The new Moon takes place on May 6, in the middle of Taurus. Spring has sprung and everything is beautiful in its own way. The grass is green and the birds and the bees are doing their thing – and so are we. Just as all of nature is compelled to move along the lines of its genetic make up, we are also compelled to move along in accordance to what the planetary deities dream up and dish out. We have collective and personal karma to work out in every moment of our lives.
On one level, the Taurus new Moon indicates a lovely and stabilizing springtime in which everything is fine – and it is. The Sun and the Moon form triangles with Jupiter and Pluto and you can’t beat that. It indicates a time of growth and harmonious collective effort to make it all work, as we strive to sort out the myriad complex problems and concerns we face. When we weigh up all of our social, medical, educational, legal and political concerns, we have to admit we still live in the fairest land on the planet. We have freedom, opulence, wealth, education and compassion, for which we must give thanks. And we must give and give some more to the less fortunate among us, as this type of action is the adhesive that makes us a great society.
Taurus represents our values and, at this time, we must evaluate just how we’re doing and how we can become even better. Truly, we are a ‘showcase nation’ with privileges that most of the people on the planet will never experience. Let’s give thanks and rejoice in the wonderful collective karma we share. We know it’s not all lollipops and roses and we know we have some seriously gritty tasks at hand to clean up the underbelly that needs care and attention as well. The stars are also indicating such work and circumstances. Presently, we are under a Jupiter Saturn square which indicates the stresses regarding the legal and political complexities of the time. Things are intense and will be that way for some time to come. In the big picture, we are in the midst of a revolutionary time. As upsetting as that is, when we see some of the inhumanity to our own kind, one day we will be past it and we will live in peace. Yes, peace on Earth to all of the inhabitants and all of our brethren – the furry and feathered kind as well. Until then, there will be no rest.
The month starts off at a good pace with very good circumstances developing from May 3 to 6. Personal and financial gains are indicated. You should up your game and make your presence known on May 4. Do something new and adventurous. May 30 and 31 are excellent days for you as well.
It’s your time to shine. A new cycle begins on May 6. Life may seem magical and your personal magnetism is very strong. If half of this prediction comes through, you will be doing real fine. Don’t spend too much time preening your feathers though, as you have work to do and serious decisions to make.
You have a tricky course to navigate, especially on May 7 and 8. Diplomacy and kind words are essential in order for you to experience success. The cut from a sword heals in time, but a cut from the tongue may fester for a lifetime. The clouds part in the last week of May.
Circle May 10 on your calendar, as this is probably the best day of the month for Cancer. The day could fly by easily without much notice, but you should make it notable by doing something special and unique. Actually, and generally, the whole month holds very good potential and you should make good use of it.
You’ve got your challenges and hills to climb throughout the month. Much of the work and concern seem to be around career objectives. Take your time and take some time to consider your options. Truth and honour get you through. Goodwill mixed with your will power are the ingredients that spell success.
Special circumstances develop on May 10 that will need your keen attention and timing to capitalize on the opportunities presented. You could just lay back and have a good time, but that would be a waste of time and opportunity. May 15 is a special day in which good times are had. Travel is highlighted.
Investments, inheritances, joint monies, wills and legacies are on the cosmic menu for your consideration. Secrets and mysteries may come up on the screen for your perusal. This is a good time to get everything in order, such as taxes and other such matters. Research and metaphysics could be on your mind as well.
It’s a complex time for your sign. Not so much negative as it is challenging. The challenge is within your ability to be forthright, honest and direct in all that you do. Any deviation from this line of behaviour could have strong consequences in the months to come. Love, humility, compassion and deep caring are the answers.
Intense times are onboard. Multiple challenges and layered tasks must be met and dealt with cleanly. Although the lancing of a cyst is never pleasant, it is a relief once the healing begins. The full Moon on May 21 is power packed and will need special care so that emotions don’t become overheated.
The stars are leaning in your favour, but you have to make the moves to make the best out of the situations that arise. It is an overall transformative time in which big changes are taking place. Go with it and reach for the stars. Weigh up what is of true value or not.
It’s time for some inner work on your basic foundation. Speaking of foundations, home and real estate may be on your mind; possibly, a move is in store. Inheritances may figure in as well. You may be hungry for something deeper or more meaningful these days. May 26 is your best day to make decisions.
It’s time to reset your compass, as you may have been blown off course recently. You can make things worse or much better by the decisions you make throughout this month. Challenges? Yes, but you are more than capable of handling them and may even relish the opportunity to do so. Make things right.