March 2018

When the great saint Kabir stepped onto the Earth in the fourteenth century he realized that no one was happy. When we look back as far as recorded history goes, we find the same reality. War, poverty, disease, and discontentment with our lot has been the steady diet. Even the wealthy, elite, and powerful among us suffer from this same malady. What gives? What is it? Possibly the preachers and priests, soothsayers and star gazers can help us out. Well so far none of the above have been able to bring any lasting relief. As my beloved Guru, Param Sant Kirpal Singh Ji Maharaj would say, “When the blind lead the blind, both fall into the ditch.”

What we need, and what so many of us truly lack is the guidance of a realized soul that can give us a first-hand experience of the higher realities, and connect us with the divine love and light that is the given right and eventual destiny for all embodied souls. We seek love, happiness, and security outside of ourselves, and no matter what we receive or achieve, we are still discontent.

The true problem brothers and sisters is that we continue to feed the horse (the body) but starve the rider (the soul). We need to turn this around, for the very thing that we are after is already inside of us. We just need to learn to tap into it. Sex, drugs and rock and roll has not provided very much except more suffering and unhappiness. Love is not on the outside of us, it is not in the other person of our desires. It never has been, but we continue to stubbornly look there for sustenance. The world seems a bit unhinged with the so-called leaders playing nuclear one-upmanship with our very existence, as we continue to allow dear mother Earth to be defiled, polluted and poisoned.

What to do? Heartfelt prayer is a good start. Peaceful nonviolent living, and respect and love for all of God’s creatures will certainly go a long way to bring our emancipation and true freedom into reality. Changing the gun laws is a joke, shame and sham. We will know that we have made a difference when all of these wicked, insidious and terribly destructive weapons have been eradicated from the Earth, for ever and ever. We have the power, the power of love, but only greed and fear hold us back. Lastly, and most importantly, we need a true Guru to guide us out of the darkness of these days. Gu means darkness Ru means light. Find a GURU.

Aries Mercury the messenger visits Aries until early May. A busy time has arrived in which all kinds of realities manifest. Venus also visits throughout March bringing love and creativity your way. The Sun enters Aries on March 20 bringing you into your solar high. Get in gear, it’s your time of the year.

Taurus The one person we can only avoid for so long is ourselves. Eventually we run into them. Now that time has come in which you do some soul searching as to what is right, and what is wrong. As they say, ‘make hay while the sunshines.’ Move toward those things that bring true happiness and peace.

Gemini All that glitters is not gold, but it sure looks nice, doesn’t it? Don’t be tricked nor duped in the first half of March. Life’s energies are heightened, and you may feel emboldened. It seems like you are connected to so many people, and now is the time to utilize those connections to your advantage.

Cancer It might be time to put your feelings on the back burner, and let them simmer. Mars and Saturn oppose your sign until mid May, manifesting frustration if you allow. Use this energy by working hard and keeping your cool. If you have a chip on your shoulder, someone is sure to knock it off.

Leo It’s time to weigh anchor. Changes are occurring on a deep level, and you may have grown restless. Cast a glance to the far horizon, as a time of adventure and discovery has arrived. You’ve got that itchy feet syndrome. Better still, take a look within, for there are way more discoveries to be had there.

Virgo Cross signals and assumptions can trip you up in the first three weeks of March. Keep an eye on the small details which you seem to be good at anyway. Investments and joint monies may be an area of focus, or unfocused confusion if you take your eye off the ball. Honesty trumps all.

Libra Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all? The mirror always answers back honestly. Now a time has arrived in which many reflections take place, and it is most important to be upfront and honest. Late March and April offers up a time to rest and enjoy the finer things in life.

Scorpio Jupiter’s presence in your sign casts a benign light that will help guide you along the way. He will help you to sort through what is of importance. Don’t waste this valuable time on frivolous pursuits. Seek the truth, and it will surely set you free, whereas overindulgence will bind you further to the wheel.

Sagittarius You might be feeling frisky, which is sometimes contagious. Others pick up on your high energy and want to come out and play as well. Romance area heats up all month. Watch for burnout or over estimating any situation or scenario. Home and family activities are high on the ‘to do’ list. Kindness works wonders.

