said, “The peacemakers are warriors and the warriors are peacemakers.” Many a famous general or leader has come under the stars of Libra. |
The full Moon on May 14 takes place in your sign bringing illumination and understanding to many facets of your life. Saturn is involved with the lunation and he will help point out what must be done in order to attain harmony and balance. It’s time to shed what is old and no longer useful. |
Relationships are of key interest throughout the month. Negotiations of all sorts take place. Joint monies and inheritances may also be topics to be dealt with. It is probable you are thirsting for something deeper and more meaningful and now is the time to do some deep research and probing of the depths. |
Court battles are likely to go your way as powerful types lend help and support. Romantic energies sprout up out of the fresh spring soil. Career opportunities pop up as well. All kinds of changes are in the wind and you must learn to fly and align with all the changes that are taking place. |
Career and home topics are heating up as the summer approaches. Travel, education and all sorts of promotional activities take up your time and energy now. Soon, you will have plenty on your platter to ponder. Get real and move towards what you truly desire. A big relationship could be in the works. |
Your solar money house may hold a surprise for you and you might be the one holding that $50 million-dollar ticket. Your solar house of inheritances is activated strongly as well. It’s not just about money, but what you truly deserve may come your way now. Writing, publishing and travel are featured as well. |