The Dog Days

The story of Alexander the Great and his encounter with his Astrologers is probably the most fascinating and impactful thought provoking tale ever told. The great conqueror queried his astrologers as to when he would die. The chief astrologer told him that when the sun turns to gold, and the earth turns to iron would be the time of his passing. Alexander was thrilled because he knew that it would be ages before any such like conditions could manifest. After conquering most of the known world at that time, he was heading home. As he rode through the desert westward towards Persia, he suffered a severe attack of malaria. He became weakened. Although he tried to ride further it was of no use. His chief minister took off his coat of iron mail chain and laid it on the sand for Alexander to lie upon. He also held his shield over Alexander to shade him from the scorching sun. At this point Alexander looked up and was reminded of the Astrologers prediction. The shield was decorated with stripes of gold, and Alexander found himself lying on a bed of iron and the sun overhead had turned to gold. He lamented that he was such a fool for rejoicing with what the astrologers had told him. His physicians told him that he was lying at deaths door. Alexander first offered half his kingdom, and finally offered everything that he had if someone could prolong his life so that he could have one more glimpse of his mother. Apparently he cried like a baby when he realized that it was all over. As told in the book, Tales of the Mystic East, a wandering saint happened by and spoke to Alexander’s chief minister. He said, “what a pity that your master has thrown his life away for nothing”.

Emperors before whom strong armed kings did meekly bow their heads in countless numbers; who possessed great elephants with golden trappings, proud and painted with brilliant colours; millions of horses swifter than the wind, which bounded o’er the world; What mattered is how mighty were these Emperors? All at the last went hence with nothing, bare of foot. (Guru Gobind Singh)

Likened to Alexander’s plight, we waste the days and our precious breath chasing after name and fame, women and gold, only to realize too late in the game, that we leave out of here unhappy and distraught with no inner direction or guidance as to what to do. In essence, it is imperative that we search and pray for a true Sant Guru that can bring us across the bottomless oceans and terrifying seas to the home of our origin, high above the earthly realm and stars, universes, cosmos, etc. Don’t be fooled. We are the aliens, and we are the immigrants, and we truly need a competent guide to get us home after millions of years of exile.


MARCH 21 – April 19

The month starts off with a bang, hopefully not literally. It will pay dividends to use caution though as Mars and Uranus square off throughout August and September. On the positive side you may discover new pathways to old problems, along with a fresh start and heightened awareness.


April 20 – May 21

Read Aries as the message will fit with your sign as well. Everything is in the throes of change.  Of course when Taurus hears the word ‘change’ all the alarm bells go off. How about you meet your new love, and move across the country to be with him/her? Everything and anything is a possibility now.


May 22 – June 20

Circle August 5, as a special day, so make plans to accommodate that. Venus casts positive energy throughout the month, and your creative and artistic ability gets a boost. Lord Mercury also casts a good vibe all month allowing you to dig deep into your projects.


June 21 – July 22

August will be a month of sifting and sorting through your value system as to what is real and what is of most importance. Health, relationships and finance are the key issues or concerns.The universe is asking that you eliminate whatever is unworthy or unhealthy in your life.


July 23 – August 22

A solar eclipse takes place on August 11, indicating a time in which special circumstances can develop or manifest now. There is much to be considered and much to be decided this month. Take your time, and move slowly as there is an element of sudden events taking place.


August 23 – September 22

We’re forever spinning the web of destiny by our thoughts and actions. Now the past looms into the present for correction and payment. You have an excellent opportunity to gets yourself on track, and in a good groove. Thoughts are things, and they have wings. Kindness, consideration, and caring is what is needed.


September 23 – October 22

Your ruler Venus visits Libra, and she squares off with Saturn in the first half of the month. Venus is about values, ethics and fairness, love and equality. It’s time to sort it all out, and get real with what will make you happy, and bring peace of mind.


October 23 – November 21

Career and home sectors are strongly activated this month, so you can expect lots of action regarding those topics. Jupiter sits in the middle of your sign, and brings the highest and most lofty energy your way. Don’t waste this precious time on frivolous things. Party later, work hard now.


November 22 – December 21

My Guru taught us to let the wild flower grow in the dark, and when ready shows its beauty to the world. This is your time to do your internal work, as you move towards perfection, peace and happiness. It may not be easy, but Sagittarius is never a wilting flower.


December 22 – January 19

Nobody likes to drink the Castor’s oil, but we’re all relieved when the illness passes by. Now it’s time for you to take the medicine that brings the cure, along with a healthy, wholesome lifestyle carved out of wisdom and experience. Move towards nature, and natural living.