Capricorn Mars and Saturn Join up late March to mid April in your sign. On the positive side of the coin you can achieve almost anything, by sheer will and determination. On the negative side there may be frustration and limitation as others strive to block you. Gentle persuasion, patience, and persistence get you through nicely.

Aquarius If you have a writer’s gene in you, it might be time to start tapping that deep well of knowledge that you are known for. Purge yourself and get it out, and into written form. Just put your hands on the keyboard, and your spirit will do the rest. Past life gifts are manifesting now.

Pisces Energy runs high as the Sun continues his journey through your sign until March 20, while Jupiter casts his benevolent glance your way until November. Health and diet topics feature throughout March and April. Neptune continues to shape and reshape your awareness and consciousness. Spiritual changes are taking place on a deep level.

February 2018

Astrology columns are often foreboding as they cannot help but to create some form of apprehension regarding the future. Oh my, what’s going to happen to dear so and so when Saturn or Pluto gets activated in their chart? It’s a very challenging task to create something positive when a person is experiencing heavy astrological weather. With this in mind, let’s take another approach to what the stars are trying to convey. Often the planetary energy is portrayed as punitive, corrective or punishing. It is my belief that the stars are guides and are invested in helping us to perfect our evolution and spiritual growth.

We’re aghast with the behavior of all the mighty and powerful men that have plummeted from their high perches and have come crashing down, accompanied by deep shame, humiliation and embarrassment. Are they bad men, or just men coping with the human problems of lust and desire? All men are beset with the same problems except those with copious power and wealth have more privileges and opportunities than the average bloke. My bet is that 99% of men would fail the test and stagger under the weight of serious temptation affecting them every day. We’re constantly bombarded and inundated with temptation, subtle and not so subtle. So where’s the astrology in all of this? Right, here we go. Saturn visits Capricorn and Aquarius over the next five years. He has ownership of both these signs, and his journey through them offers up and opportunity to truly get in touch with his divine wisdom and guidance. He teaches us that we need to get sexuality into its proper perspective.

The true Gurus teach us that we have misplaced the sacred act of procreation and made it into recreation, and it has caused untold miseries and suffering for both men and women. This is no new thing, and this phenomenon has been with us since the beginning of time. The great Saint Param Sant Kirpal Singh ji Maharaj tells the story of Lord Rama and Ravana. “Ravana was a very learned pandit, knowing all the four Vedas, all the six Shastras and so on. With all of that, what did he do? He abducted the wife of Lord Rama. So with all of that knowledge he fell down.” It is obvious that we need to turn our lives around. We could all learn to live more modestly, not repressively, but at least more conservatively. The planetary deities are willing to teach and guide us, but are we willing to learn and pay heed to the wisdom of the stars?

Aries You’re the leader of the pack, and you may not even know it. Rest assured, many take their cues from you. Live in the truth, stay in the light, and everything will come right. Career opportunities will present themselves, along with opportunities for travel and spiritual growth. New people manifest in your life now.

Taurus The big planetary energies are looking your way, providing myriad opportunities for growth, expansion and stability. Take the hint and make some moves. Even if you are set back, get up again, and persist, insist and it will pay dividends. By the way, I’m not just talking money and career, I’m talking lifestyle and internal integrity.

Gemini Your solar ninth house of spirituality, travel and education is lit up like a Christmas Tree. Writing, publishing and any manner of higher learning is indicated. Mars is sparking up your solar house of relationships which could be great and exciting, but also there could be some fighting. Diplomacy and patience are needed now.

Cancer The time has come to go deep and go long. Partnerships of all sorts get a work over now. Sort out what is real, and of real value. Some decisions may be painful, and saying goodbye never is any fun, but in the long run your peace of mind and inner happiness returns.

Leo Leo loves the big picture, especially if their right in the middle of it. It’s those tiny and bothersome details that will trip the lion up time and again. Matters such as health, legalities and taxes must not be looked over, lest you are tripping over them now. The time has come to set things right.

Virgo Never one to slack off, it might be time to cut yourself some slack. Late February and March is your solar low of the year allowing you time to recoup and repair. The positive planets Jupiter and Venus are lending a hand, while fiery Mars creates intense scenarios that you can choose to dive into or avoid.

