STAR WISE                                                                                                     MARCH 2019

In the light of recent events in Canadian politics we would conclude that last months Star Wise column was a real stinker. I had said that Trudeau’s chart was looking real good, and that it was indicating that he would be re-elected come the fall season. I will put my trust in the stars this time. Several months before Trump was elected I had predicted his win, and months later I got weak and folded to the intense media storm indicating that he had no chance to win. So I wrote a column just before the election saying that he couldn’t win. I bucked the stars, lost my faith, and the stars proved otherwise. Well, I won’t be tricked again. Possibly I will suffer the humiliation of being wrong if Trudeau gets the boot and we end up with a new Prime Minister at the end of the year. The stars say Trudeau, so I will stick to my guns, oops, I mean stars. One way or the other, regardless of who’s at the helm, here and down south things are going to get real hot, internationally, globally and every which way. We all fall down. Saturn and Pluto join up in Capricorn the sign of all government agencies. My prediction is that 2020, 2021, and 2022 will be the years of the greatest amount of tension and change in recent history. Presently we are witnessing the initial stages of a cleansing process of purification, by firstly lancing the cyst of poisonous and putrid good old boys club politics here, there and everywhere. Painful? You bet it is. But wholly and totally necessary in order for the healing process to begin. There’s nowhere to hide, nowhere to run. Those left standing, will only be standing because of their pristine behaviour unclouded and unblemished by greed and collusion, misdirection and all the rest of the wink wink BS that we have tolerated seemingly forever. Death and rebirth is on the menu, with hardly any other choices. Would you like fries with that?  How about a slightly used wood splitter? A new world consciousness will birth out of all of this chaotic churning. We are one people on one planet, totally connected together, one to the other. Peace will be the new order, and as my great Guru Param Sant Kirpal Singh JI had said, that one day the truly enlightened ones will be in control. Presently everywhere we look, close and far, it seems that our leaders have lost their minds, and have been swallowed by greed, pride and avarice. A new day is dawning, and our part is to become humane beings, and truly start loving one another. 


MARCH 21 – April 19

The Sun enters Aries on March 20 and within 4 hours of that event a full moon takes place. Epiphanies manifest, revelations and realizations unfold. Career prospects are strong, money flows in, possibly from innovative and unusual ideas. Travel is indicated.


April 20 – May 21

Shifts and changes are taking place, and it would be wise to go along with the universal plan. Stubborn resistance may work at times, but not this time. Innovative ideas along with a pioneering spirit will move you along nicely.


May 22 – June 20

Take your time, and then take some more time to figure out just what to do. Lord Mercury hooks up with Neptune indicating a possible fuzzy, wonky time developing in the last half of the month. Creative levels are high, and those that are musically or artistically inclined will benefit the most. Strive for honesty, and clarity is best.


June 21 – July 22

It’s complicated. So many thought waves coming through, and you just don’t know what to do. Simplify, simplify is best, and let go of the rest. All kinds of dynamic changes are taking place, and it would be best to go with the flow. Creative energy is high, and you might surprise yourself with what you come up with.


July 23 – August 22

You have to dig in deep now. Investments and inheritance considerations are on board. Health and work issues need to be managed. Travel plans manifest, and you may be tired of the status quo, and looking for new ventures. Dreams and strange psychic phenomenon may also manifest now. Pay attention to them.


August 23 – September 22

Two distinct planetary energies are onboard and will help guide you through a fairly complex time of it. On the one level, you have your plan in gear, and hopefully the universe cooperates with that plan. Murphy’s law can come into play, and it will serve you well to have plan B at the ready. Don’t cut corners, and keep things clear and simple, otherwise you may be pulling your hair out trying to figure what the hay just happened.


September 23 – October 22

The full moon on March 20 takes place in your sign casting light and understanding onto whatever is on your platter. You may be plumbing the depths as all kinds of past scenarios get revisited, especially regarding loved ones. Home, land and real estate figure into the play. Time with family and friends is indicated.


October 23 – November 21

Like Taurus, you’re not amenable to changes that you hadn’t planned on. Scorps are known too dig in and hold the fort. Actually you might be in the mood to make some changes and certainly the stars are always willing to help with the plan. Relationships sometimes sink ships and now is the time to consider what is best to do.


November 22 – December 21

Jupiter lends a hand by bringing opportunities to make positive changes. In the meantime Mercury and Neptune conspire to keep thing hazy and fuzzy for a while. Mainly, look before you leap, and reconsider your moves and motives for any important decisions at this time in your life. Then think some more about it.


December 22 – January 19

It is a very dynamic time for the sea goat. The sea goat is part fish, part goat and they are both very important symbols for Capricorn to consider. The goat strives to be sucessful at putting their material life in order. The fish is related to the mystical and spiritual aspects of life, which is also exceptionally important to have a balance between the two. Beginnings and endings are taking place now.


January 20 – February 19

Venus moves through Aquarius now prompting you to take a long look at what makes you happy and fulfilled. It’s time for some soul searching and weighing up what is important and what needs to be moved out of your life. Lord Uranus is involved in cranking up the pressure to make positive and innovative changes.


February 20 – March 20

Mercury and Neptune meet up ion the last half of the month and can throw a stick into the works, or it can manifest by bringing a highly receptive and intuitive energy in which you dream up or come up with all kinds of unusual and highly creative ideas. Clarity, honesty, and purity are the tools that are needed to benefit from this dynamic planetary configuration.