January 20 – February 19

Read Cappy as it pertains to you as well. Somethings are amiss, and some elements of your life may be disturbed. The universe is offering up a time in which you can reset your compass, and get on the right track. It’s been gnawing at you for a long time now.


February 20 – March 20

The full moon on August 26, will illuminate the pathway ahead for you. Lord Jupiter casts his protective and uplifting energy your way as well. Pay attention to your dreams, and do not ignore your intuition, as it is very strong now. In the midst of your ministering and compassion for everyone else, please remember to care for yourself.

Eclipse Time

We have a busy month on board with all kinds of planetary antics going on.The solar eclipse on July 12, is right opposite to Pluto. Hmmm, sounds a bit scary. Eclipses in ancient times struck fear into the populace, and with Pluto representing all things hidden, along with death and destruction, we can see why our collective feathers could compress a bit with the likes of these two energies mixing it up. Just before you head for the bomb shelter, you might want to take another approach and dig a little deeper into what these energies are portraying. Not only are the planets moving through the signs of the western zodiac, they are connecting or aligning with some of the fixed star groups called moon mansions, asterisms, or nakshatras. The nakshatras are ruled by particular Deities, and it is truly phenomenal as to what unfolds in our lives when these nakshatra energies are activated. The July 12 solar eclipse lands in the nakshatra called Punarvasu. The word Punarvasu indicates some type of renewal, and interestingly one of Pluto’s endeavours is transformation and regeneration. Somewhat like an old building being torn down and a brand new structure takes it’s place. Could we make the case that we are in the midst of a transformation and restructuring on all levels of society and throughout the world? I think we can. Out with the old, and in with the new is practically our daily mantra. We are changing at a very rapid rate. The solar eclipse along with Pluto’s involvement is helping to peal away the layers of filth, corruption and all the other nefarious hidden activities that continue to undermine our society and safety of our planet. Punarvasu’s influence brings things right, and into the light.

Now the lunar eclipse on July 27, is dynamic, dramatic and a tad dangerous. Just before we dive into this remember that solar eclipse influences can last for at least a year or more, while lunar eclipse energies can carry on for several months. Plus we have collective and personal karma that comes into play. The collective energy happens to all of the people in a society such as when a flood or fire takes place, in which mostly everyone is affected. The personal karma gets activated when the eclipses and transiting planets align with the planets in your personal horoscope. Now back to the lunar eclipse. The Moon rules our emotions and feelings, while Mars has to do with anger and aggression. Mars is aligned with this eclipse, and he’s moving slow, enhancing his power. The south node of the moon is also aligned exactly with Mars and is ruled by Mars, all this while Mercury the messenger stands still as he begins to retrograde. It’s a cosmic cocktail that can spell out some type of disruption with communications and all forms of transportation. Slow down and try to not react to the inconsiderate ones that often invite disaster into their lives. The Moon’s nakshatra is Shravana and the first part of this nakshatra is ruled by Mars, but is known as a more passive rather than aggressive nakshatra. The exercise within all this planetary drama is within learning patience and compassion, consideration and thoughtful acts of kindness and helpfulness.


MARCH 21 – April 19

Career and family are the big features this month. Actually your earning potential is strong, and your ability to impress others with your work ethics and honesty will be noted. There could be some sparks flying in the first ten days of July, and you will have to be quick on your feet to handle what comes your way. The end of the month is dramatic for all signs as Mars kicks up lots of dust, and you may not mind. Action and drama fills the days.


April 20 – May 21

It’s practically a new playing field as Uranus stirs the pot and lots of changes and challenges come up. Taurus doesn’t really like a whole lot of changes, unless of course they have planned them out. You will have to be reasonable, flexible and adaptive if you want to get through it all unscathed. If you dig your hooves in too deep, and lower your horns in defiance you could find yourself looking for a new job or relationship etc. You may be on the move and may move across the country or out of it for that matter.


May 22 – June 20

Float like a butterfly, and try not to sting like a bee, is the best mantra to inculcate throughout the month. Sharp words and crossed swords are the things to consider especially in the first ten days of the month, and at the end of the month. Whatever the case, you may make out well, especially if you work things through in a kind and considerate manner. Be reasonable and make your presentations feasible. Lots of high drama and excitement fill the days.


June 21 – July 22

The solar eclipse takes place on July 12, and if you are born within a couple of days near this date it is probable that some type of dynamic change is in the wind. Change does not have to mean negative. Much depends on what you’re doing and if you are happy with your lifestyle. Work and responsibilities are foremost on your mind, and lucky Jupiter has your back. Work hard, play hard, pray hard, and make it all work. This is not the time for passivity at all. Your destiny is in the stars, and it’s coming your way.