Libra Your solar fifth house is strongly activated for the first three weeks of February. The fifth house rules entertainment, and enterprise, children and romance. Health topics are on the cosmic menu. It might be time to get yourself together. Elders, and their health and welfare may need some attention. Real estate activity comes into play.

Scorpio Jupiter continues his journey through Scorpio. The positive side of Jupiter’s energy enhances timing and good will, monetary increases, and a boost in popularity. The negative side of Jupiter hints at waste, overconfidence, sloth and sloppy thinking. It is time to mix and mingle and connect with the people that are positive and productive.

Sagittarius Mars is making his presence known as he visits Sagittarius until mid-March. On the positive he generates confidence, strength, energy and activity. On the negative he can bring dissatisfaction, irritation, and conflagration. Dry tinder just needs one spark to set off a wild fire. Accidents and incidents seem to manifest when Mars energy manifests.

Capricorn Saturn the great teacher will be in Capricorn for the next couple of years providing a time in which you can truly inculcate many deep and powerful lessons. Fortunately, he’s your ruling planet. You’re wired right and can get in line with him quite easily. Starting university, a career or a family fits the bill nicely.

Aquarius Every sign has its duds that don’t live up to the qualities indicated for their sign. Generally speaking, Aquarius has been gifted with a scintillating intellect, along with the ability to digest and disseminate knowledge. The next five years presents a time in which you are on a great learning curve of inestimable value.

Pisces A magical and mystical time has arrived, and I wouldn’t be surprised with what comes up for you now. Love and marriage, baby and carriage, and all kinds of other life changing events could manifest. You can go out and play or put your intention and dreams together. My hint is to do it all.

December 2017 to January 2018

Saturn enters its own sign Capricorn on December 19, for a two-and-a-half-year visit, then begins to travel through Aquarius (also ruled by Saturn) for another two-and-a-half-year visit. That’s five years of some pretty strong Saturnian medicine. Generally, people don’t really want to hear about Saturn, and certainly most of my clients groan when I bring him up. But he is part of the pantheon of zodiacal gods and must be adhered to. In Vedic astrology the planets are called Grahas, which means to grab or seize. When a planet contacts a planet in your chart it grabs it, and brings its effect to it, positive or negative.

I have done a study of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s horoscope, along with the charts of Canada and the U.S., and with Donald Trump’s birth chart. Here’s what I found: Saturn passes over Trudeau’s Sun in January, and proceeds to oppose Canada’s Sun and Moon (February to June) and then backs up to practically sit on Trudeau’s Sun, and finishes 2018 in opposition to Canada’s Sun and Moon. Synthesized, it means that our country and its leader are besieged with this very powerful Saturnian influence throughout 2018. Saturn passing over a person’s Sun is no fun, and generally brings up a time of limitation, frustration, delays, adversity, scarcity and myriad other concerns. To save a very long story, Saturn pays a long and strong visit to the United Sates chart, and Trump’s chart too, all this right up to at least 2020. Throw in a couple of dramatic eclipses into the mix and we can surmise that we have a potent cocktail of serious karmic conditions to work out over the next few years.

If we thought 2017 was alarming and dismaying with Trump’s antics, we have seen nothing yet. Attacks and wars could break out, and at the least he probably will be discredited, exposed, and impeached. His life is in danger. Scary eh? Maybe not. Nobody wants to lance the cyst on the child’s arm, but once done the toxins are released and the healing process begins. Saturn’s true message is that of healing, purity, honesty, sobriety, cleanliness, discipline, chastity and every other thing that will help us to bring our societies and countries into a workable and wholesome order. Saturn tightens the belt and brings scarcity and sacrifice, hard work and sometimes impoverishment, and at least correction. If we’re living a hog at the trough mentality then we will have to correct it somehow. At the end of it all we come out better for the process, but in the meantime, I expect that the next two years at least will be fraught with serious and heavy concerns, decisions and considerations. Let’s get to work.

Aries You’re the lead-off man or woman of the zodiac. Bold, brave and true, and now it’s up to you to show the way, and break through to something new. How, you might ask. Living honestly, honourably, and leading by example. Come on valiant one, we need your direction and spirit now, more than ever.