July 23 – August 22

The lunar eclipse on July 27 will light up your sky in some way, especially if you are born in the first ten days of Leo. Revelations come in waves, and you may be on the move. It’s probably not the best time to be sky diving or rock climbing or any other real dangerous activity as Mars is on board promoting and tempting you to take chances, and you may be successful or not. Fight or flight energies come up, challenges, changes and high energy scenarios are indicated. Fill your pockets if you must. The best bet is to go slow till you know.


August 23 – September 22

While the rest of the world is going a bit squirrelly, you may be having a good time wondering what the fuss is all about. Oh, it doesn’t mean that you are trouble free, but the stars are situated in such a way that you can easily work through anything. Venus spends the last 20 days of July in Virgo bringing a sense of beautification on board. How about a new wardrobe, new car, new job, or renovating the home. It might be time to renovate aspects of personal relationships as well. Whatever the case, you may be in quite the creative mood. Art, music and social activities fill up the calendar.


September 23 – October 22

Money, work and family are the dominant features for Libra this month. Lord Venus is travelling through your solar 12th house and is an indicator of working on personal health issues, and other behind the scene topics. There should be a fair amount of communication with friends, groups and societies. Time with the family, kids and grandkids is indicated. Maybe you will hear from someone from the distant past. The past in general may be on your mind, and you might want to do some research regarding family history etc. Energy picks up towards the end of the month, as all kinds of activities take place. It’s a time of reflection and renewal.


October 23 – November 21

Jupiter moves slowly through in the middle of Scorpio all month bringing his abundant blessings your way. Good timing, mixed with good will, generates feelings of contentment. Then again, you may have itchy feet and travel could manifest easily now. Scorpio is a water sign and with Jupiter strongly in the picture you may have to watch for weight gain or just plain overdoing all sorts of things. You might want to keep a lid on your consumption. Another feature of Jupiter’s influence is that of spiritual awareness. You might be hungry, or deeply curious as to how spirituality really works. Seek and you shall find. Others find you attractive, magnetic and trustworthy, so it is time to apply for that special position. You can party and play, or work hard and truly get somewhere. My advice is to find the middle ground in all things.


November 22 – December 21

Your solar ninth house of travel is strongly activated throughout July. Of course most Sagittarians would travel at the drop of a hat. Along with the urge to explore the far horizon you might feel inclined to do some research, write a journal, or book, or complete a thesis. Publishing, proselytizing, preaching, and seeking spiritual awareness are other features this month as well. With lord Jupiter in your solar twelfth house it is another indicator of things being stirred up on a deep level. You may be tired or burned out with the status quo and regular rut that most of us get into. Yes, sort of champing at the bit, and longing for some excitement and challenge.


December 22 – January 19

Your ruling planet Saturn is retrograding in the early degrees of Capricorn. It’s a strong indicator of having to redo and possibly renew many aspects of your life. With Pluto visiting Capricorn as well, it is inevitable that some type of dynamic and possibly dramatic life changes are taking place. You have some choices to make. Saturn is asking you to look at what is not working, and to do something about it. If you don’t take action Pluto will get it done for you. So its probably best to be pro-active and positive and make changes where you must make them. Be it with health issues, diet, relationships, career choices, whatever the case. The action is about cleansing and clearing up all aspect of your life.


January 20 – February 19

The lunar eclipse on July 27 is a doozy. The eclipse takes place at 4 degrees of Aquarius, which relates to people born around January 24. If you are born near that date or have any planets at 4 aquarius it is probable that important events will manifest in your life. Mars and Ketu which is a Mars like influence is aligned with the eclipse intensifying things greatly. Is there anything to be worried about? No not worried about, but it would be wise to stay to the side of caution. Forewarned is forearmed. Fires, accidents and incidents could manifest. So you handle it by being vigilant, and cool in all situations. It could also manifest as a firestorm of emotions, which Aquarius is never comfortable with. Cliff diving, stock car racing and other adrenaline events probably should be postponed. Then again, if you dig all that stuff, then fill your pockets and take your chances. Mainly stay safe and play safe is the best bet.


February 20 – March 20

The Sun harmonizes with your Sun until July 22, which helps to make life run a bit smoother. Venus will be in your opposite sign Virgo for the last 20 days of July helping you to sort through your values, and emotions. It’s a good time to consider matters of the heart, relationships and such. Your co-rulers Jupiter and Neptune are casting good energy indicating that your intuition and wisdom is intact. You may very well have some type of prophetic vision or clear dream that sets you on the right course. Follow your intuition as it is stronger than usual now. Your health houses are activated and it would be wise not to space out on issues that you have been avoiding. Bite the bullet and the planets will assist you along the way.

Mars Action

Some folks have called in wondering if I was still writing the Star Wise column in Common Ground Magazine. I had backed off of the column in my effort to dial down the outside influences in my life. But of course I’m compelled to stare at the stars in this life, so I will continue on. I will write on the Equinox and Solstice times of the year. You cannot change the spots on a leopard, and when a pick pocket meets a saint, all he sees is his pockets. When I meet people I see their signs, and planets, and really cannot help myself after nearly 50 years  in this line of thinking. So I guess yer stuck with me for a while longer. Curiously, my moon nakshatra indicates a split, and I’m always battling between the inner and outer worlds. Anyway enough about me. Let’s dive in, and see what the stars are cooking up for us.

Mars and Ketu are conjunct this month and promises some real fireworks, collectively and personally. Ketu is the south node of the Moon and is ruled by Mars, and Mars is moving though its exaltation sign in the sidereal chart, allowing him maximum freedom of expression. In essence, we have a double Mars effect to contend with. Let’s hope that Don and Kim behave, if they do get a chance to meet up. Both have a tendency to swagger and strut, and with their fragile egos are vulnerable to conflagration. This conjunction occurs in sidereal Capricorn which is the sign off all governments. Let’s wish them well, and pray that they keep it real, and civil.

The full moon on June 27 has Saturn presiding, and Mars stands still on that day indicating that important news is in the works. Saturn’s presence always slows things down to a crawl, and we have to grind things out, while Mars throws it into reverse indicating that we will have to redo and renew all kinds of things. The trade wars are big on the list, as is the pipeline fiasco. One of the unique qualities of Ketu is freedom, liberation and spiritual emancipation. This dance of man’s egotistical antics and ignorance has been in effect  from day one. It’s just way more noticeable in the Kali Yuga (iron age). As long as the negative power can keep us down and worried, he wins, we lose, and we just ad more time on the cosmic wheel of transmigration and reincarnation. My beloved Master Kirpal Singh Ji Maharaj taught us that in the future, the world will be run by the enlightened ones.  As he would say, “do your best, and leave the rest” No worries. That’s it folks.


MARCH 21 – April 19

The martians have landed! Okay, well, maybe not the martians, but the Mars types such as people with the Sun, Moon, or rising sign in Aries or Scorpio will be more active and reactive than at other times, throughout June. People that have Mars strong in their charts such as Mars rising or in conjunction with other planets will get a big play from Mars this month as well. You may earn well as money flows in. Joining groups and societies can be in the cards, and all kinds of ventures and adventures could manifest. Do what you do, but think about it before you make any risky moves. It’s a highly charged time to say the least.


April 20 – May 21

Dem changes are in the wind. Energy gets amped up throughout the month especially professionally and romantically. Home and family activities get a boost, and you will be busy as a beaver. Mars is centre stage this month for all signs, and he’s kind of looking at you sideways. It means that you have to be nice, play well, and get along with others. Otherwise changes can come fast and furious. Don’t push as others are likely to push back. You can get a lot done, and achieve more than expected. Enjoy but take it easy fella.


May 22 – June 20

It’s your time of the year, so get out there and mix and mingle and shake things up a bit. Travel could be in the works, and publishing, writing, negotiating and all other kinds of communication endeavours manifest. Generally you can see both sides of everything, and you may need that gift now as all kinds of philosophic and spiritual debates flare up.


June 21 – July 22

Some type of important news comes your way around June 27 as the full moon takes hold. Saturn is involved, and with his presence in the room its bound to be a time in which serious decisions are made. Concerns regarding elders, parents, employers and lawyers, doctors, judges, teachers and others that have some authority in your life manifest now. A career change, destiny shift, or a possible move may come into play.


July 23 – August 22

Venus casts her special energy your way as she spends the last half of the month moving through your sign. Plan something special from June 16 to 18. Love, romance and excitement are indicated. It just might be happy times with friends and family. Watch for doing anything to excess as Mars is waxing strong now. Humility and patience go a long way as the June planetary picture can stir up quite a bit of drama and danger. So… keeps those claws in, and smile to your face falls off. Give and forgive and continue to live.


August 23 – September 22

You’ve got it in fourth gear, and the peddle to the metal. Career activities are strong now, and you’re in the mood to accomplish your goals. Work hard, play hard, and pray hard. Nothing remains the same, and all will change at some point in our lives. Virgo does love to have all their kittens in one basket, and everything neatly arranged. All well and good, but just make sure that your spirit is being nurtured, or you will feel restless and dissatisfied no matter what you accomplish. Take care of yourself is the cosmic message of the month.