Taurus Aries initiates action, but it’s the steady, and stubborn Taurus that sustains and stabilizes the energy that Aries creates. Venus rules Taurus and matters such as ethics, morality, purity and beauty. Taurus cares for the land and her resources, and we need your power and strength now, more than ever.

Gemini You are the word merchant, and negotiator par excellence, and you certainly know how to cut a deal, and get everyone on side. The world needs your gift of seeing both sides of anything and everything. Do your thing, and help humanity to come to reasonable resolutions to our myriad complex problems.

Cancer Saturn the task-master will be moving through your opposite sign Capricorn for the next couple of years. He casts his glance your way, and will manifest his energy in the form of all kinds of concerns and considerations. Career, health and relationship areas will get a workout. Wisdom and growth are the results.

Leo Late January and February are telling times for your sign. Generally, it’s not the best of times, but a time in which you can do some deep reflection regarding your life’s values. Throw a couple of eclipses into the mix and they will bring further revelations and realizations your way.

Virgo Saturn passes through Capricorn over the next two years casting good energy your way. Virgo may secretly admire much of Saturn’s disciplinary and corrective admonishments. You are more likely to get in line with his astringency plans, than not. In many ways, Saturn and Virgo resonate some very similar ideals and morals.

Libra Saturn visits Capricorn and strongly connects with your sign. Libra is all about the law. Saturn is the letter of the law, all laws, natural and manmade. He is exalted in Libra. Now a time has arrived in which you can use your skills as a fair judge and arbitrator.

Scorpio Scorpio is another sign that deeply cares about Earth’s environmental health. It seems that the world has gone a bit mad, and there are a vast number of problems that must be dealt with, and you are made just right to handle it all. Where others give up, you’re just getting warmed up.

Sagittarius You have been gifted with long vision and intuition, and now it is high time to put these gifts into play. You’ve been corralled for the last couple of years, and no doubt you are restless and ready for some new challenges and adventures. Saddle up and head out. You are needed.

Capricorn Do or die, well not literally, but with what is to come in the next couple of years you may very well feel that you are in a position that is seriously vital personally and professionally. If it doesn’t kill you, it will make you stronger. With cloven hoof, set forth up the mountain.

Aquarius Eclipses at the end of January and mid-February will help you in finding your direction. In the heart of hearts, you are the true humanitarian that can love one and all. Your skills are sorely needed now, and will be needed even more over the next five years.

Pisces Jupiter and Neptune, co-rulers of Pisces, will continue to cast their energies your way throughout most of 2018. This will provide you with the opportunity to truly find yourself and your position in our society. You have the gift of universal love, caring and compassion, and now it is truly needed. Do what you love, and love what you do.

November 2017

The dominant planetary aspect that will be in effect throughout November is Saturn trine Uranus. Triangular configurations are very harmonious, and are just about the best that we can expect from planetary behaviour. The triangle aspect gives a dovetailing effect in the sense of cooperative energies prevailing. Let’s break it a down a bit. Saturn is in Sagittarius. Interestingly Saturn represents all aspects of law and judgement. He’s a stern and somewhat dour taskmaster. Somewhat like castor oil, it doesn’t taste good, but it’s good for you. He brings hard and harsh lessons, and sure enough once we pass through them we garner great wisdom and are usually better off for the experience. Sobered and cleansed we move forward.

Sagittarius is the sign most related to the spirit of the law, along with our broad societal, medical, and educational philosophies. This combination of Saturn in Sagittarius will help us to bring our collective ship to its correct headings. Along with this energy we have Uranus moving through Aries, which is a powerful marker for all kinds of social unrest and volatility, along with revolutionary activity. I’m not going to stoop to harping, whining and preaching, but I think we know what time it is. We have to grow a backbone, and bite the bullet, and grievous as it is, we have to mop up, and clean up the very serious problems that plague our world these days.

As we move towards the end of the month Mercury begins to slow down and retrograde in early December, and generally this may throw a stick into the spokes, and present us with myriad concerns regarding communication and transportation, along with business negotiations. This is standard fare for Mercury retrograde, but this time around Mercury is traveling alongside Saturn and this may prove to bog things down considerably until mid-December. If you’re out and about, traveling on the skytrain, or bogged down in serious traffic, or sitting in an airport and their systems are down we will know that Saturn and Mercury are up to their hijinks. The remedy is to have yourself together, and allow plenty of time to get where you’re going, and even with that you can expect a few glitches with dates, schedules, and all other kinds of delays that we didn’t expect. Book early, and don’t leave things to the last minute, and get your snow tires now. Be kind and patient, and most of all, speak the truth, live honourably, and help out where you can. Forewarned is forearmed, and a stitch in time saves nine.

Aries There’s bound to be some fireworks throughout the month as lord Mars moves through your opposite sign Libra. Contentious relationships, loose lips, and any kind of inconsiderate behaviour will not pass unnoticed at this time. It might be time to have a good confession session and set the record straight. Love heals all.

Taurus Be kind to yourself and others as November is generally not the best of times for Taurus. It is the right time to look in the mirror and truly see who is staring back at you. Deep reflection will do. Some interesting lucky breaks could come into play and love could grow very strong.

Gemini When planets are in your opposite sign they cast their light into your sign bringing illumination and clarification. That’s the story now as Mercury and Saturn move through your opposite sign Sagittarius. Read the intro for more info about it. Mainly it’s a time to clear out and clean up tangled situations however you can.

Cancer Venus and Jupiter cast lovely energy your way all month. They are very beneficial planets. Make the best use of them by mending, healing, giving and loving however you can. There are new mountains to climb starting in 2018 so it’s best to settle with the past now and prepare for some new challenges.

Leo Two sets of planetary energies are pulling you in opposite directions. Acquiring a bigger house, or finer car won’t really cut it. These are merely trinkets and baubles, and will not bring any lasting satisfaction. On the other hand, doing some deep meditation and striving for light and love will work wonders.

Virgo The times are a bit tricky especially towards the end of the month and heading into December. Expect delays and complications. When a silken scarf is caught in the rose vine you take it off the thorns carefully, else you risk tearing it. That’s the answer now. Disentangle yourself from complicated knots.

Libra Fiery Mars is in the house, and when the god of war is around we can expect sparks to fly, right into early December. Things could get a bit sketchy and tense. Use it, or be abused by it. Positive use is being bold, honourable and brave. Negative use is frustration, inconsideration, impatience and anger.

Scorpio It’s your time to shine as the two beneficial planets Venus and Jupiter travel through your sign. Be proactive, and do your best to make things happen. Put lots of irons in the fire, and if one gets hot, you’re on your way. Lucky breaks and good timing figure in the play. Do something now.

Sagittarius Go deep, and go long in your search for freedom, peace and happiness. Shake off any form of fear and negativity. Undoubtedly the hard knocks that you have been receiving have had their effect. Brighter times are just up the road a bit. Hang in there, and see what the universe provides. Study hard.

Capricorn Pay attention to the energies on board on November 7 and 8. Intrigue, mysteries, surprises and challenges may come up through to mid-month. Stay out of the darkness, stay in the light, and mostly, fight the good fight. Of course, the best fight is within ourselves in overcoming anger, ego, lust and greed.

Aquarius Circle November 25 as a special day in which some interesting news may come your way. Pleasantries and good times with friends and family will do. November represents effort and challenges on the work front and changes may occur. It’s highly likely that you will land on your feet and in very good circumstances.

Pisces Magical and mystical Pisces types may enjoy the energies that unfold in November. Travel is highlighted, as is spiritual growth. Career-wise, you may be honoured for your achievements or you could be ushered out the door. Much depends on how you have conducted yourself over the last fifteen years.

October 2017

The Sun passes through Libra from September 22 to October 22. Libra’s pictograph is a blindfolded Goddess with a sword in one hand, and scales in the other. It symbolizes impartial justice and fairness. Libra is a cardinal – air sign. The cardinal signs lead off the seasons. They are Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. Being known as lead off signs they contain more power and dynamism. The element of air in astrology represents the intellect and its abilities. When we amalgamate the cardinal – air qualities and project them onto human kind we can expect to find some of the most brilliant, talented, creative and artistic souls in our midst. The first one that comes to mind is Mahatma Gandhi Ji. His philosophy of passive resistance transformed India.