September 23 – October 22

The summer solstice on June 21 may rock your boat. Venus and Mars do their dance bringing action and attraction. Then again, it just might be you weighing things up and seeing what is real and of true value. Children and entertainment figure into the play, and you might be spending time with family. Travel comes up, as does spiritual awareness. Maybe its time to do some writing or take up a new study or two. You gotta feed that powerful and hungry intellect. The full moon on June 27 brings revelations and realizations of just what to do.


October 23 – November 21

Read the intro regarding the Mars effect as he is a little worked up. Actually he’s fired up, and you may be as well. What the hey, you say? Well there’s a whole lot of planetary energy unfolding throughout the summer time and you will have a lot on your platter, and don’t fall off of the ladder. The energy is actually great for all kinds of activities and endeavours but you need to measure and deliberate on the moves that you make. Don’t over reach or take crazy chances which you may be prone to do. Fear not, get things done, just don’t run.


November 22 – December 21

Your solar low ends on June 21. Solar low does not mean bad, it means that your energy may not be at its peak. Accommodate this reality by notching things down a tad, for as we know Sagittarius is always doing things in a big way. Venus and Jupiter square off, and Mars kind of gets in on the play as well in the last half of the month, indicating a tendency to overdo, overeat and generally miscalculate all kinds of things. Accommodate this information by keeping an even throttle. Steady as she goes. Relationships and money come into play. 


December 22 – January 19

The full moon on June 27, is of special importance as Saturn is aligned with the moon. Whatever has been banging around in the back of your psyche will come to the fore now. Back in the hippy days we had an expression of ‘throw it to your drummer’. The drummer being your unconscious part of yourself. Sure enough, and soon enough your drummer would throw it back to you and you would have your answer as to what to do. It that time now for you. Should I stay, or should I go? It is time to let go of whatever is not working or of any practical use. Work, health, relationships all get a going over.


January 20 – February 19

Read the intro about the Mars affect as it is happening in your sign. Whatever takes place, it won’t be dull, and you will not be bored. You may be floored, hopefully in a good way. The point of the drill is symbolized in the picture of you sitting in a double AA fuelled dragster. You’re halfway down the strip, clocking 250 MPH and lots of gas pedal left. When do you pull the Shute.? How much more do you press on the gas before you light the tires up? Ye ha. Okay back to reality. Just take it easy, or not. Its up to you. Don’t get roped into knee jerk emotional reactions. Big energy is on board and it must be handled with care, caution, and respect.


February 20 – March 20

Health concerns, incidents and accidents are in the cosmic lottery for dear Pisces this month. So is love and romance, and good times with loved ones. You just don’t want to space out when you’re adding starting fuel to the barby. Otherwise poof! There goes the beach house, or whatever. Basically Mars is in the picture and we have to be more attentive and careful when he’s around. Use this info in traffic and slow down when the light turns yellow. The big planets are casting protective energy your way as well, but it does pay to play it safe. Travel is more than hinted at, and you might be in the mood to make some fundamental changes in your life.

Bad Moon Rising

One of the topics that came up at a recent talk for the Fraser Valley Astrology guild was how the north and south nodes of the moon were known to carry a fairly negative impact, and that many of the mass murderers, Dictators, stalkers and other deranged types had their natal moon conjunct with either Rahu (north node) or Ketu (south node) of the moon. Now, not all people that have their moon with the nodes are affected negatively, such as Mahatma Gandhi, but it seems to bring some type of notoriety or fame into the persons life. The list is long and shocking when you look into it, as to those that have made a huge imprint on the society that have this combination. In the April Star Wise column I had said that Mars was drawing close to Pluto in the last half of the month, and that it was an  ominous combination that would bring violence etc. In ancient times the astrologers noted that the moon moved rapidly in comparison to the planets, and that each day the moon visited a different star group. The star groups were called constellations, asterisms, lunar mansions, or Nakshatras. Each Nakshatra was ruled by certain deities, some very positive, and some not so nice, and the souls that were born when the moon moved through these Nakshatras carried the impulses and influences of the gods, goddesses and other deities. One would imagine that when the moon and the nodes connected in the more negative Nakshatras that there would be some type of insanity manifesting. All this material brings me to the horrible event that took place in Toronto on April 23, at 1:05 P.M. The moon was rising with Rahu, moving through the Nakshatra called Ashlesha, all this while Mars and Pluto were in a tight conjunction. At that time Mars had very powerful status enabling his worst traits to manifest. If you google the Nakshatra, Ashlesha you will find that the Astrologers considered that this was probably the worst of the 27 Nakshatras. This astro combination was nearly a perfect storm in which this dynamic and devastating scenario manifested at the hands of a madman, maniac with no regard for human life, and has caused untold sadness and suffering. The one positive outcome of this tragedy is that it has drawn the human spirit together, and has made us pull close in order to help and support those that are suffering. We are strong and the human spirit is strong, and one day love will overcome all this negativity and suffering. The answer is to keep giving, living, loving and forgiving.