Venus is the planetary ruler for Libra. She is the Goddess of love, harmony, beauty and balance. I’m sure that if you did some research you would find some very highly evolved souls in the world of art, music, dance, design, architecture and law. Yes folks, that’s it. Harmony, intelligence, fairness, beauty and balance sums up the essence of Libra. It’s a sign known as the iron fist in the velvet glove.

Well, we have to ask the question. Do we need harmony and balance, love and peace? I think we do, more than ever. The scales are rocking precariously, and the big and little egotists are gambling with our lives. Hopefully we don’t sit and passively watch it all unfold. While under the influence of Venus – Libra it would be helpful to remember that Jupiter, the planet of wisdom and idealism is moving through Libra and has formed an opposition with Uranus the planet of revolution and innovation. It might be high time to hit the streets again as world peace hangs in the balance. We know there are myriad brilliant minds out there, and we need them to come up with some true resolutions as to what to do with today’s very serious problems. Although the Viet Nam war was very ugly and highly destructive and devastating it also raised the consciousness of the whole world and as we know there were protests all over the world at the time of that war. All of this business with the U.S. and North Korea has gotten to a risky, sketchy and very dangerous place and the powers that be truly need to do something about it before things go really south. No sense warmongering with a bunch of fear tactics. We need love and peace now. When you’re standing in gasoline up to your knees, it doesn’t matter who lights the first match.

Aries It’s your time to shine as the light of the full moon lights up your sign on October 5. Venus and Mars are conjoined on the same day indicating something quite special heading your way. Make it a special day and do something meaningful and important.

Taurus You might want to plan something unique, or just wait and see if the universe has anything to offer over the weekend of October 6 to 8. The stars are leaning your way as your planetary ruler Venus snuggles up with fiery Mars at that time. Break out those red high heeled sneakers and head to the club.

Gemini A lively time is indicated especially around the full moon on October 5. The Gemini moon on Thanksgiving day provides a big boost, and there is a strong likelihood of surprising news coming your way. A secret is leaked, and as we know sometimes those family gatherings can get hectic. Hide the alcohol.

Cancer Home and family are important topics for Cancer. Now the Sun travels through your solar house related to home life. The full moon on October 5 brings work related news. Jupiter the planet of luck (good karma) casts excellent rays your way for the next twelve months starting October 10. Confidence and timing play a special roll.

Leo Communicate and relate is the mantra of the month for Leo. Promotions, sales and proselytizing will work well now. An increase in resources could take place in the first half of the month. Make that call. Reach out to the people that really matter in your life. A series of short journeys takes place.

Virgo Venus and Mars meet up in your sign on October 5. It’s also a full moon day. Basically, it amps up the areas of love and creativity. It’s your time to shine, and others may take a shine to you. It’s time to take stock and evaluate what is real and what has true value.

Libra Take note of what comes to pass on October 5. Some illuminating scenarios are destined to unfold. People from the past come into the play. The new moon on October 19 will bring interesting surprises, and opportunities. You might be in the midst of important changes in your life now. Go with the flow.

Scorpio Jupiter, king of the gods moves into Scorpio on October 10 for a twelve month visit. You should capitalize on this once in twelve year cycle by doing whatever you have to do to elevate your status. Confidence gets a boost, and timing becomes very important. Basically, do your best in all endeavours. It will pay dividends.

Sagittarius Your solar house of friendships and alliances is lit up. It’s time to mix and mingle. The full moon on October 5 stirs up some fun and entertainment. Behind the scenes work will pay off in the long run, such as quietly committing to the gym and paying the price through sweat and effort.

Capricorn Your solar career sector is very active. The stars are aligned nicely in the sense that they are casting good energy into your sign. Work towards strengthening alliances and loyalties after October 10. Power plays abound, and all kinds of hidden machinations take place. Be clean and let your works be seen.

Aquarius It’s time to blow the dust off and strive towards higher knowledge. This could come through a series of journeys to far off places. It also could occur in the classroom, but whatever, it’s time to dig into the topics that can quench your thirst for enlightenment. Job opportunities loom on the horizon.

Pisces The question is just how to fit in and make it all work, how to achieve success in your desired field of activity. Mainly just keep giving of yourself and help other people. The overall plan was formed before your body was formed. Be who you are, and do what you do.