MARCH 21 – April 19

We’ve heard the expression, ‘measure twice, cut once’. It’s a good one for the impatient Mars /Aries types that cannot stand to be impeded in anyway, shape or form. It takes one, to know one, and I’m one, Aries that is. I bumped into a wall once and hurt my elbow. I instinctively lashed out and punched the wall. My grounded and very pragmatic Virgo Son asked, “Dad why did you do that?” I responded, feeling a bit sheepish, “it hurt me, so I hurt it”. Keep this story in mind in the first half of May, as there will be opportunities to react, lash out, peel out, freak out, and get yourself involved in accidents and incidents. So chill out dude, and you too Atilla the Huness.


April 20 – May 21

The Sun continues his journey through your sign until May 20, bringing his warmth, wisdom and strength your way. It’s your solar high of the year, and certainly you should be in gear, out and about doing your thing. A new start takes place on May 15 with the Taurus New Moon, plus Uranus enters Taurus the same day and sticks around for eight years. Taurus really doesn’t like a whole lot of changes unless they’re really planned out and thought out thoroughly. Well, thats not the case with revolutionary Uranus on board. It’s shift, shock, change and rearrange, and the best way to deal on it is to be open and honest with yourself as to what you truly need and want in your life. Don’t hide under the bed, as it could prove to be a truly exciting time of growth and adventure. Bring it on.


May 22 – June 20

Your solar high begins on May 20 as the Sun enters Gemini. It’s brings a great boost of enthusiasm, confidence and strength. Lovely Venus is in your sign until May 19, bringing her gracious and divine creative vibe your way. Spring is in the air, and hopefully a spring in your step. Compliments and innocent flirtations wing their way through the airwaves, and true love manifests for some of your lucky rascals. Put your best duds on, and apply for the position that you have been fantasizing about. With the Venus vibe around you could pull it off. At the very least, do enjoy the days, smile, give your love, and do something good for yourself, and your community.


June 21 – July 22

It’s a mixed bag of cosmic energy for Moon Child this month. The first half of May has some frustrations, dangers and limitations to contend with. Keep the lid on, and bite your tongue, and keep in mind that a soft reply turns away wrath. If you have an agenda and a chip on your shoulder certainly someone will manifest to reflect your energy and anger. You don’t want to go down that road. On the other side of the coin, the Sun is casting a soothing and wise vibe that will help to disentangle and knots or snags. Jupiter, king of the gods also casts a special ray your way bringing grace under fire, and wisdom to boot. You have deep decisions to make regarding family, relationships, and career. Innovation and inspiration comes along as Venus visits Cancer starting June 19, and Uranus the wild card planet casts good vibes as well. Stay true to yourself, stay original and honest, and things will get worked out.


July 23 – August 22

The last half of May can be a little hairy as Mars and Uranus square off and cast their energy your way. Much depends on what you’re doing, and where you’re at, physically, psychologically, and spiritually wise. If you’ve been holed up and hiding out and resisting change then changes are going to come on pretty strong, and probably unexpectedly. Conversely if you have been desiring change and have been facing your problems squarely, and truly wanting to make a difference In the world, then your time has arrived. Weigh anchor, heave ho, mount up and head out. Gird your loins and make ready for battle, be it inwardly, spiritually or somewhere within your realm of reality. You may thrive on it, and experience some type of thraldom as you breakthrough seemingly impossible barriers. This Mars, Uranus thing is going to be on board until mid November, so roll up your sleeves, face your demons, and get on with the show. Hi ho, hi ho, its off to work I go. Or stated another way, I owe, I owe, its off to work I go.


August 23 – September 22

It’s green light go for the industrious Virgo. Never mind the details. Oops, sorry, you can’t say that to a Virgo, it will drive them crazy. Okay let’s break it down. The Sun travels through Taurus until May 20, another Earth sign like Virgo which is very good. So does Pluto, Uranus, Saturn, Mars and Mercury. They’re not all in Taurus, but they are all casting excellent energy your way. Jupiter, Venus and Neptune are in water signs which also harmonize with the earth signs. We don’t have a lot of space to carry on at length, but the gist of it is that there is a whole lot of cosmic cooperation going on that can be very beneficial if you capitalize on it, or not. If not then you can have a good time, and just live off of the fat, but that would be a big mistake. Get at it, get with it, and get on it, would be my advice.


September 23 – October 22

Lovely Venus casts her magic spell your way until May 19, bringing good times and happiness. Then the Sun takes the helm as he spends late May and most of June in Gemini which harmonizes with Libra. Mars will be in Aquarius from mid May until mid November casting another positive ray of energy and enthusiasm into the mix. This will be well needed as Saturn and Pluto are not so much in a cooperative mood and could cause some difficulties and concerns that have to be contended with. Libra is ruled by the scales, and as we can see from what is written above the planets may very well balance each other out. So you can expect business as usual, laughter and tears, joys and fears, and time marches on. Did I mention that money may come your way, or at least your earning potential is on the rise. Be wise and make it happen. Be your joyous self, and continue to grace us with your love, wisdom and divinity.


October 23 – November 21

Although it’s not exactly the same, you can take some hints by reading the Leo paragraph. The Mars,Uranus square from Mid May until mid November will be ruffling the eagle’s feathers. The Eagle is one of the higher symbols that represent Scorpio and like the eagle many Scorps have long and deep perception. Expect to be a bit anxious or restless and you may not know why. A lot of Scorpios are deeply psychic and pick up on a lot of material on an unconscious level, only to realize later what the concerns were about. You’ve got that nagging feeling that your mate is cheating, or that something is going on, and you find out later that you were right on. In the mean time, it just might be you that is changing and going through changes on a deep level. Take flight, move towards the light, and in the end everything will be all right. Nothing remains the same, and we’re here to work off our old indebtedness, and now the universe is offering you the opportunity to get things right. You have great internal strength and resolve. Let’s see what you can do with it now.


November 22 – December 21

The areas of your solar chart pertaining to health of body, mind and soul have become active. It’s a clarion call to pay attention to what your body and spirit is saying. Sagittarius is known to be quite cavalier and to brush things off as not important. Well, you don’t want to be bitten on the bum, and it will pay dividends to pay attention to what your deep inner psyche is saying. There may not be anything wrong, and you need not look for problems, but keep six anyway. Late May through to the third week in June is your solar low of the year indicating a time to let down a bit, take some time off, and get some garden soil under your nails, or go sailing, traveling or whatever brightens your spirit.


December 22 – January 19

All the heavy weight planets, Mars, Saturn and Pluto are moving through your sign. Mars moves on mid month, but in the meantime he can give a boost of confidence and energy. Saturn is at home in his own sign, so he may be welcomed there. His energy helps you to focus and refocus on what is real and what is important. Mars gives energy and Saturn seemingly takes it away. A feeling of lethargy and limitation often accompanies Saturn transits. Possibly they will balance each other out. Pluto will be around for a while and he represents transition, regeneration and rebirthing in some way, shape or form. Venus cast her energy into your sign as she transits through Cancer in the last 10 days of May and the first half of June. She brings peace, love, and creativity onto the scene, or at least the opportunity for those types of topics to manifest. Venus also assist in helping us to understand what we truly value in life.


January 20 – February 19

Mars visits Aquarius from mid May till mid November amping up energy all kinds of ways. He will also make a square aspect with the Aquarius co-ruler Uranus which indicates that things can get shaky and dicey if you tempt fate too much. So… the best way to deal with this nitro-glycerine energy is to play it safe and stay off the cliff face, and other risky ventures. Unless of course, that’s your thing. Then go ahead and fill your pockets and get it on. On the real positive side of the coin all types of adventure and exploration can take place which as we know can be wonderfully fulfilling. You won’t be bored, you may be floored, but whatever the case certainly you will grow in wisdom from your experiences.


February 20 – March 20

The majority of planetary energy sways in your favour in the first few weeks of May. Even after that the planetary balance is still quite positive. The co- rulers os Pisces Jupiter and Neptune form a triangle pattern that will be in play from mid May until at least mid September. This is a good harbinger of good things to come, all the more so if you are pro- active and out there making the magic happen. Late May and early June is a special time in which love can manifest all kinds of ways, along with artistic and creative inspiration. Move past the daydreaming perspective, put it in gear and let the clutch out and see where you get to.

Mercury and Saturn

Mercury and Saturn square off for the whole month of April, ratcheting up all kinds of tension in the markets, and governments throughout the land. Mercury rules communication, travel, negotiations, contracts, and agreements, and all things to do with business and commerce. Saturn usually slows things down forcing us to grind our way through, as we sort out just what to do. With (Mercury ruled) Trump at the helm of the Good Ship Lollipop who knows what could go wrong. Trade wars, and hopefully not other wars manifesting. Gun law protests, oh yeah, and we know the rest. Here in the northland we have the Provences bickering about laying pipe, protests galore, and a million other worries and concerns dog us throughout the days. Fiery Mars throws his hat into the ring as he mixes it up with Mercury and Saturn in the first half of the month, which will certainly throw fuel onto the fire, and then joins up with his heavy older and much darker brother Pluto for the last half of the month. When Mars and Pluto meet up they can cast a fairly dark shadow as this combination is well known to represent violence and all other kinds of machinations of a nefarious type. April begins and ends with full moon energy, which will help to illuminate our concerns, and cast a light on them. Jupiter brings a stabilizing influence as he harmonizes with Pluto and Mars, hopefully bringing wiser and calmer minds onto the scene. We certainly do need the visionaries to step up now. Venus travels through Taurus for most of the month and she rules that sign, which is good news for us, in the sense that she will bring stability, order and harmony on board. In a sense all things get balanced out, worked out and onward we march through time. Although the above writing sounds somewhat ominous, it’s really pretty average planetary drama. It has always been this way, and always will be this way, until the dawning of the Golden Age when the moat is removed from our eyes, and we will be able to see that we are all one people on one planet, and that we are all brothers and sisters, and we are all one family, including all life forms, deserving of our respect, kindness and gentleness. We are digging our graves with our teeth. We continue to assassinate and consume other life forms (animals) that have souls, and we continue to fail to see the grave and serious karmic repercussions of this behaviour. We cry out for peace, but never give it.
MARCH 21 – April 19
You are a diamond in the rough, multi-faceted, and just needing some polishing and training. April offers up all kinds of opportunities to do just that. Anything that is of true value, never comes easy. Meet the challenge by choosing want to do, and then get at it. Surprises and changes are in the works.
April 20 – May 21
April 17 is your magic day in which magical Experiences take place. The Sun enters Taurus on April 19 bringing you into your solar high of the year. Venus visits Taurus nearly all month while she harmonizes with Mars and Saturn bringing opportunities for stability, Romance and finance. Put your best hoof forwards now.
May 22 – June 20
Lord Mercury finally gets himself straightened out after his three week retrograded phase which ends on April 15. Or does it? Well not quite. He still has to get up to speed, and he’s still in lockstep with Saturn which Indicates that you will be learning valuable lessons. Patience, honesty and humility will do nicely.
June 21 – July 22
You’re one of the big wheels in Astrology. Cancer, Aries, Libra and Capricorn are the four Cardinal signs of the zodiac. So they carry more authority, energy and dynamism. Leadership rolls carry big responsibilities. April 20 to 22 provides myriad opportunities to test your ability to handle pressure under fire. You can prove your worth now.
July 23 – August 22
You may be dreaming of new career ventures, and possibly other adventures such as travel and spiritual endeavours. All well and good. It costs nothing to dream. But in the meantime there may be serious house cleaning to be tackled, which you may loath, but it’s not going to go away on its own.
August 23 – September 22
The stars are leaning in your favour. Not completely favourable, as there is serious work to be done. Which in Virgo’s world it means getting to the fine details such as taxes and other accounting scenarios. Speaking of accounting, it might go way deeper such as taking account of your inner values and spiritual progress.
September 23 – October 22
You are in your solar low until April 19, which isn’t a bad thing. If anything it offers up opportunities to get your life in order. You may be hard at work, and working through myriad problems and concerns. Say what you mean, and mean what you say, and say it with kindness and sweetness.
October 23 – November 21
Starting April 19 the stars offers up a time of reflection and introspection until mid May. Venus casts her energy your way throughout April bringing a time to weigh up what is real and of most value to you. You might be in the mood to make significant changes to your lifestyle and daily habits.
November 22 – December 21
Sagittarius types are known for their broad stroke capacity to weigh up a situation, and deal with it effectively. They’re the archers of the zodiac, and they must take careful aim before they release their arrow. One part broad view, one part deeply attentive. Now you must use both skills in order to be successful.
December 22 – January 19
A big planetary focus takes place as Mars and Saturn join up in Capricorn, bringing action, tension, and frustration in the first half of the month. With Mercury in square with Mars and Saturn it is highly likely that there will be sticks in the spokes, delays and other types of concerns that will need delicate handling.
January 20 – February 19
Aquarius is the ambassador of goodwill, wise and fair in your judgements. That type of impartiality will be needed in the coming weeks as the planetary drama is destined to get ratcheted up a few notches. We’ll need cool heads to prevail, and that’s where you come in at. Much is accomplished behind the scene.
February 20 – March 20
Never doubt your value, and remember that if you don’t promote yourself, the world never will. Now is a time in which you must take stock of what is important to you, and move forward towards your goals. You have the gift of the collective wisdom of the other eleven signs of the zodiac.